
"Limiting arms trading, I'm a civilian product, okay?"

Wang Ye was reborn back to 1982. As a graduate of Huqing University, he voluntarily took on the role of director at the Red Star Military Factory to carry out military-to-civilian reform. "We agreed on military-to-civilian conversion, so what's with this gas cylinder?" When Wang Ye's superiors saw the first product he developed for the Red Star Military Factory, they were stunned! And all of this was because Wang Ye was very clear. In that year, China's reform and opening up progressed in an orderly manner, making way for economic construction. Countless military projects were shelved, and it was said that selling tea eggs was more profitable than making rockets. In that year, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were engaged in fierce competition internationally with their lackeys, little did they know that a few years later, Bear Fur would collapse, China's pressure would reach its peak, and the need for weapons would be sorely felt! "Economic development is crucial, but military industry cannot be neglected! Since the country has no money, then we in the military industry will earn it ourselves!" From that day on, the Red Star Machinery Factory, undergoing military-to-civilian transformation, embarked on an unprecedented path of development. It merged military and civilian aspects, treating customers as gods in military matters, while maintaining military quality in civilian use. Finally, when more and more Red Star Machinery Factory products appeared internationally, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were utterly dumbfounded! "Internal threaded steel pipe? Flammable and explosive gas cylinder? Gyroscopic tricycle? Multi-tube fire-fighting rocket launcher? Pickup truck with rainmaking artillery? Tracked tractor? Cruise self-destructing drone?" "And you call these civilian products? Rabbit, you have no sense of honor!"

sckyh · História
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84 Chs

Chapter 81 Firefighter Parade

Wang Ye was certainly unaware that the two of them had already arrived in Quancheng City aboard a military aircraft.

In the office of the Red Star Machinery Factory, Wang Ye looked at the whole piece of paper filled with scribbles in front of him, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. What he had recorded on this memo were some key points for tomorrow's conversation.

After finishing this task, Wang Ye stood up and went to the second-floor conference room of the office building. He found that the old factory director was having a meeting with a group of people, and the room was filled with smoke like an earthly paradise.

"How's it going, old director? Are the arrangements for the reception all set?"

Walking in, Wang Ye sat in his designated position as the factory director and asked the old factory director next to him. The production section chief, with a smiling and obsequious face, promptly handed Wang Ye a cigarette and lit it for him, his enthusiasm overwhelming.

Clearly, upon learning that leaders from the Ministry were coming to inspect, Wang Ye's status in the factory had once again been significantly elevated. After all, the Red Star Machinery Factory was able to attract such high-ranking officials mainly because of Wang Ye!

"It's basically sorted out, but there's still one issue that needs your confirmation, Wang Ye."

"We saw that you were busy just now, so we didn't disturb you."

The old factory director smiled and knocked his cigarette on the ashtray before pondering for a moment and saying:

"It's about tomorrow's welcoming ceremony. We originally prepared drum performances, lion dances, and flag teams. After all, we used them up during the July 1st celebrations a few days ago, so it's convenient to find them. It's more grand and festive this way."

"But, Wang Ye, do you think we should have everyone gather at the entrance to welcome them? Since such high-ranking officials are coming to inspect."

The old factory director's concerns were not unfounded. Although Director Liang said it didn't need to be too grand, just normal hospitality would suffice, no one really knew what constituted "normal" because the factory had never hosted such high-ranking officials before!

"It's unnecessary. The leaders are coming to inspect the work. We shouldn't make too much fuss. Besides, we're a practical factory. Everyone's been busy lately. The machinery factory is rushing to produce gas cylinders and steel pipe rockets, while the manufacturing plant is busy with electric fans and washing machines."

"We don't have time to come and greet them. Moreover, if they really come and we make a big fuss, it might displease the leaders, making them feel we're too focused on formalities and not down-to-earth enough!"

"Furthermore, such high-ranking leaders won't nitpick about these issues. So, rest assured!"

Although Wang Ye didn't particularly like this formalism, he wasn't overly averse to it either, as long as it wasn't overdone. After all, this was called a show of respect, or social courtesy. Even in ordinary interpersonal interactions, people had to give each other face; otherwise, there would be no need for further interaction, let alone to the level of dealing with top leaders.

Saying that, however, since Wang Ye wasn't sure which leaders were coming, he didn't have a clear plan in mind. So, even if they didn't go overboard, they still had to cover all the bases, give enough face to the superiors, and avoid the scenario where they only brought the top six heads of the factory to greet, or worse, didn't greet them at all. That would be seen as taking the favor for granted, and that wouldn't look good.

"Quiet, everyone!"

Then Wang Ye knocked on the table to get everyone's attention. When the room fell silent, he continued:

"Since the reception arrangements are settled, let's discuss the reception process."

