
"3" Being Summoned Isn't Easy At All [Under Revision]

Grant Simmons was just a simple young man who wanted simple things since young. He loved his father despite never knowing the reason why his mother never showed herself to him since he was born. But with the disappearance of his father, his life was slowly left to rot. His mind grew to only care for him and himself only. Offending the son of a politician, he was nearly shot to death for the sake of his only friend. Only for the last bullet that would take his life away to not reap his life as intended. Grant was whisked away into another world. Becoming the summon of a lady with a kind temperament, his life drastically changes once more. A story of a broken man's journey across a magical world destined for chaos. Watch him live his life and move forward while the world around him influences his thoughts and twists his worldly views. In the end what will become of him as the new world he lives in changes what he is? Will he become a monster meant for slaughter and selfish creed. Or will he find it in his heart to see the world in a better light? Note from the author: If you do not like slow paced storytelling that focuses on growth and change then this novel is definitely for you. Either that or I simply suck at writing.

Aeolius · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Stella's Vexation

Stella was standing there, witnessing the scene of Grant slapping away her harasser without any qualms about it. He didn't stop there as he proceeded to walk forward toward's the angrily hissing man.

Inwardly she was pleased and grateful but what Grant had done was dangerous. Sure based on her experience working around the guild and gathering information, none of the adventurers were lvl 30 or possessed an intermediate tier class much to her relief.

After having seen Grant's overall stat that was heavily invested in pure physical stats and focused mainly on that inhuman constitution, Stella believed that her servant would be able to survive a slugfest with even a low-level orc and even come out victorious.

An existence that was known to tear apart new adventurer's bodies in half.

She was annoyed, displeased and a bit worried for Grant. With such a mindset that relied on using strength to smoothen things out, there would be a time when Grant would suffer due to his brutality.

"Grant stop!" She couldn't watch any longer after Grant stomped down on the man's crotch. A small puddle of blood oozed out underneath Grant's black shoe.

She noticed that he was still wearing the pants and shoes that came from his world. His top shirt was a shade of lightly tanned orange that complemented his sunset-hued hair.

Grant was about to bend down, scoop whatever was left of the man's apparent "brains" and feed it to him just as he said but he froze. He saw Stella directing a displeased and scornful look at him.

Something he didn't expect.

Wasn't Stella supposed to be thankful to him? He furrowed his brows as his mind started thinking for a deeper reason. Until he realized what he had done.

He just shrugged it off carelessly. To him, he was both wrong and right. And what mattered most was that he was able to abide by the contract and fulfill his master's condition of keeping her safe.

Such a person was Grant. A broken brute that tends to take things to the extreme.

He is not dumb but he is also smart. But once he had decided on something he will do that to his fullest ability.

"Get up you big lug!" The blonde-haired woman clicked her tongue annoyedly. Grant complied and followed her to the Guild's reception area.

The people didn't dare to send lustful looks at Stella anymore in fear of Grant shoving "Scrambled eggs up their mouths."

The receptionist was an intellectual looking man who was a bit lean yet not lanky. He yawned while inspecting Grant and did not show any signs of fear.

He had back hair with streaks of grey in them, indicating that he had aged a lot since his youth.

He gave a bored listless look as if he was used to such things happening. Stella gave a "We're not done yet" look to her companion before walking up to the man behind the counter and greeting him with a cheerful voice.

"Hello sir Athal, I am here to register my companion as an adventurer."

She greeted the person who only yawned at her as if to acknowledge her purpose for coming to the Guild.

"Just give me your name and touch this magic crystal." Athal looked as if he was about to doze off any minute while he pulled out a crystal orb from under the counter and placed it on top.

Grant was a little bit concerned with his stats leaking out only for Stella to assure him that it was fine.

Looking at his palm, Grant warily touched the ball and upon seeing no violent reactions, he fully grasped it.

The ball lit up for a moment before it spat out a light brown colored card.

"Copper Rank adventurer, Even if your attributes are surprisingly high for a low level, you have to work your way up. Now go and don't bother me any longer." After editing the card's data, Athal threw it at Grant who successfully caught it before waving them away.

