
"Limiting arms trading, I'm a civilian product, okay?"

Wang Ye was reborn back to 1982. As a graduate of Huqing University, he voluntarily took on the role of director at the Red Star Military Factory to carry out military-to-civilian reform. "We agreed on military-to-civilian conversion, so what's with this gas cylinder?" When Wang Ye's superiors saw the first product he developed for the Red Star Military Factory, they were stunned! And all of this was because Wang Ye was very clear. In that year, China's reform and opening up progressed in an orderly manner, making way for economic construction. Countless military projects were shelved, and it was said that selling tea eggs was more profitable than making rockets. In that year, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were engaged in fierce competition internationally with their lackeys, little did they know that a few years later, Bear Fur would collapse, China's pressure would reach its peak, and the need for weapons would be sorely felt! "Economic development is crucial, but military industry cannot be neglected! Since the country has no money, then we in the military industry will earn it ourselves!" From that day on, the Red Star Machinery Factory, undergoing military-to-civilian transformation, embarked on an unprecedented path of development. It merged military and civilian aspects, treating customers as gods in military matters, while maintaining military quality in civilian use. Finally, when more and more Red Star Machinery Factory products appeared internationally, Eagle Sauce and Bear Fur were utterly dumbfounded! "Internal threaded steel pipe? Flammable and explosive gas cylinder? Gyroscopic tricycle? Multi-tube fire-fighting rocket launcher? Pickup truck with rainmaking artillery? Tracked tractor? Cruise self-destructing drone?" "And you call these civilian products? Rabbit, you have no sense of honor!"

sckyh · História
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84 Chs

Chapter 70 Special Firefighting Equipment

Ministry of Five Machinery, conference room.

No one could give him a definite answer. In the process of everyone looking at each other and thinking, the old man with reading glasses hesitated for a moment and carefully said:

"Old Liu, if what you're talking about is the deal between Red Star Machinery Factory and Tanzania."

"Then I think there is still a certain possibility."

"Even in my opinion, to some extent, the probability is not low!"

His voice instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the conference room. Under everyone's gaze, the old man pushed his reading glasses and continued:

"Firstly, whether Wang Ye's telegram can gain Kuai Ke's approval is the first question."

"But based on the events that have already happened, Wang Ye has gained Kuai Ke's trust to a certain extent. So, Kuai Ke should not have too much reason to resist Wang Ye's subsequent opinions."

"Moreover, Wang Ye also said that this is a mutually beneficial solution. Theoretically, Kuai Ke should have no reason to refuse, and he is very clever, he can understand the key points."

"Secondly, what benefits Kuai Ke can gain in the current situation in Tanzania, what position he can achieve, and how much influence he has on the top level of Tanzania, is the second question."

"At present, there is little information about the changes in Tanzania, so it is impossible to make a more detailed analysis."

"However, generally speaking, since Kuai Ke can send another telegram, he is probably one of the final beneficiaries of the conflict. So, in the end, the only thing that may be affected is the scale of cooperation, not whether cooperation can proceed."

"The final question comes from international influences, such as the United States, such as the Soviet Union, which may cause various uncontrollable impacts on our subsequent transactions."

"But I think, if the first two questions can be properly addressed, we can find a solution to the final question!"

As soon as the old man with reading glasses finished speaking, the impatient old man sitting next to him snorted and said:

"Why bother about them? If we can strike a deal with Tanzania."

"Then the others are not worth worrying about!"

As soon as the impatient old man finished speaking, many people in the conference room nodded in agreement. Even a thin old man with longing eyes couldn't help but sigh:

"That's right. If this deal with Tanzania goes through, I think it's a breakthrough!"

"Using Wang Ye's words, in the future, we can continue to explore the market!"

"In Asia, Africa, and Latin America, we have so many friends. I think many countries have similar needs to Tanzania. At that time, we can visit them one by one. Isn't that right?"

"So many countries, there will always be a demand!"

Upon hearing the words of the thin old man, the expressions on the faces of many people in the room became more animated. After all, if they could only cooperate with Tanzania, perhaps only Wang Ye's side would benefit, and at most they could save a few third-tier factories.

But if the future cooperation partners could increase, and all those "friends" with good relations with China could be included, then the scale would be completely different!

Two hundred third-tier factories? It might not even be enough by then!

"Yes, yes, this plan sounds good!"

"I didn't expect us to play the trick of releasing birds from cages. When we dispose of the old equipment, we'll have foreign exchange, and the land will be freed up. Isn't that a better development?"

"Hahaha, what releasing birds from cages? This is called the industrial big cycle of the global Third World countries!"

"But Tanzania was negotiated by Wang Ye. If we really do this later, should we let the factories handle it themselves or should we take charge?"

"Hey, let's cross that bridge when we come to it! It's too early to say now!"

As people excitedly discussed among themselves, the kind old man sitting in the front gently tapped the table. After the conference room gradually quieted down, he surveyed the room and said:

"So let's wait and see what Tanzania's response will be next!"

"I estimate that it will take another three to five days for the news to come back."

"If the final news is confirmed, I hope to include Red Star Machinery Factory in next month's third-tier factory research activities, and make it the first stop of our research."

"I want to personally meet Wang Ye and have a good talk with him!"

"It's obvious that when he volunteered before, he had already planned it out!"

This statement was met with almost unanimous agreement from everyone present, because Wang Ye's series of operations were too smooth. It was impossible to say that he had not planned it in advance!


Laiyang, Red Star Machinery Factory.

After paying today's wages to the eight girls, Wang Ye instructed Li Baojun next to him:

"Baojun, gather all the heads of the machinery and manufacturing departments in the main conference room later."

"I'm going to have a meeting."

Li Baojun nodded and left. Moments later, Wang Ye arrived at the main conference room on the second floor of the machinery factory office building. Nearly thirty people were already waiting in the conference room.

