
"Super" Super villainy in the DC universe.

When a normal person is given power beyond one's own understanding you can be forgiven if you might go a bit crazy. When a psychopath gets power, God help us all. ~~~ A/N: I like superheroes. I also like seeing superheroes get knocked down and not get back up. Be warned this will be dark.

Astolfo_ch33ks · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Super - The Bat and the Hawk.

A/N: Im skipping over the whole "I died and reincarnated" thing because I just hate writing shit like that. It's dull, and I find I can't finish the scene without wanting to off myself from sheer fucking boredom, so we're getting right into it.


The dirty trash-ridden streets of downtown Gotham were surprisingly busy. Men and women garbed in rags and old clothes, homeless no doubt, filled long lines in front of charity food stalls and trucks. Camera shutters clicked and flashed as out-of-towners and reporters took as many pictures of the local scenery as they could for their shitty political pieces. Rusted cars honked their dying horns as drivers got pissy over the new shiny black Limo that was taking up two lanes.

On the flip side, the streets were filled to the brim with residents, tourists, and businesses men all going about their days in a mostly peaceful manner despite the smog and the knowledge that a couple of streets over, someone was getting robbed or raped. Probably both.

There was the occasional bump and shove, including a few nasty run-ins with the homeless, but for most people who chose to walk, their day was going rather well.

For those that went bump in the night, The criminals, scoundrels, rapists, murderers, and thieves, a surprise (Not really) was waiting for them on one of the many vacant rooftops in the form of the one and only Dark Knight. Donned in his signature titanium weaved body mess, black plated armor covering his chest, arms, and legs, and a bat-themed helmet over his face. The Batman watched as a group of men carrying clubs, guns, and bats cornered a lone lady in a far-off alley away from the public eye.

Unfortunately for Mister, I am vengeance and the soon-to-be victim. I had a job to do.

Batman, or Bruce as his friends called him, was just a simple human, a resilient one, but a human nonetheless. Even with all his training with various masters across the globe, he could only go so far before his body reached its limit. The arm could only exert so much force, the legs could only run so fast, and the lungs could only last so long before they all gave out. He and the rest of the human race had limits. I had none. So it was quite easy to catch him off guard with my speed and shatter every bone in his right arm with a love tap.

His body flew, and he crashed into the water tower sharing the rooftop with us, creating a human-sized indent in the metal. To give him credit, he only grimaced before freeing himself and tossing a few pellets onto the ground that burst open and covered the area with smoke. If one didn't, for instance, have X-ray vision or enhanced senses, one might think he'd use this opportunity to run away. Unfortunately for him, I did. And the kick aimed at my back utterly failed when I twisted around it and grabbed his faceplate.

He struggled, punching and kicking at me as he glared, trying to free himself from my grip. It didn't work. But it did keep my attention on him, and as my ears caught wind of something, I realized why and grinned at the bat-themed hero.

"Nice, you almost managed to catch me off guard," I said as I snatched the Batrangs, he had thrown before attacking me out of the air. I looked them over as he stared in surprise for a split second before frowning. They were shiny and, of course, bat-shaped, and they also carried a small explosive that would blow an average human's hands off. I simply tossed them away and let them explode behind me.

I raised him higher in the air and looked him in the eye. I hadn't expected him almost to get the drop on me, but that's what happens when you underestimate Batman. Though it's not like they would have done much damage to me, the fact that they almost hit was worthy of praise.

"Since you managed to surprise me, I'll make it quick," I said, reeling my arm back.

He had about a tenth of a second to realize what was happening and even less time to brace as I slammed his body into the concrete rooftop below. I heard and felt the wet crunch of his ribcage all but shattering. He struggled, even through the immense pain he was going through. I didn't expect someone like Batman to allow me to manhandle him like this, but the matter was out of hands. I was stronger, much stronger than he could ever hope to be, so he could fight all he wanted. Nothing, least of all him, would stop me. I raised my hand and slammed him down again; the following impact had his spine shattering and made a divot in the ground under us. The final one cracked his skull and collapsed to the floor beneath us.

It was over quickly. It wasn't painless, but it was quick.

I saw red running out of his nose, ears, and eyes, so I let him fall into the darkness below with a satisfied smile. The Bat wasn't dead, at least not yet. Culling the other leaguers would be a much more complicated task if I killed him now. Plus, I had a few more things to do before I could start picking the heroes off.

The wards, however, were fair play.

"Now then," I spun midair and looked at the water tower I had thrown Batman into. "To deal with the little red robin." I peeked through it and saw the boy wonder himself, shivering in what I can only assume fear while typing rapidly on a wrist-mounted computer.

I couldn't read the words. Despite being physically and mentally superior to almost every being on this planet, I couldn't read Mandarin, but I could guess he was calling for backup.

If I saw Batman get demolished by some unknown supervillain, I'd be scared too... you know, if I wasn't said, super villain. I had a feeling flash, and big blue would show up fairly soon, so I had to be quick if I wanted to drop a stone, or water tower in this case, on the little birdy.