After saying their goodbyes to Athal, Stella gripped tightly unto Grant's arm and dragged him into an alley. She angrily stared at him eye to eye before Grant relented and broke eye contact.

"Do you know what you just did?" She asked as if chiding a child that did something wrong and Grant smiled wryly.

"I prevented you from being touched somewhere inappropriate..." Grant's eye darted to a bird that was looking curiously at him. Stella grew irritated and she grabbed the collar of Grant's shirt before pulling him closer.

Rage was evident from her face and it did not look cute at all. She looked fierce.

"Grant what you did was too uncalled for!" Grant closed his eyes and sighed upon hearing Stella's words.

"I know but it had to be done." He reasoned which only angered Stella even further. She gritted her teeth and clenched her hands, her face was a tint of red from stress as she looked down to the side with annoyance written on her face.

"Fine fine. You did well my noble knight but still!" Stella let go and leaned back unto the alley's wall. She sighed as she lifted her head up.

"I know you aren't the most sane person but please have some tolerance. I would've been fine and I could handle myself. You don't have to worry too much about me silly." Stella smiled tiredly and exhaled lightly at the end of her words.

"I wasn't worried about you idiot." Grant shook his head and looked at Stella defiantly. His companion chuckled softly before raising a finger and pointing at him.

"If you aren't worried then why did you do that for me?"

"People would trouble you if there wasn't any deterrent force for having a face like that. So I would be that deterrent force, isn't the servant's duty to protect the dignity, honor and well being of their master?"

"You are right but still, you overreacted. A mere simple slap was enough but you had to crush his things and turn him into a eunuch." She giggled.

"It had to be done." Grant curved his lips upward and gave Stella a side look.

"I can't understand you. From now on if something similar happens then endure and act accordingly alright?" Stella couldn't find reason with Grant. He was stubborn which she liked because it meant he had a strong will. A strong will is needed to succeed.

"Yes, master." Grant was back to his calm and non-serious yet teasy attitude. Stella felt like she would have a headache on trying to deal with the upcoming events after her servant's little stunt.

Trouble was bound to come their way and they were the least prepared for it.

For now, Stella went around the town and bought two changes of clothes for Grant.

He can't keep wearing that mismatch of half a student's uniform and half a commoner's outfit.

She dragged him back to the inn, intent on informing Grant about her plans for the dungeon delve and some common knowledge needed in Terrunn.

On the way home, Grant stared at Stella's back who was dragging him and closed his eyes.

'I was lucky to be summoned by you.' Grant felt blessed. When he was at death's door, this new master of his yanked him out off death's grip by summoning him even though it was an accident.

He was grateful and felt indebted to her. And now that feeling was strengthed from their earlier interaction.

His master had tried to understand where he was coming from instead of irrationally screaming and cursing him for his mistake.

Despite knowing of his broken mindset, she didn't take advantage of it or use her master privileges to impose the system to force him to do things.

He was given free will. And despite the trust the two had for each other being borne through the system's deterrence, it made them both feel more comfortable to one another.

It was like having a reliable colleague at the office.

"Grant I am still mad you idiot." Stella cursed Grant who was thinking highly of her. He laughed lowly and just nodded his head.

His ways are flawed and it seems he needed to fix a few things on how he does everything.

Brute strength isn't always the answer, and Grant grew up to be heavily reliant on it for growing up without a father nor a mother to shelter him from physical nor emotional harm.

The inn they stayed at earlier soon came to view and Grant read the sign.

The hero's flagon, it was a neat looking Inn made to look cozy and homely. It was four stories high and their room was on the second floor.

"Go upstairs and stay in our room. Don't mess with my other things or I will punish you. Got it?" Stella warned Grant who raised a thumb as he was already going up the stairs.

He opened the room and sat down onto the bed. He was a bit tired from walking around the town all day and being dragged around to buy him two fresh sets of clothes.

He peered down as if looking at Stella, he is bound to her and since he does not know much about this world yet he cannot act proactively to assist Stella in making her wish come into fruition.

He grumbled as he was a bit annoyed at having to wait and not do anything unless told so. It simply wasn't his style of doing things.