
5- I dreamed about Onji

~Morning~ I slowly open my eyes and I find my self in my bedroom and I feel like something warm and comfy is hugging me I look up and saw YOONJI! but then I remember I dreamed something it looks so real..... ~FLASHBACK(in my dream)~it was all black"hello? yoonji are you there?"I asked but no body answer then a bright light show up...I close my eyes because I can't stand the brightness..when I open my eyes i saw.....me looking for someone named "Onji!!Onji!!where are you!!!" little me.Onji? it sounds so familiar by that she run and I follow her then I saw a boy "Onji there you are!"he looked at little caren and smile happily "Caren! I want to give you something!" then he pulled out a promise necklace. "that's my necklace.."I said but they can't hear me."Wow!where did you get that?!" little caren said. He put it on little caren "I made it just for you because your special *gummy smile* and I have one too so that you and I will never forget each other, you promise?"."I promise!"they pinky swear each other..... and now it's disappearing. I shouted "NO!! I WAN'T TO KNOW MORE!!!" Then the next thing I found my self laying on the bed and hugging yoonji. I carefully got of the bed and go to my hidden old stuff to find my promise necklace .after a few minut."Ahh!!!I found it!!" I were it and stare at it..." It's not a dream,cause it's a memory ..." A tears drop from my eyes " I'm sorry.....I'm so sorry....I broke my p-promise...I'm so sorry! " I cried really remembering Onji...our memories but not his face I cried and cried when someone approach me "Hey are you ok why are you crying?" it's yoonji he hugged me really tight like he don't want me let go " I don't like seeing you cry... everything will be fine." I stop crying and hug back to him cause I really feel safe in his arms after a minute we broke the hug. He notice my necklace and smile happily and I look at him confuse " take a shower now and get ready we're going to school" I nod and go to the bathroom and get ready for school after I'm done I headed downstairs where yoonji is waiting and he approach me "you ready?" I smile "yep let's go!" he hold my hand and with that we headed to school ~time skip at school~ we go straight to class luckily our teacher is not yet there but the students are and everyone we're looking at us and I look we're they are look at and I noticed me and yoonji are still holding hands and I look at his direction his smilling like a maniac then someone spoke " woah! Caren is he your b--"yoonji cut his words "No..." he said and I kindda feel sad "because I'm her fiance *gummy smiling maniac*" then everyone we're shocked "WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!I THINK I'M GONNA EXPLODE!! THEY LOOK CUTE TOGETHERRRRR!!OMO!!" them and I blush and hide behind yoonji.He just laugh at me being embarrassed and we walk to our sits then the teacher walk in and start the class.