"The higher-ups haven't confirmed the reception process with us, so as the hosts, we'll have to take charge. We must keep control of the situation and not let the leaders lead us by the nose. If something goes wrong, it won't look good."

"Do you all agree?"

Hearing Wang Ye's words, everyone in the room nodded solemnly, and Wang Ye continued with a smile:

"So, I propose we organize a grand parade!"

"After all, the leaders are coming to see our work, so let's give them a good show, shall we?"

With this statement, everyone's eyes lit up again!

The reason was simple. They had all seen grand parades before on TV, but they had never experienced the feeling of pride when seeing soldiers holding weapons produced by their factory. Unfortunately, they couldn't witness it in person, so now they had the opportunity, with leaders above and products in hand. Wasn't this just perfect?

"Alright! I think it's a great idea!"

"Haha, I can hardly wait!"

"Huh? But organizing so many people isn't easy. Shouldn't we rehearse tonight?"

"Yes, yes, yes! We should go now, shouldn't we, Director?"

"I'll organize people and write slogans! Hahaha!"

Then, filled with excitement, they each took on their assigned tasks and left to organize manpower. Only Wang Ye remained in the conference room, bathed in the golden sunset. Suddenly, he began to look forward to tomorrow.

At ten o'clock in the morning.

The entrance of the machinery factory was ready.

Actually, it was very simple overall. They just planted dozens of large and small red flags on the ground, along with various welcome banners made of red paper. The drum team's equipment and lion dance costumes were also placed there, but the people were not. After all, driving from Quancheng would take some time, and they would probably only arrive in the afternoon.

Soon, the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang Ye and the others had already arrived at the entrance and were waiting. They estimated that it was almost time. Besides Wang Ye and the leaders of the machinery factory, the vast majority of those present were women, children, teenagers, and elderly people.

Most of the workers were either still at work or had been arranged to be part of the parade formation. Nevertheless, there were still at least seven or eight hundred people gathered at the entrance.

"Alright, time's getting late. Let's rehearse!"

With Wang Ye's voice, the atmosphere instantly became lively. The drummers drummed, the lion dancers danced, and there were enthusiastic shouts of welcome. Everyone held flowers, collected in the morning from a flower-picking operation that almost denuded the nearby hillside.

At that moment,

"They're here! They're here!"

Accompanied by a young man's shout, the rumbling sound of engines could be heard from outside the main gate. Wang Ye and the others saw a convoy consisting of jeeps, cars, and trucks approaching!

"Hurry, keep playing the music, keep dancing!"

With Wang Ye's shout, the atmosphere became even more lively!

At this moment, sitting in a sedan, the elderly Wei Qingshan and Zhou Jinlie naturally saw the scene at the factory gate, with its fluttering red flags, bustling drum team, lion dance troupe, and crowds of people.

Seeing this scene, Assistant Director Liang, sitting in the front passenger seat, breathed a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Wang Ye would be stubborn, and if he insisted on doing nothing, it wouldn't look good!

"What's this kid doing?"

After being led to the observation platform by Wang Ye and seated, the two elderly men looked around curiously. Then Zhou Jinlie said so, while Wei Qingshan seemed very adaptable, laughing and saying:

"Who cares about him! Whatever he does, we'll just watch. Right?"

"I'm actually quite curious. What can he come up with!"


As Wei Qingshan's laughter faded,

"Clap, clap!"

Wang Ye clapped his hands.

Instantly, four young men carrying poles ran over from the side, holding a banner with red fabric on which was written in black ink, "Warmly welcome and celebrate the leaders of the department visiting Red Star Machinery Factory for inspection and guidance, and the grand parade of agricultural and firefighting equipment of Red Star Machinery Factory."

Not content with just one banner, they had two, and the four young men held the poles and ran to the opposite side of the observation platform to serve as a backdrop.

At that moment, the two elderly men and their entourage were stunned!

Without giving them time to react, Wang Ye grabbed the microphone he had prepared in advance and cleared his throat:

"Vanguards, take your positions!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another four young men ran over. They stopped every fifty meters and spread out neatly in front of the observation platform. At the same time, the loudspeakers started playing a welcome march. Just as the two elderly men showed expressions of surprise, curiosity, and anticipation,

One hundred meters to the left, the warehouse door slowly opened. Thirty strong men, lined up in a formation of six by five, marched forward with steady steps, carrying gas cylinders as they approached the observation platform!

Meanwhile, Wang Ye's voice, delivered in an exciting broadcasting tone, rang out:

"Approaching us right now,"

"It's the Red Star Machinery Factory's heavy-duty fire extinguishing mortar formation. They march to the stirring beat of the drums, stride with resounding steps, carrying the flagship products of Red Star Machinery Factory, marching towards the great journey of contributing to the country and advancing the reform and opening up!"