
"Limiting arms trading, I'm a civilian product, okay?"

Wang Ye was reborn back to 1982. As a graduate of Huqing University, he voluntarily took on the role of director at the Red Star Military Factory to carry out military-to-civilian reform. "We agreed on military-to-civilian conversion, so what's with this gas cylinder?" When Wang Ye's superiors saw the first product he developed for the Red Star Military Factory, they were stunned! And all of this was because Wang Ye was very clear. In that year, China's reform and opening up progressed in an orderly manner, making way for economic construction. Countless military projects were shelved, and it was said that selling tea eggs was more profitable than making rockets. In that year, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were engaged in fierce competition internationally with their lackeys, little did they know that a few years later, Bear Fur would collapse, China's pressure would reach its peak, and the need for weapons would be sorely felt! "Economic development is crucial, but military industry cannot be neglected! Since the country has no money, then we in the military industry will earn it ourselves!" From that day on, the Red Star Machinery Factory, undergoing military-to-civilian transformation, embarked on an unprecedented path of development. It merged military and civilian aspects, treating customers as gods in military matters, while maintaining military quality in civilian use. Finally, when more and more Red Star Machinery Factory products appeared internationally, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were utterly dumbfounded! "Internal threaded steel pipe? Flammable and explosive gas cylinder? Gyroscopic tricycle? Multi-tube fire-fighting rocket launcher? Pickup truck with rainmaking artillery? Tracked tractor? Cruise self-destructing drone?" "And you call these civilian products? Rabbit, you have no sense of honor!"

sckyh · História
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84 Chs

Chapter 83 Buy, Buy, Buy!

After a moment of silence, Elder Wei Qingshan looked at Wang Ye and asked thoughtfully, "How much payload can your rotorcraft carry? How long can it fly? How fast? How high? Are there any other usage restrictions?"

Hearing Elder Wei Qingshan's voice, Elder Zhou Jinlie turned to look, and from the slight furrow of his brow and the gleam in his eyes, as an old friend, he already guessed that Elder Wei Qingshan was obviously interested in this rotorcraft!

Thinking about this, Elder Zhou Jinlie couldn't help but sigh. It wasn't surprising that someone of Elder Wei Qingshan's stature could take an interest in such a small aircraft!

In fact, China currently lacks this kind of low-speed, small aircraft!

The most direct representative is the helicopter!

Currently, China's main helicopter is still the Z-5 helicopter from the 1950s, with a total of just over four hundred units. However, subsequent models like the Z-6 and Z-7 helicopters were discontinued three years ago for various reasons.

Although in the mid-1970s, there were plans to domestically produce the Z-8 helicopter based on the French Super Frelon helicopter and its patented technology, the progress of the project indicates that it will take several years or even a decade to successfully replicate and produce it.

To address the lack of helicopters domestically, two years ago, China had to once again import lightweight Dolphin helicopters and patented technology from France, intending to replicate and produce them as the Z-9. However, it will also take several years or even a decade to complete production.

So, currently, the main helicopter in China is still the old Z-5. Last year, due to its old and inadequate equipment, production of the Z-5 was halted altogether. Apart from the old Z-5, the remaining helicopters are mainly French or Soviet-made. However, regardless of the origin, the total quantity and quality are too low and insufficient!

"Our forest fire rotorcraft has a takeoff weight of about 500 kilograms."

"The payload is around 260 to 280 kilograms. If it's equipped with two slim and light-weight pilots, then the effective operational payload can reach about 150 kilograms."

"For example, one fire extinguishing machine gun plus 250 rounds of fire extinguishing grenades, it's approximately this weight."

"When fully loaded, the flight speed can reach up to 180 kilometers per hour, with a hovering time of up to three hours, and a combat radius of nearly 250 kilometers."

"It can fly at a maximum altitude of about 3,500 meters, although we haven't conducted detailed tests on this yet."

"But theoretically, according to the power curve of the engine, it should be close."

With Wang Ye's explanation, Elder Wei Qingshan's expression became even more animated. Finally, unable to contain his excitement, he grinned broadly. Seeing this, Wang Ye couldn't help but feel moved.

Indeed, China is currently desperate for helicopters!

And the role of these low-altitude, slow-speed aircraft is irreplaceable in a sense. Although China has many old fighter jets, they cannot perform the tasks that these aircraft can!

Otherwise, two years later, relying on the honeymoon period with America, China wouldn't have spent $150 million to purchase Black Hawk helicopters!

"This is a great thing!"

"It's really great. I have to say, Old Zhou, you have a keen eye for talent!"

"Wang Ye is indeed extraordinary, not only technically skilled but also visionary and motivated!"

"I dare not imagine. Just relying on a mere third-tier factory and a motorcycle engine production line worth $300,000, he managed to create such a rotorcraft?"

"Hey! Don't underestimate it. Once it's brought onto the battlefield, its significance is unimaginable!"

Under everyone's gaze, Elder Wei Qingshan couldn't help but praise enthusiastically, which made Wang Ye feel a bit embarrassed. Meanwhile, the staff of Hongxing Machinery Factory were all standing tall with pride.

As for Elder Zhou Jinlie and other workers, they all nodded in agreement. After all, whether they were in military industry or command, they had just experienced the war years, so they could see the usefulness of such equipment at a glance!

If the military parade at the beginning could be seen as a farce created by Wang Ye, now, no one dared to underestimate it!

The significance and weight of the rotorcraft were just too great!

Although Wang Ye repeatedly claimed that this rotorcraft was a forest fire patrol aircraft, it was obviously just a façade. After all, who would mount a machine gun on firefighting equipment, with two additional mountings on the side for various small bombs or even rockets?

"I say, Old Zhou! I feel like our army should also equip some of these rotorcraft!"

