
"Heavenly Cultivator in DxD"

Tadashi Jin was just an ordinary high school student—until a fateful encounter with Truck-kun sent him hurtling into the afterlife. Faced with the chance of reincarnation, he meets a mysterious Random Omnipotent Being (ROB) and makes three ambitious wishes: unrivaled cultivation talent, a mysterious chat group with special missions, and the ability to retain his memories. Now reborn in the world of High School DxD, Tadashi finds himself equipped with extraordinary powers, a luxurious new life, and a clear goal—become the strongest being in the realm and build a harem that rivals the legends. But the road to power isn’t without challenges. I don't own anything but my OC so don't sue me!!!!

Krampus069 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 12: Back to Their Worlds

Chapter 12: Back to Their Worlds

The bright light of the Chat Group system faded, and with it, the terror of the 60-meter Titan and the chaotic battlefield of Shiganshina vanished. Tadashi blinked as he adjusted to the calm surroundings of Kuoh Town. The peace was a stark contrast to the blood-soaked landscape they had just left behind.

For a moment, he stood still, taking in the serenity. The sound of birds chirping outside his window and the rustling of leaves in the gentle breeze was a far cry from the roars of Titans. It always took a few minutes to reorient himself after a mission, but Tadashi's focus quickly shifted back to the present.

The Chat Group interface blinked softly in the corner of his vision, reminding him of the mission's completion.

[Ding! Mission Complete: Operation to Retake Wall Maria]

Reward: 4000 points to be divided among the group based on accomplishments.

With 1800 points added to his balance, Tadashi briefly opened the Chat Group Shop, skimming through the items and enhancements available for purchase. The Shop offered a wide variety of options—cultivation pills, advanced weapons, and mysterious artifacts from various worlds. Some were tempting, but Tadashi wasn't one to rush into decisions.

He closed the Shop interface. There was no immediate need to buy anything. The points would be useful later, and he knew the value of patience.


In her world, Nero strolled through her luxurious throne room, her regal presence filling the space. She opened the Chat Group Shop with a flourish, curious to see what treasures awaited her after earning 1200 points in the last mission. "An emperor must be equipped with only the finest items, umu!" she declared to no one in particular as she scrolled through the list.

But, despite her interest, Nero decided to hold off. She would wait for something truly worthy of her imperial status.

In Tokyo, Maki moved through the bustling city streets, her mind still focused on the mission. The Titan battle had been intense, but she had managed to earn 800 points for her role. She hadn't opened the Shop yet, preferring to strategize her purchases carefully. Maki wasn't impulsive, and she knew that picking the right moment to use her points could make all the difference.

For now, she stayed vigilant, ready for whatever came next.

But back in Lugnica, Subaru was already going down a different path.

Subaru lay sprawled on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His heart still pounded in his chest from the intensity of the mission. "I'm never fighting Titans again," he muttered, still shaky from the whole ordeal. Yet, he couldn't help but feel a small sense of accomplishment. He had survived, even if it was by the skin of his teeth.

With 200 points to his name, Subaru's first instinct was to check the Chat Group Shop. His curiosity quickly overtook his caution as he scanned through the available items. Cultivation pills, elixirs, and various tools flashed by, but one item stood out to him.

[Shop Interface]

Low-Level Cultivation Pills – 100 pointsSpeed Elixir (1 use) – 150 pointsMysterious Treasure Box (Random Item) – 200 pointsLucky Charm of Minor Protection – 200 pointsNovice Sword – 50 points

Subaru's eyes locked onto the Mysterious Treasure Box. A random item from the Shop? It could be anything—maybe even something powerful, right? His mind raced as he imagined the possibilities. What if it was some legendary weapon or an artifact that could save his life in the next mission?

Without thinking it through, he clicked the purchase button.

[Ding! You have purchased the Mysterious Treasure Box for 200 points.]

The glowing cube materialized in front of him, humming with energy. Subaru sat up quickly, excitement coursing through him. "Alright, this is it! Something amazing's going to come out of this, I just know it!"

He reached out and opened the box, his heart pounding in anticipation. The light flared brightly for a moment before it slowly dimmed. As the glow faded, a single item floated in the air, landing softly in front of him.

It was... a plate of Spicy Mapo Tofu.

[Spicy Mapo Tofu: Extremely spicy tofu dish that is sure to make you cry. Offers no combat benefit, but it's tasty!]

Subaru stared blankly at the steaming plate of tofu, his excitement immediately draining from his face. "W-wait, what? That's it? I spent all my points... on spicy tofu?!"

He slumped back onto his bed, covering his face with his hands. "What am I supposed to do with this?!" He groaned loudly, feeling the weight of his impulsive decision crash down on him.

After a few moments of despair, he peeked out from behind his hands, eyeing the plate of tofu suspiciously. His stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything since the mission ended.

"Well... it does look pretty good," Subaru muttered to himself, reluctantly picking up the chopsticks that came with the dish. "I guess it's better than nothing." He took a tentative bite, only to immediately feel the overwhelming heat of the spices hit his tongue.

His eyes watered, and he coughed violently, waving his hand in front of his mouth. "H-hot! So hot! Why is it so spicy?!"

Still, despite the burning sensation, he couldn't help but take another bite. "Maybe this wasn't such a bad purchase after all..."

Back in Kuoh Town, Tadashi stepped outside, feeling the cool evening breeze brush against his skin. He briefly checked the Chat Group interface, noting Subaru's recent purchase of the Mysterious Treasure Box. He couldn't help but shake his head with a slight smile, knowing Subaru had likely gotten something ridiculous.

The quiet of Kuoh Academy masked the dangers lurking beneath the surface, but Tadashi wasn't worried. He knew that Rias Gremory and her peerage were watching him from afar, suspicious but not yet making any moves. For now, he would let them observe.

The points he had earned would come in handy soon enough, but Tadashi wasn't in a rush. The real threats were still ahead, and when the time came, he would be ready.

As the day settled into night, Tadashi's thoughts lingered on the future. The Chat Group missions would continue, and the challenges would grow. But so would his power. He was confident in that.

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