
"AI" Tales of Adam and Eve

Noobie_Gamer_6472 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

Year 2006. Inside a math classroom at an all-boys upper primary school. In the middle of the seating arrangement, a boy named Adam is dozing off. He's just an ordinary guy—your average Joe.

His only standout feature is that he happens to be the tallest kid in the class. He's a bit on the chubby side with a face that's quite average. However, when it comes to academics, he falls below the average level in the class.

The bell resounded, signaling the onset of the final period before the lunch break. As the teacher exited the classroom, a stream of boys eagerly dispersed for their midday reprieve. After the last person departed, Adam, known as the loner due to his mediocrity and lazy demeanor, slowly rose from his seat, slung his bag over his shoulder, and ambled towards the exit.

In the empty corridor, a sudden impact on the back of his head jolted Adam. He turned with a pained expression to find "Jabs and his gang," led by Jabs, a top student and an exceptionally handsome figure. Jabs, adopting a mocking tone, greeted Adam as if they were best friends, concealing the fact that he was actually the biggest bully in Adam's life. Adam forced a smile, concealing his discomfort.

"Hey, fatty, my buddy," Jabs sneered. "Where are you off to?"

"Just grabbing lunch, Jabs," Adam replied.

"Sure, go on," Jabs smirked. However, as Adam turned away, a forceful kick from Jabs sent him tumbling to the ground. Jabs and his cronies chuckled and sauntered off, leaving Adam to pick himself up and dust off his clothes.

Undeterred, Adam headed to the back of the school gym for a solitary lunch. Amid the quietude, an old phone chimed with a message. Hurriedly, Adam retrieved it, revealing a big smile upon reading the contents. The message proclaimed, "Hey, I'm back. Will meet you tomorrow. Be on time, you idiot."

To be continued....