

Daoist4Zdnz0 · Terror
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

"THAT NIGHT -i made a mistake"

A headache started to spread from the side of my head as i was playing a videogame.

i paused the game and scroll down the notification bar for time but it didn't shock me as i would usually stay up whole night and sleep the eest time. Pain was getting more intense so,i grabbed my head with a little groan but it didn't stop there. It was increasing as each seconld passed by.

I jumped from my bed and started to walk for my first aid box as i would also keep medicines for headache there.

with every step the pain was getting stronger. it was unbareable.

Just as i took my 9th step the feeling of touching something else beside the floor was senseable and that somthing else unexpectedly had the texture of hairs.

I stopped right there. An awkward smile was starting appeared on my face as i was thinking "'WHAT... THE HELL IS THIS?... I REMEMBER CORRECTLY I DON'T HAVE ANY DOLLS IN MY ROOM AND I DON'T HAVE ANY SMALLER SIBLINGS . EVEN IF I DON'T HAVE A EXCELLENT MEMORY I CAN'T FORGET THAT I AM THE LAST CHILD"' i was paranoid but still my pupil started to slide down till it reached the bottom and the same started to happen with my head it was slowly going down but i pulled it up with such force that now i was looking toward the ceiling breathing heavily. i wanted to cry but tears won't fall, i wanted to scream but no sound was made, i wanted to run but my legs were stuck with no more option left i decide to investigate that thing. My head started to go down with my eyes serching for the thing and my head full of questions like "'IT CAN'T BE POSSIBLE RIGHT? I SURELY LOCKED MY DOOR RIGHT? IT SHOULDN'T BE A HUMAN HAIR! RIGHT? YES,..IT SHOULD BE SOME PART OF FANCY DRESS I BOUGHT DURING FESTIVALS. RIGHT?'" an blurry image could be seen from corner of my eyes and it was looking like what i was hoping not to be the most .

I sreamed and jumped back, i didn't notice but itwas quite a distance for a back jump. My back hit the wall and my vission started to get focus on that thing. As i got a clear image of it a big sigh of relief made out of my mouth cause it was just some small black coloured plastic rope.


I started to get up with the support of the wall behind me. Just as i stood and remembered about medicine and thinking of getting it a familiar voice asked me as he yawn "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YOU WOKE ME UP! DID SOMETHING HAPPENED?" after hearing it for a while i jumped to the conclusion that it's my father and answered "UMMM... SORRY FOR WAKING YOU UP. NOTHING HAPPENED I JUST HAD TO GO THROUGH A BAD NIGHTMARE!" He replied to it "oHH... ARE YOU OK NOW? IF YOU ARE OK THEN GO TO SPLEEP I AM HAVING A HEADACHE HERE" as he finished his lines a " thud" sound came making me think he is going to sleep and started to do my unfinished work, walking toward the first aid box and kicking the rope to side but as i kicked it i grew a little confused, how did my father believed i was sleeping a question mark appeared above my head. As i was thinking about it suddenly, a memory flushed into my head of me saying "HAVE A NICE PARTY" to my family. My head got blanked without thoughts, my body tensed up in fact so much that, i couldn't feel my heart beating any longer, goosebumps grew in every part of my body. " Huh?... WASN'T I WAS SUPPOSE TO BE ALONE.... TONIGHT?"

Just as i said that, the walls started to move front and back, laughter of pychopath filled the house, sound of footsteps increased, music that could pierce eardrum played on, complains for the music started from neighbourhood but worse of all, the door knob started to unlock itself with a creak sound. Luckily or unluckily i ran out of breath a couldn't take one in and started to fall, the floor hit my face and a last thought cane to my mind 'I SHOULD HAVE GONE WITH MY FAMILY' my body became numb, Darkness spread over my vission taking the consciousness out of me.

<[{( THE END )}]>