I slowly floated toward the tower, intent on tipping it over. The boy wonder hadn't left his place since I first confronted the bat. He knew his mentor was down. He didn't realize I hadn't left yet, and being able to fly makes stealth a lot easier when it's that much harder to make noise.

However, I felt something grab my leg before I could even float 10 feet. Confused, I saw the Dark Knight himself, barely hanging on by a thread gripping at my heel with what little strength he had left.

"Huh?" I gasped in genuine surprise. "How the fuck are you still awake, and how did you get up here?" I knew his mental fortitude was among the strongest, even compared to literal gods, but this was actual bullshit levels of plot armor. I'm sure most of the leaguers (Aside from Wonderwoman) if I did to them what I did to him, most would've died by now.

"S-stop." He gurgled out as he glared at me with crimson flow still slowly gushing out of his pores. I had to admit; I was stumped. On the one hand, I really wanted to kill one of the duo, at least here today. On the other hand, I was considering not doing that because I respected the Bat for being able to stay conscious. I could insult the human race all I wanted, but Batman was an impressive specimen. He wasn't the strongest, fastest, or the smartest, yet where others fell, he stood tall.

I had pretty much broken every prominent bone in his body, yet he still had the strength to climb up to try and stop me... shit. I let out a long sigh. I really wanted to kill his sidekick right now, but with the backup soon to be here and my unintentional glazing of the Bat, I wasted too much time. I wouldn't be able to kill Robin and get away.

I'm fast, but not that fast.

Besides, the feeling one experiences when avenging a dead friend or son, in this case, can make for some... complications that I'd rather not deal with now.

I gave a light tap of the foot to the Bats dome, and he flew to the other side of the rooftop, crashing through the steel guard and falling to the empty street. If he were lucky, he'd land on a car or something. If he didn't, oh well. I took one last long stare at the boy Wonder, whose eyes were rimmed with tears, before I rocketed toward the cold depths of space and away from the crime scene.

As I rose through the black cloud that covered Gotham, I passed by one of the Hawks. He looked at me with a befuddled expression on his face. "Sup." I gave him a smile and a passing wave as I shot past him. He stared at my retreating form for a few seconds before shaking himself out of it and heading toward the city below.

I craned my neck to look at him as he dived down. Should I shoot him down? I wondered. His wings were grey but gleamed in the light, even with the black smog shrowding them. I had to admit, they were lovely. The way they moved smoothly, the gentle flapping that carried a calming breeze, and the fact that they belonged to a hero had me wanting them mounted on my wall.

The man himself could have been more impressive. A metal hawk-themed helmet covered his face (go figure). His leather harness came with two straps wrapped around his chest in an X shape with a hawk motif in the center, exposing most of his upper body. His lower half was covered entirely, not by armor but skin-tight green pants that let his musculature show. He looked like a stripper, a poorly dressed one at that. But those wings were lovely.

Like really nice...

...I want them.

I spun in the air and directed my gaze at the joints in his body where the man ended and wings emerged. I didn't want to ruin them, so I utilized my X-ray vision to pinpoint the optimal spot where separation wouldn't damage them. Then, I felt a searing heat gather in the back of my skull. The corners of my vision tinted red, and as the heat rose in temperature, the red slowly shaded over everything I could see. This happened in .0012 seconds, so the hawk barely moved more than 10 feet.

Then with a grin, a pair of crimson beams shot out of my eyes. The Hawk must have heard them because I saw the beginnings of muscle tension as he tried to turn around. Too bad for him; my lasers and I were quicker. As they hit, he screamed loud enough to disperse a bit of the smog as the red beams tore through his shoulder blades, burning away the skin and bones connected to the wings.

Blood sprayed out from his back in a shower of crimson. His bloodshot eyes, wide as the sun is, hot, dilated, and spasmed from the pain. His grip over his weapon weakened, and it fell to the filthy streets below to be claimed by an unworthy sort. And his throat continued to let out agonized cries as I ripped away a central part of him.

Yes, they would look nice on my wall. But taking them away from him was much more aesthetically pleasing. I don't know the culture surrounding the importance of wings on his home planet, but I knew that taking away his wings is the same as taking away batmans legs. It might not kill him, but it will almost entirely take him out of the equation.

And that was worth more than any trophy.

When the improv surgery was complete, I cut the beams off and watched Hawkman and my new decoration fall. I sped toward them and grabbed the shiny grey wings, watching as the man I had just mutilated fell, red gushing from the big open wounds on his back. I thought about taking the mace too, but when I looked, I found a few heroes already down there, so I let it be.

I could always come to claim it another time. So satisfied, I turned around and headed back up feeling good, with a job well done, a big smile on my face, and a souvenir in my hands.


The End.

2089 words.

Gimmie, that juicy criticism, I need it.