
"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" (BTS FF)

"OICL: One Incident Changed Lives - A Beautiful Love Story" revolves around the lives of seven male friends - Jin, Namjoon, Suga, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, Kookie, and one female friend named Shin Hye. They grew up together as family friends and have known each other since childhood as their parents are also good friends. As they all grow up and navigate through life, they experience love, heartbreak, and various other emotions that come with adulthood. They all share a special bond with each other, but after one incident, everything changes. The story explores the relationships between the characters as they deal with the aftermath of the incident. Some of them are deeply affected and struggle to cope, while others find solace in each other's company. Amidst all the chaos and drama, some of the characters develop romantic feelings for each other, leading to unexpected and complicated love stories. The story follows the characters as they navigate through their emotions and relationships while trying to maintain their friendship and come to terms with the incident that changed their lives forever.

JimmyChimmy_130613 · Outros
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26 Chs

Honeymoon Bliss

As Jin and Namjoon embarked on their honeymoon, they were filled with excitement and anticipation for the moments that lay ahead. The destination was a tropical paradise with pristine beaches and breath-taking landscapes. It was the perfect backdrop for their romantic getaway.

Jin couldn't contain his excitement as he planned a surprise for Namjoon. He had secretly arranged a candlelit dinner on the beach, under a canopy of twinkling stars. The table was adorned with flowers and their favorite dishes, creating a romantic ambiance.

As they arrived at their honeymoon destination, Jin took Namjoon's hand and led him towards the beach. Namjoon couldn't contain his delight as he surveyed the beachside dinner setup arranged by Jin. The soft glow of candlelight illuminated their table, creating a romantic ambiance under the starlit sky.

Jin's eyes twinkled with excitement as he admired Namjoon's reaction.

Jin thought, "I wanted this surprise to be perfect for Namjoon, to show him just how much he means to me."

Namjoon exclaimed, unable to hide his amazement, "Jin, this is incredible! How did you manage all of this?"

Jin beamed, his heart brimming with joy. He replied, "I worked with the resort staff to create this magical setting. I wanted our honeymoon to be unforgettable, a time where we can create beautiful memories together."

As they settled into their seats, the warmth of the sand between their toes added to the enchanting atmosphere.

Namjoon, feeling grateful, expressed his appreciation, "Thank you, Jin. You always find a way to make our moments special."

Jin reached across the table, gently clasping Namjoon's hand. "Joona, you deserve the world, and I want to make every moment with you count."

Savoring their favorite dishes, they engaged in heartfelt conversations, occasionally stealing glances filled with love and affection.

Namjoon couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for Jin's thoughtfulness, knowing that these small gestures held immeasurable significance.

Namjoon thought to himself, "Jin understands me in ways no one else does. He's not only my partner but also my best friend."

Jin's heart swelled with love as he listened to Namjoon's words, feeling blessed to have found such a profound connection.

Jin thought, "Namjoon is my anchor, my source of strength and happiness. I'm committed to making every moment we share special."

In the moments that followed, they relished in the simplicity of their love. Walking hand in hand along the shoreline, they laughed and exchanged playful nudges, cherishing the carefree joy they felt in each other's company.

Exploring the vibrant local markets, they immersed themselves in the colours and flavours of the island. Namjoon's infectious spirit shone as he tried on a comically oversized hat, causing Jin to erupt in fits of laughter.

Jin playfully teased, "Joona, you're absolutely adorable! That hat suits you perfectly."

Namjoon, beaming with childlike glee, couldn't resist striking exaggerated poses, further fuelling Jin's amusement. Their infectious laughter attracted the attention of onlookers, yet their love for one another created an invisible bubble of happiness.

Jin thought, "These moments of silliness and laughter remind me of the beautiful bond we share. Our love transcends the ordinary and fills our lives with joy."

As they continued their honeymoon adventures, the love between Jin and Namjoon blossomed, like a flower blooming in the warmth of their connection. They relished in stolen kisses beneath the moonlit sky, shared tender embraces amidst breath-taking landscapes, and revelled in the freedom of being deeply connected.

Their cute moments and shared laughter acted as the threads weaving together the tapestry of their love story. It was in these instances that they found solace and reassurance, knowing that their love would always be a source of happiness.

Through their adventures, Jin and Namjoon discovered a deeper understanding of one another's souls, solidifying the foundation of their love. Each moment they spent together was a testament to their unwavering commitment and a promise of a lifetime of happiness and shared adventures.

As they embarked on their honeymoon adventure, Jin and Namjoon found joy in the simplest moments, embracing the beauty of nature and each other's company.

Hand in hand, they strolled along the sandy beach, their laughter carried away by the ocean breeze. The sound of crashing waves intertwined with their playful banter, creating a symphony of love.

Jin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he pointed to a spot further down the shore, suggesting they build a sandcastle together.

Namjoon grinned, eager to take on the challenge. Kneeling side by side, their hands covered in sand, they began shaping and moulding their dream castle.

Their creative minds took over as they discussed their respective visions for the sandcastle. Namjoon wanted towering turrets and a moat, while Jin focused on delicate seashell windows and a sandy path leading to the entrance.

Their hands moved in sync, their shared laughter filling the air as their sandcastle took shape, a testament to their teamwork and love.

Once their sandcastles were complete, they celebrated their accomplishment with a playful splash in the waves, their childlike joy evident in their radiant smiles and contagious laughter.

Beyond the beach, they explored the island's lush forests, hand in hand. The towering trees and fragrant blossoms enveloped them in a serene atmosphere.

Jin paused, listening intently to the rustling leaves and singing birds.

"Namjoon, can you hear that?" Jin whispered, a sense of wonder in his voice. "It's as if nature is whispering its secrets just for us."

Namjoon nodded, captivated by the tranquillity surrounding them. "Yes, Jin. These moments in nature, just the two of us, feel like a sanctuary for our love."

They discovered a secluded spot near a glistening waterfall, spreading out a blanket for a romantic picnic. Surrounded by the melodies of chirping birds, they savoured the flavours of tropical fruits and shared tender kisses, their love growing deeper with every stolen moment of affection.

As they revelled in the peacefulness of the forest, their voices dropped to hushed whispers, sharing their hopes, dreams, and vulnerabilities. They found solace in the unwavering support and understanding they offered one another, strengthening their bond even further.

One evening, as the sun began its descent, casting hues of gold and orange across the sky, they walked hand in hand along the shoreline. Namjoon's keen eye caught sight of a cluster of vibrant seashells against the sandy backdrop.

He picked up the most stunning seashell and presented it to Jin, a tender smile gracing his lips.

"This seashell reminds me of you, Jin," Namjoon murmured. "Its vibrant colours reflect your inner and outer beauty."

Jin blushed, cradling the seashell in his palm, his heart fluttering at Namjoon's words.

"And you, Namjoon, are my guiding star," Jin replied softly. "Just as this seashell captivates me, your love and support illuminate my life."

In those serene moments, Jin and Namjoon discovered the profound joy in experiencing life's wonders together, finding solace and deepening their love amidst the beauty of nature.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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