
"The Destined One." | Book 1 - The God's Might. -

The Gods Have Abandoned The World, All But One. The Abyss have destroyed everything. You, are a new person that has just awoken into this fallen world, your name, offically is Brooke/Alex. You are the holder of powerful resonance magic called 'Creation', and possess the magic level and abilities to kill the Abyss and save the world from eternal darkness, though you are weak when you first awaken. The people you meet are likely to enrich your travels. You are commanded to travel the realm of Jurik, to unlock your true powers once more which you have forgotten, and save the world from lethal end...

Eluded · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Chapter 4. - Vs Oliver! -

You and Artiana ran into the village square, panting as you saw people crowding around a certain area of the marketplaces, all shouting about: 'Wonder Fruits and Protection Amulets' 

"Oh dear..." Artiana sighed, "These people are being tricked!" Her voice became slightly angry. "We must put a stop to this." 

As you and her advanced over to stop this, they heard a voice behind them: 

"Outsiders, take one more step and I'll lock you up!" A male, deep voice growls from behind them, you quickly turn around to see a man standing there. His blue shirt had a brown shoulder armour strapped to it, with black gloves and a dark brown belt. This complimented the plain, dark trousers and dark shoes he wore. "State your names and intentions.." His dark blonde hair contrasted the blueness of his eyes. 

"My name is Artiana. Former Guardian of the city over from here. This is นักเดินทาง, a traveller that I'm wandering around with on a mission. We seek to clear out the forming Abyss Fields here, and stop the city from being destroyed." 

"Hm..." As he was considering, you noticed the sheath by his side, which contained a Katana, obviously higher quality that Artiana's. It's handle was white with purple diamond shapes in-between the white hilt on both sides, engraved into it. "Alright then, come with me, we have not many soldiers on the line as of yet, you should be a good help." 

"Thank you, kind sir." You said as he led out away from the crowding streets full of worried people and past some fields behind the castle.

This led to a camp full of armoured and armed soldiers. All of them were chatting. Some noticed them and gave a happy look, one soldier did not, however. You got curious and told Artiana to make some friends around the camp before the battle began, so you could chat to the less friendly soldier at the back. 

As your companion began to chat to the people at camp, you made your way over to the more unfriendly warrior you'd most likely be fighting alongside in the upcoming battle, and finally saying: "Hey, my name is, or, everyone calls me นักเดินทาง." You gave a slight chuckle. "What's your name?" 

He didn't even laugh, his eyes averted from you, he just muttered: "Oliver." 

You nodded and then took a look at his clothing to get more of an idea about how good he is as a knight. 

He wore a dark grey shirt, near the top of the shirt was a triangle cut, at the very top, to be more precise. He had a red shoulder cloth strapped to him by two brown straps with golden buckles. His waist had a thin red cloth around it, cushioning the large brown belt around it, holding up his dark pants. His hair was blonde and his eyes were a piercing yellow. 

"I see your not a normal knight." You said, prying at his past and why he was here indirectly. 

"You neither." He retorted sharply, you needed to change approach. 

Just before you could ask any further, a massive blast of energy shook the camp that lay on the cliff-face. Artiana ran over to the edge, followed by you and Oliver. The abyss field had opened as a giant purple star engraved into the plain, stony rock, and was breaking the surface fast. 

"Oh no, we must hurry down, and fast!" Artiana jumped down the cliff-face, and onto the rocks, skidding down and was closely followed by you. The knights above ran down the hill quickly to catch up to them. 

You stopped skidding and jumped onto the hard floor, not damaging yourself surprisingly as you held your sword high; pointing it at the purple star that was rising. 

"What is that star doing?" You inquired, guard still up. 

"It's gathering energy to form as a monster..." Artiana replied. "I've only seen one monster form right in my eyeline before..." She gripped her Katana and raced towards it, ready to stab it. 

As she ran, you noticed the energy building up. "No!- Artiana wait!-" You put your hand out in warning but it was too late. She raised up her Katana as slashed down, but it bounced off and she fell down due to the sudden shockwave, as a monster formed from the shockwave. 

Made of rocks, it's sandy yellow, hard surface made it look even more imposing as it towered over them, bulky and unforgiving in it's freezing, red eyes that pierced into you. It began to roar: "KILL!!!" Now, it raised it's fist and punched down, luckily you, carrying Artiana, got out of the way. her katana was broken. Artiana cried out: 

"NO!! MY WEAPON!" You then set her down on a rock and told her to stay put, and you'll help the knights. She just nodded. "I have faith in you, นักเดินทาง." 

You now charged into battle, using your lightning magic to jump up and roll onto the monster's shoulders, now charging your sword with electric energy and slashing down, as it roared and stumbled; but it threw you off like a fly. Your arms strained as you dragged your electrified blade into the monsters tough chest, making it roar in anger as it crushed soldiers and swept the knight who led them here to the ground. 

Oliver suddenly came in, slashing the monsters arm with his curved blade, but it bounced right off, as the monster turned to him, and it's eyes glowed a searing red, as Oliver's eyes widened. A moment later, he began to laugh. "Wow...so this is why the abyss continues to ravage this world, huh?!" Suddenly, the stone formation began to buckle as you just ripped your blade from the chest and backflipped-skidded onto the ground when purple energy with a red crystal heart flooded into Oliver's body, and once it had all entered....Silence. 

Then, Oliver's eyes glowed as he was now transformed. He now had a dark set of armour on that glowed purple in the empty spaces in the armour, constantly. His body was now in that armour, his curved blade was now 5 different, glowing blades full of evil energy. 

"What in the name of Azah!-" Artiana gasped but had no time to say anything else as Oliver rushed at him and summoned a blade to his hand, clashing with you. 

"So, your still not admitting to it?!" Oliver now used some energy to knock you back, to which you rolled a little on the ground before dodging a deadly flying strike with another blade. 

"Admitting to what?" Your confusion was evident, as you clashed and flipped over his back and kicked off his back, slamming his head in a scissor-neck as you slammed his down using your legs which you gripped onto his neck with and flipped him over. He grunted and created a blast of dark energy which ripped through the air and blew you back, ramming into you; 3 at once which made you cry out in pain. 

"You'll see...I'll kill you and free this world.." He now vanished into the vortex that was formed to somewhere which you'd never know about since it closed a moment after. 

Artiana rushed to your aid, your vision went blurry...

"นักเดินทาง! นักเดินทาง! Wake up!" You heard her voice say, and your eyes snapped shut...