

go read: Welcome to Ikigai Beyond it’s the updated remake of this book ^

Vanilla_Chino · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Episode 3 (part 2): I’m lazy?

It's getting real dangerous down there, if you know what I mean. I hate myself for even feeling any type of way about Zara, she's literally the worst human being I've ever had the disdain of knowing; but I am still a vessel of Lust. I am cursed with a weakness to beautiful women and Zara is no doubt incredibly attractive.

Her crooked grin makes my stomach flutter but I'm quickly reminded of my dire situation with the cold touch of the muzzle of Tito's gun. Even at point blank range, my skull has been enhanced to be way more durable than an enchanted bullet; but with Tito's luck it's like playing Russian roulette. 

Any one of those bullets could puncture my skin just as that knife did when he threw it, and with six fresh bullets in its chamber, the odds were not in my favor. By the time he did empty the gun I would've squished Zara to a pulp though, so we're stuck in a momentary stalemate.

Titus: No backup? That's a shame. Any minute now, I have a terrifying friend from the abyss that can clap the two of you easily.

Zara: Oh, don't worry. Only the entire fleet of the north quadrant inquisitors are on their way to avenge the death of their divers. We're expensive to produce, and you've wiped all but one out.

Titus: Oops. My bad. I should've wiped you out first. The rest were so easy. They didn't even put up a fight, I just walked up to them and shot 'em. Oh, except for Jenny, the poor girl probably died with excruciating pain.

I can tell I hit a nerve. Her expression remains the same, taunting and boastful, but her chin is held a bit lower when I mention Jenny. That's right, I killed your friends, and they deserved everything I did to them. Just like you deserve what I'm about to do your sorry ass. I'm taking the risk, it's worth it.

The veins in my forearm bulge as I squeeze my fingers with inhuman strength around her thin neck. I do it slow so I can feel the skin break and split beneath my grasp. She doesn't even have time to react or cause Tito to hallucinate something to shoot at me. She's wanting to gasp for air but nothing escapes her mouth. Her nails desperately try to dig into my arms as she claws at me to beg for a release. 

Dior: Stop! Get away from her. Tito lower your weapon.

I've never been one to always follow Diors orders, and I would've definitely ignored this one; but my body moved against my will and I released Zara. I don't feel the cold muzzle on my head and I turn to see Tito fully back to his senses. What the hell? Is this another shepherd's trick? A certain tune of her flute that can make humans obey? 

Zara convulses on the ground, coughing and spasming about, trying to grasp what it felt like to be alive again. She rolls over on her stomach and coughs up blood. Wheezing from pain, her beautiful eyes glared at me with burning hatred. 

Dior walks up to her and hands her a pouch of healing elixir. She tried in vain to swat it away but her neck has turned purple with the imprint of my hands, her skin is broken and bleeding. Dior ignores her attempt to refuse her aid and pours the precious liquid over the wound. Oh hell no. Please don't waste it on her! My body won't obey me. Dior has cast a spell with her words and I can't object to her bidding.

I reluctantly wait as the elixir closes the wounds and brings back the natural color into her neck. Now that I've stepped back to assess the damage I've caused, I'm a bit in shock of how gruesome I've become. I have brutally massacred countless ghouls and a decent amount of shepherds, along with a few inquisitors in the past; but It has always been an involuntary response to survival. Sure at times I placed myself in danger to test my strength and grow more powerful, but the motivation for survival was always synthetically put into place.

This act of violence was done out of pure hatred. I wanted vengeance for my mother. Vengeance for what they have done to numerous people among the hellcoast. I felt obligated and just in my decision to invoke my pain onto her. But was I right in doing so? Of course I was, no fuck that, ofcourse I am. And I would do it again if I could. The peakies have it coming for them. I have vowed that to the demoness of Lust and my patience will reward me eventually.

Dior: Remember our kindness. Don't trample on us ever again. Myself, the Tyde of hellcoast, and the people of this village will not tolerate your indifference to how you treat us.

Dior helps Zara up to her feet and points to the direction where the garrison of the peak's entrance is. It's hundreds of miles away, and without her mech suit it will take days for her to reach it; unless she wasn't lying about the inquisitors and they helped bring her back. 

Zara seems confused. In awe of what just happened. She got nearly choked to death by a half naked man covered in soot with a snow leopard's loin cloth on and an ox bear's skull covering his face; got rescued and helped by a halfbreed hellspawn shepherd; and ordered to return empty handed to the peaks on foot.

She studies the face of Dior curiously for a few moments before taking a deep breath and walking away. Wow. Just like that she gets to leave after everything she's done. I'm furious with Dior and curious to ask about her ability to have control of what I do with the mere command of her voice.

Titus: You're letting her go? After all she's done?

Dior: All she's done? What about you? You've wiped out her entire fleet, one that she is in charge of. They were her friends, her people that she needed to protect.

Titus: Oh and you're so innocent? You're the one that suggested I do that dumbass! If we had it my way we would've hid in safety and no one would've had to go through this.

Dior: No… everything that happened today was necessary; and watch your tone young man.

Titus: Young man? You're like three years older than me.

She rolls her eyes and starts to walk away towards our shelter among the village. I follow behind her and continue to nag.

Titus: Okay like maybe four? I don't know, you never told me your age. You never tell me anything! It's time you tell me these things. Like what you did just now with your commanding voice. How did you get me to obey you? And Tito? You made him snap out of a hallucination just by asking him to? Is this related to your blessing and covenant?

Berating her with questions has never helped me gain answers in the past, but I've never been one to give up on trying to get her to budge. Today was different. Her secrets affected my actions in the field and that infuriates me. She glances in my direction as we walk into our makeshift shack.

The shack has always been just a disguise to blend in with the other villagers. Below the surface was an elevator that led to our secret layer. Pretty cool stuff. I mean it would be cooler if it was my secret layer but it's just dads. He used to be exponentially more popular and powerful than I am now; that is, until he vanished. I'm still living in his shadow. I haven't fully met his standards or goals and I have yet to protect anyone but myself. Not that I want to. I don't have a burning desire to protect others, but I'd like to be able to decide to protect the ones I choose to. If I can't even manage to do that, what is the point of all this power?

Dior: I'll tell you everything you'd like to know, but you need to promise me something.

Shit, that's a tough one. Knowing her, this promise will be way more in her favor than the value I would receive from satisfying my curiosity. Fuck it. For too long have I had unanswered questions from her, it's about damn time I offer something in return for her lore.

Titus: What… is the promise?

Dior: Enroll in the academy to become a diver.

What. The. Actual. Fuck.