

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 2: Guardian in the shadows

Chapter 2: "Guardian in the Shadows"

Hotaru watched from a distance as the young boy, Toshihiro, mourned the loss of his father, Kenji.

Hotaru felt a strong sense of empathy and protectiveness towards the boy and knew that he could not reveal himself just yet.

For now, he would have to remain hidden while secretly watching over him and guiding him to safety. Meanwhile, the Yakuza group was still looking for Hotaru and the young boy, and he knew that they would stop at nothing to find them.

As Hotaru watched over Toshihiro, he noticed a car approaching in the distance.

He knew that it was the same car that the Yakuza members had been using to look for them. Fear surged through him, but he remained calm and focused.

He knew that he had to keep himself hidden and keep Toshihiro safe at all costs. As the car got closer, Hotaru tensed, ready to jump into action if necessary.

The vehicle stopped nearby, and the group members got out, looking around the area.

Hotaru approached Toshihiro with a goofy expression on his face. "Hey there, kiddo! I know you're going through a tough time right now," he said in a cheerful tone.

"But I promise you, things will get better. In the meantime, how about we go get some ice cream? I know just the place where they have the best chocolate flavor!"

"You know, I've been told that chocolate ice cream tastes even better when you pair it with a cheesy joke,"

Hotaru said with a wink. "Want to hear what I call an Eskimo with a spear in his toe? Frost bitten!" Hotaru chuckled at his own joke, while Toshihiro couldn't help but crack a smile at his silly antics.

Hotaru thought back on the memories he had with his best friend, Kenji.

He remembered their days as street thugs together, and all the rough scrapes they had gotten themselves into.

He felt a strong sense of loyalty and sadness knowing that he could no longer fight alongside his friend anymore. As he walked away, he whispered silently to himself, "Farewell, my friend.

I shall honor your memory and protect your son as you would have wanted me to."

However, as Hotaru pondered on his thoughts, his face turned serious once again, and he knew that he had a mission to complete.

He would have to protect and guide young Toshihiro in the background, while also keeping them both hidden from the Yakuza group. With a determined expression, he pushed his emotions aside and focused on his mission.

"Okay, kiddo," Hotaru said with a grin, "let's get out of this dark alleyway before you start seeing things, eh?"

He playfully ruffled Toshihiro's hair, causing the young boy to let out a small chuckle.

"We've got some ice cream to get to," he added, gently guiding Toshihiro away from the shadows and into a brighter area.

However Kenji's final breath left his body, and he lay motionless on the ground. Despite having died, he had managed to hold on long enough until Hotaru arrived to take care of his son.

Tears welled up in Hotaru's eyes as he knelt beside his friend, feeling a mix of grief and gratitude for the trust that Kenji had placed in him.

From this moment on, Hotaru became Toshihiro's guardian, a role that he took with great responsibility and dedication.

The doctor examines Toshihiro and listens to Hotaru's description of what happened.

She then explains that while the wound is severe, it is not life-threatening and Toshihiro will recover quickly with proper treatment.

Hotaru is relieved to hear this news and thanks the doctor for her help. He knows that he must keep an eye on Toshihiro and ensure his safety in the future. For now, they both need a rest and a chance to process what has happened.

With Toshihiro safely resting in the hospital bed, Hotaru sighs and runs his fingers through his own hair, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

Hotaru and Toshihiro have just left the ice cream shop and are eating their ice cream.

Toshihiro is happily enjoying the treat, while Hotaru's expression is serious as he contemplates their circumstances. The ice cream scene is interrupted by Hotaru suggesting that they urgently go to the hospital.

As they make their way to the hospital, Hotaru keeps glancing around, watching for any potential threats. When they arrive at the hospital, the nurses guide them to a private room, where they are met by a doctor.

The scene ends here, with Hotaru and Toshihiro separated by the hospital room door.

As Toshihiro drifts off to sleep, Hotaru takes a moment to lean against the wall outside and catch his breath. He takes out a cigarette and lights it, inhaling deeply as he reflects on the events of the day and what they betekent for both of them in the future.

This chapter ends on a note of tension and uncertainty, hinting at potential dangers and difficult choices ahead for Hotaru and Toshihiro.

It was a somber occasion, as family and friends gathered to say their final goodbyes to Kenji. The ceremony was dignified and respectful, with quiet music and kind words spoken about the deceased.

Hotaru stood next to Toshihiro, providing support and comfort to the young boy as he struggled to come to terms with his father's death.

Despite the sadness of the occasion, there was a sense of community and compassion among the attendees, as everyone banded together to honor the life of a man whose impact would be felt for years to come

As the service came to an end, Hotaru leaned down to whisper to Toshihiro, "You're a strong kid, I know you can get through this. If there's anything you need, I'll always be here for you." Toshihiro nodded, tears slowly streaming down his face, but he managed a small smile in appreciation.

Hotaru knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to be there for the boy, just as he had promised his friend.

"Remember, Toshihiro, life is a journey filled with both light and darkness. Your father may be gone, but his love and memory will always be with you. Hold onto them tightly and let them guide you through the toughest of times." - Hotaru