
"Heavenly Cultivator in DxD"

Tadashi Jin was just an ordinary high school student—until a fateful encounter with Truck-kun sent him hurtling into the afterlife. Faced with the chance of reincarnation, he meets a mysterious Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) and makes three ambitious wishes: unrivaled cultivation talent, a mysterious chat group with special missions, and the ability to retain his memories. Now reborn in the world of High School DxD, Tadashi finds himself equipped with extraordinary powers, a luxurious new life, and a clear goal—become the strongest being in the realm and build a harem that rivals the legends. But the road to power isn’t without challenges. I don't own anything but my OC so don't sue me!!!!

Krampus069 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 17: Tying Up Loose Ends and New Challenges

Chapter 17: Tying Up Loose Ends and New Challenges

The setting sun cast long shadows over Kuoh Town, but Tadashi's mind wasn't focused on the peaceful evening. His thoughts were locked on the remnants of Raynare's group—the fallen angels still hiding in the abandoned church. There was unfinished business with Kalawarner, Dohnaseek, and Mittel, along with a few low-ranking lackeys. Tadashi couldn't allow them to regroup or retaliate. They needed to be dealt with tonight.

As a cultivator, he didn't need weapons. His Qi-infused fists were far more dangerous than any blade or spear. His phone buzzed before he could make a move, pulling him from his thoughts. The Chat Group interface blinked, signaling a new notification.

[System Notification]: New Mission Assigned.

Tadashi's eyes flicked down to the details.

Participants: Tadashi Jin, Subaru Natsuki

Mission: Clear an E-Rank Dungeon in the Solo Leveling world

Objective: Subaru must clear the dungeon. Tadashi will assist.

Rewards: 1500 points for Subaru, a Mystery Box (minimum rarity: rare) for Tadashi.

Start Time: 24 hours.

An E-Rank dungeon. For him, it would be trivial. But this wasn't about him—it was about Subaru. The mission was designed to test the boy, and Tadashi's role was simple: Babysit and teach him.

His phone buzzed again as Subaru reacted in the group chat.

[Unlucky Adventurer]: Wait, I have to clear a dungeon?! Like, with monsters?!

[Tadashi Jin]: Yes.

[Unlucky Adventurer]: Oh no, no, no, no! I can't fight! I'm going to die!

[Maki]: What's a dungeon? Like... a prison or something?

[Scarlet Monarch]: UMU! A dungeon is a test of strength and valor, Maki! Subaru, you must rise to the occasion!

Tadashi closed the chat, ignoring Subaru's frantic messages. The mission wasn't starting for another 24 hours, and that left him with plenty of time to handle the fallen angels. His fists clenched as he stood, ready to move. He couldn't let them live. They were a threat that needed to be extinguished.

The abandoned church loomed ahead, silent and crumbling. But Tadashi could feel the life within, the faint presence of those hiding inside. He pushed open the door, stepping into the dim, musty interior. The church smelled of decay, a fitting place for these fallen angels to meet their end.

His first target was a low-ranking lackey, crouched behind a broken pew near the entrance. The man had no idea what was coming. Tadashi's hand shot out, grabbing the fallen angel by the throat and lifting him off the ground. The man's eyes bulged in panic, his hands clawing at Tadashi's iron grip.

Without hesitation, Tadashi's Qi surged through his arm, and he crushed the man's neck in his hand. The sound of bones snapping echoed in the quiet church as the man's body went limp, his head flopping unnaturally to the side. Tadashi let the body drop, lifeless on the ground.

From deeper in the church, Mittel stepped into view, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and defiance. "You..." she hissed, her small form trembling as she summoned light spears in her hands. "You won't get away with this!"

Tadashi's eyes narrowed, his gaze cold. He advanced, moving too fast for her to react. In an instant, he was in front of her. Before she could even raise her spears, he grabbed her by the arm, twisting it behind her back. She let out a sharp cry of pain, but it was cut short as Tadashi slammed her face-first into the nearest wall. Blood splattered from her nose as she slumped to the floor, dazed.

"Pathetic," Tadashi muttered. He grabbed her by the back of the head and smashed it into the wall again, harder this time. The sickening crunch of her skull breaking filled the air, and her body went limp in his hands. He let her fall to the floor, her body twitching once before going still.

From across the room, a low growl echoed. Dohnaseek, with his massive wings and spear in hand, stepped forward, his eyes burning with rage. "You bastard," he snarled, gripping his spear tightly. "Who the hell do you think you are? You come here, killing my men like they're nothing!"

Tadashi didn't bother with an answer. Dohnaseek wasn't worth words.

With a roar, Dohnaseek charged, thrusting his spear toward Tadashi's chest. But Tadashi dodged easily, sidestepping the attack and delivering a swift punch to Dohnaseek's ribs. The force of the blow sent Dohnaseek flying back, his spear clattering to the ground.

But Tadashi didn't stop there. As Dohnaseek gasped for breath, struggling to stand, Tadashi loomed over him, his eyes cold and merciless. "You're the one who's been left behind, Dohnaseek. Weak. Useless."

Dohnaseek growled, spitting blood. "Shut up!" he barked, but Tadashi was already upon him. Grabbing Dohnaseek by the hair, Tadashi dragged him toward the church altar. The fallen angel struggled, but Tadashi's grip was unyielding.

Tadashi slammed Dohnaseek onto the altar, pinning him down with one hand. His other fist crackled with Qi, glowing with a violent energy. 

With that, Tadashi delivered a devastating punch to Dohnaseek's stomach. The fallen angel let out a strangled cry as the force of the blow shattered his ribs, sending waves of pain through his body. Blood poured from his mouth as he gasped for breath, his wings twitching helplessly beneath him.

But Tadashi wasn't finished.

He drove his fist into Dohnaseek's ribs again and again, each punch breaking more bones, each impact drawing more blood. Dohnaseek's cries of pain grew weaker with each strike until he could only whimper, barely conscious.

Finally, Tadashi stopped, watching as Dohnaseek's body trembled in agony. With a final, brutal punch, he shattered Dohnaseek's chest, crushing his heart. The fallen angel's body went limp, and Tadashi stood over him, victorious.

A soft flutter of wings behind him was the only warning he got before Kalawarner attacked, her dark energy spears flying toward him. Tadashi turned just in time, dodging her projectiles with ease. She stood at the far end of the church, her wings flared out, her eyes filled with hatred.

"You'll regret this," she snarled, her voice filled with venom. "You'll pay for what you've done!"

Tadashi didn't answer. He was already moving.

In a flash, he crossed the distance between them, his body a blur. Kalawarner barely had time to react before Tadashi's fist connected with her stomach. The force of the blow sent her flying back, crashing through the pews and slamming into the wall. She groaned, her body slumping to the ground, but Tadashi wasn't finished.

He stalked toward her, his eyes cold and unrelenting. "You were always weaker than Raynare," he said quietly. "And now you'll die just like her."

Kalawarner tried to summon another spear of light, but her hands were shaking too much. Tadashi grabbed her by the throat, lifting her off the ground. She gasped, struggling to breathe as his grip tightened.

With one final squeeze, Tadashi crushed her windpipe, her body going limp in his hand. He dropped her lifeless form to the floor, turning away from the carnage.

The church was silent now, filled only with the bodies of the fallen angels. It was over. Tadashi wiped the blood from his hands, the Qi dissipating as he calmed his energy. The fallen angel threat in Kuoh was no more.

Satisfied, he left the church behind, the cool night air washing over him as he stepped into the empty streets. There was still the matter of the Solo Leveling dungeon tomorrow, but for now, Kuoh was safe.

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