"And as Wang Ye just said, the price isn't expensive either!"

"Furthermore, even if we're poor, we can't go against objective laws, right? Since there is such equipment, not equipping it would be irresponsible to the country, the army, the soldiers, and the people!"

"After all, the south is still unstable, and this thing is just what we need!"

"If necessary, we can use the helicopter budget. I see no problem."

Finally, Elder Wei Qingshan looked at Elder Zhou Jinlie and then smiled and asked like this.

In the past, the Hongxing Machinery Factory was under the management of the Fifth Machinery Department, which is the Ordnance Industry Department. If the Ministry of National Defense decided to equip the army with any weapons, they would communicate with the Fifth Machinery Department, which would then liaise with the research institutes and military factories below, whether for research or production.

So Elder Wei Qingshan said so to Elder Zhou Jinlie.

Hearing Elder Wei Qingshan's words, Elder Zhou Jinlie couldn't help but tease with a laugh, "Just bought grenade launchers the other day, now you want to buy rotorcraft. Are you planning to buy whatever Wang Ye comes up with in the future?"

"If we keep going like this, we'll exceed this year's budget, and then the Ministry of Finance will have to send us a letter."

"Or worse, they might point fingers at us during the conference!"

"But what you said, Old Wei, is right. We also can't go against objective laws, can we? What needs to be bought should be bought, even if we get scolded, so be it!"

"Alright, alright, buy, buy, buy!"

Although Elder Zhou couldn't help but tease a bit, he also understood that this thing must be bought, after all, without it, it would be foolish. Money is like water in a sponge, even if the big ones are scarce, there's always some to squeeze out.

After all, the money to sustain a third-line factory is enough to purchase such equipment in quantity.

"Then let's start with fifty units and give it a try!"

Upon hearing Elder Zhou's agreement, Elder Wei didn't hesitate, waving his hand generously and saying so boldly. Elder Zhou couldn't help but grimace at the audacity.

"And this design drawing."

The next moment, Elder Wei suddenly said, instantly causing Wang Ye to startle, waving his hand directly and saying:

"We, the Red Star Machinery Factory, have already undergone military-civilian integration reforms and now belong to the local industrial system."

"If you want to purchase our forest fire patrol helicopters, all you need to do is provide the money and materials. As for what you do with them after purchase, that's none of our concern. Exporting and earning foreign exchange is the same for us."

"But if you want the blueprints, I'm sorry, we don't have them, at least not now!"

"As for how many units you want, we'll produce them for you!"

Upon hearing Wang Ye's words, Elder Zhou seemed to have expected it and didn't show any surprised expression, while Elder Wei was momentarily puzzled, feeling a bit lost.

In the past, China operated on a planned economy, where everything was coordinated nationwide. Whether it was a military factory or a state-owned factory, if one had it, everyone had it. If you could produce it, so could I. There was no concept of who designed or invented it; it was all collective effort. Then, according to the directives of the superior department, planned production would take place, and then distribution, planned sales, or equipping different units, and so on.

However, everyone understood very well that after these years of opening up, the competition between each other has been fierce!

"Makes sense! Makes sense!"

Finally, Elder Wei sighed and seemed somewhat disinterested, while Elder Zhou seemed to be pondering something, the grand military parade was already considered over. Wang Ye made a gesture of invitation and said:

"The Firefighting Grand Parade is over. Shall we go to the meeting room and have a chat?"

Of course, Wang Ye's suggestion was welcomed, and a group of people went to the largest conference room on the second floor of the office building.

After everyone was seated, and the staff served tea, Elder Zhou didn't even take a sip of water and looked at Wang Ye, asking:

"Wang Ye, about the issue you mentioned earlier, how do you think it should be solved?"

"I'd like to hear your thoughts, feel free to speak."

To this question from Elder Zhou, Wang Ye replied without hesitation:

"When I left Yanjing, the country had already established a 'Patent Law' drafting committee."

"In the past, we operated on a planned economy, and everything was coordinated by the planning committee. We didn't need patents. But now that we've opened up and adopted a market economy, patents are a must."

"A patent means that if I invent a helicopter, regardless of whether you can produce it, you cannot produce it, or you would be breaking the law!"

"This is a legal protection for inventors!"

At this point, Wang Ye paused, scanning the faces of the staff sitting across from him, then cleared his throat and continued:

"Of course, I understand that this seems to be unfavorable for unity and development."

"But the problem is, this is precisely conducive to development!"

"Because only when the interests of the inventor are protected, will more and more people join the ranks of inventors, rather than engaging in the price competition and substandard goods between imitators, which would disrupt the market."

Listening to Wang Ye, some people nodded in agreement, some furrowed their brows in thought, and some seemed skeptical. Elder Zhou, on the other hand, looked increasingly pleased!

Three years later, the country would enact its first patent law.

And the entire drafting process would take a full three years!

After a moment, Wang Ye finished speaking. Director Liang, with his head lowered, seemed to be worried about something. Elder Zhou was smoking and nodding frequently in approval. As for Elder Wei, he couldn't help but burst into laughter:

"Hahaha, Wang Ye, you're quite imaginative!"

"I was actually thinking about asking you about the issue of military factories earning foreign exchange through exports, given your successful reforms!"

"I didn't expect you to address it all without me asking!"

"Indeed, what you said makes sense. We need to let the factories below show some initiative and use their imagination!"

"And your one sentence suddenly reminded me, imagination! Imagination is crucial! Those in military industry should also exercise their imagination to develop better products. I think you're right!"

"Wang Ye, you've got quite the imagination! I really admire those firefighting equipment!"

"After all, fire is also a type of warfare, isn't it? Hahaha!"

As Elder Wei's words fell, a timely ripple of laughter filled the room.