On the large and old conference table, on the right were the people from the machinery factory, headed by the six giants, who were all older; while on the left were the squad leaders from the manufacturing department, who were unusually young.

"The sales of electric fans and washing machines are doing well."

"So, let's have a phased meeting to determine the work for the next period."

After sitting down, Wang Ye went straight to the point of the meeting. The people on both sides were quite excited, and some had already opened their notebooks, ready to take notes.

"Firstly, for the manufacturing department, the electric fans and washing machines have made a good start today."

"But this is by no means a reason to be complacent, nor is it a time to relax and be proud, because with the launch of our electric fans and washing machines, many factories in our city and even in Luqi Province will get wind of the news."

"These two items are not highly technical. When these factories join the competition, it will have a big impact on our future sales."

The young people from the manufacturing department nodded in agreement with Wang Ye's statement because they were the ones producing the electric fans and washing machines. They understood that the technical difficulty was not high.

Then Wang Ye continued:

"So, what we need to do next is very simple: increase the production speed!"

"In the past period, due to insufficient funds, we were in a semi-operational state. But the shift rotation has made everyone familiar with the production process. Now, with the first income and the batch of materials from the municipal party committee, we can operate at full capacity!"

"The key points for the next period are: firstly, to complete the official procurement orders within the time required by the municipal party committee."

"Secondly, to supply enough electric fans for the whole city. It's already the end of June, and there are still two months before September, which is the peak season for electric fans. We must seize this opportunity."

"Thirdly, in order to restrain potential competitors in the future, we must occupy the market in advance."

"Centered on our Laizhou base, radiating throughout the entire Luqi Province."

"As long as our products can occupy the shelves of various department stores across the region by the end of this summer, those other manufacturers will be at a disadvantage when their electric fans hit the shelves next year!"

With Wang Ye's voice, the young men and women on the left side showed serious expressions, gradually shedding their childish demeanor from before.

"However, it's not easy to get our products onto the shelves of department stores."

"On one hand, I will ask Director Li to help coordinate, and on the other hand, you will need to go out and make direct contacts."

At this point, Wang Ye cleared his throat and then looked at Li Baojun, saying:

"So, Baojun, I appoint you as the head of sales, responsible for the follow-up coordination with department stores. Any problems? Can you handle it?"

Under Wang Ye's gaze, Li Baojun stood up eagerly and shouted, "No problem! I can handle it!"

Wang Ye nodded and then shifted his gaze to the faces of the young people on the left, saying:

"Zhang Yue, you are meticulous and reliable, and sensitive to numbers. So, I appoint you as the head of finance, in charge of the financial matters of our manufacturing plant. If you have any questions you don't understand, ask Director Su!"

As Wang Ye finished speaking, Zhang Yue stood up and said "Yes," while Su, the financial director of the mechanical plant sitting opposite, nodded in welcome.

"Xu Leilei, you are the most hardworking and demanding of yourself."

"So, I appoint you as the head of production, in charge of the current production of electric fans and washing machines in our manufacturing plant."

Xu Leilei stood up with a red face and a thick neck, responding with a resounding "Yes," and finally, Wang Ye looked at Sun Xiuli with a smile:

"Xiuli, your task is the most important and challenging!"

"Our electric fans are seasonal products, and sales will significantly decrease in the autumn and winter. Relying solely on washing machines cannot support our entire manufacturing plant."

"So, I appoint you as the head of technology. You will be responsible for building your own team and handling the development of new products for us."

"Such as the television, refrigerator, radio, tape recorder, rice cooker, and other products I mentioned earlier. Of course, if you have any ideas or suggestions, you can report to me and try them out."

"Also, I know that these products are still difficult for you at the moment."

"So, I will make a list for you to go to the library in Yuntai City to buy or borrow these books. Study them well, lay a solid foundation in technology, and start with the simplest ones, understand?"

"The evening classes will continue, and I will personally teach you."

Facing Wang Ye's heavy trust, the fair-faced Sun Xiuli's cheeks turned slightly red, nodding seriously and saying "Yes!"

Next, Wang Ye looked to the right.

"How is the production progress of our gas cylinders and steel pipe rockets?"

Hearing Wang Ye's question, the head of production answered without hesitation:

"Currently, over three thousand four hundred gas cylinders and over two thousand five hundred steel pipe rockets have been produced."

Then Wang Ye looked at the head of technology and asked:

"How are we doing with the engines? Any recent difficulties?"

Designing engines may be easy for Wang Ye, but production is challenging. Even though Wang Ye has considered the production capacity of the mechanical plant and that production line, problems still arise during the trial production.

After several revisions, tackling challenges, and adjustments, the primary model has finally been tentatively confirmed and is undergoing trial production.

"Overall, it's going smoothly. We'll have a prototype in a few more days!"

The head of technology, leading a team of over thirty engineers who started off as novices, said with a cheerful smile.


Wang Ye nodded and then picked up a roll of design drawings in front of him, unfolding them as he continued:

"Now, let's discuss the new products, three types of special firefighting equipment."

"As supplementary equipment for our fire patrol aircraft."

Instantly, everyone's attention was drawn to the blueprint in Wang Ye's hand. Under everyone's gaze, Wang Ye unfolded the blueprint and hung it on the nearby blackboard.

The next moment, the head of production burst into laughter!

"Is this a sniper rifle? Is this a machine gun? What is this last one? A revolver?"

With the head of production's voice, amidst the other people's puzzled and frowning expressions, the old factory director couldn't help but laugh, tapping his pipe and saying:

"You've only been out of the military for a few days, and your eyesight has already deteriorated like this?"

"These three things have a caliber larger than the 40mm cannon. How could they be guns? Nonsense!"