
Chapter 3

I can't believe what my eyes are witnessing right at this moment

For the first time of my school life, someone had finally stood up for me and saving me in the middle of a bullying session?

And it's not just a regular ordinary student, it's the exchange student that I barely even talked to, add to the fact that I rejected her friend request by a crumpled paper, yet she still chose to defend me without thinking the upcoming consequences that she may receive right after this action that she had done

"C-Chaeryoung?" I muttered barely a whisper

"Chaeryoung? What are you doing?"

Ssatihs asks completely dumbfounded and confused

Our other classmates were confused as well, pure shock was visible on their faces

"What do you think I'm doing? You are smart right? Like you always say to your five friends each time you had a chance? I always hear you boasting about yourself since your seat is right just in front of me, so…you should probably know what I'm doing right now, shouldn't you?" Chaeryoung answered her, coldness is laced in her voice

Ssatihs just scoffs, then tried to forcefully pull her hand from Chaeryoungs' strong yet calm grip, but she failed, so she just tried to play it cool

"You? A princess looking like you will save a peasant like her?!, Please, She's useless! Have you gone insane?!, Look, I know you just want to help, we already know you are kind hearted, you've proven that now and  we appreciate it, but stop protecting useless things alright? Don't waste your energy, just sit down and relax, and watch as I keep slapping this girl but with style so you would be amused" she assured Chaeryoung, but she didn't budge, instead, she smiled then let go of her hand, Ssatihs just reciprocated the gesture, a sickening smile is plastering on her face

"I'll sit back on my seat and just let you waste your energy and have all the 'fun'?" Chaeryoung ask smirking which left Ssatihs confused but an amused smile crept a little on her face

"What do you mean?" a smile is now forming in her face

"You said that I shouldn't waste my time and energy to useless things like her right? So, I should also say the same thing to you, you look kinda pretty, so you shouldn't waste your energy and let me do the slapping, don't you think?" She asks teasingly, which made the other girls' smile wider, amused by Chaeryoungs' answer

"You are one fast learner,*chuckles* I think I'm liking you more, do what pleases you princess" Ssatihs said then let go of my collar and took a step back while our other classmates just chants and cheered for Chaeryoung, Ahh I get it, my useless life has officially sent another invite to a new bully, at least this one's pretty though, I gotta be optimistically honest, was she just faking her friend request earlier, I should've known, who would actually befriend me in the first place?

"Move to this side, so you could see the whole shocking situation before your eyes"  Chaeryoung said, voice as sweet as honey, which Ssatihs complied and move to my front on the left facing Chaeryoung

"Now I want all of you guys to count to three so I could give my Soul dropping slap to her!" Chaeryoung hyped everyone , which they obliged with a cheer and clapping

She gently put her palm on my now swollen cheeks, but before she pulled away, I saw a glimpse of her face smirking and making a wink?

And then counting starts


I heaved a heavy sigh


Then closed my eyes


Then wait for the slap


Everyone including me was dumbfounded to the situation unfold right now

Chaeryoung slapped Ssatihs instead of me

Everyone was silent

"Oops, I think I slapped the 'wrong?' Person, quite a shock right? But you were on the way, so I don't have the need to feel guilty and say sorry to you" Chaeryoung said smiling sweetly

"You did that on purpose!" Ssatihs yelled at her, her hands holding her stinging cheek, while her eyes are starting to hold up tears

"Aww don't cry, 'just some few more slaps and you're good to go'" Chaeryoung said, clearly mocking her sentence that she said earlier to me

"You b*tch!!-" Ssatihs was about to slap her, but surprisingly, Chaeryoung is way stronger than her despite her tall and slender figure, she twists her arm then turned her backwards making Ssatihs's  face slumped forcefully to my desk leaving the whole class in shock

"Now… who's the weak and useless girl here?" Chaeryoung asks whispering to Ssatihs's ear while she can't do anything but whimper each time her arm was  slightly twisted

"Hey! Stop it! You're not our enemy here!" One girl stood in front and shoved   Chaeryoung away from Ssatihs, later one she decided to give one slap on Chaeryoung, but was stopped again and now she's on the ground, wait, how did that happened?

Four more girls and boys tried to stop her, but she's just too strong enough, too strong that she made all of them fall back and collapse to the ground, all groaning in pain while chairs are completely misplaced from it's original place

"Just stop protecting your friend here or you'll only end up hurt in the end, besides, she's the one who started a ruckus here, this girl you are bullying should be the one who you should be protecting, not the other way around"

She uttered to them

*"Scoffs* "why do you care?!, You barely even know this useless girl!" Krejeht asks, one of Ssatihs' boy best friend, his nose is slowly bleeding because Chaeryoung just punched him straight to the face earlier

"Cause I'd rather interfere and protect someone whose being obviously mistreated physically and mentally, no matter what my relationship with them, and not only stand as a witness, pretending that they can't see nor hear whatever is happening around them" Chaeryoung answered while looking around, while our other classmates who acts oblivious earlier suddenly hung their head low, are they feeling guilty? Or are they just ashamed of what they've acted a while ago?

"Ahh, now I get it, acting like a Heroin aren't you Chaeryoung? You know, we're almost in the edge of liking you, but your actions right now made our impression towards you to flip upside-down, we realized that you're just like her, a freak, and irritating"

Nomedab, one of Ssatihs' friend said

*Chuckles* "is that so? Then that's good news, cause my repugnance towards you is no longer one-sided, I never even liked you in the first place"

Nomedab and Ssatihs just rolled their eyes

"Keep rolling your eyes, you might find a teensy bitsy little pea brain in there, despite the miniscule size of your brain, I know you could still find it, since your eyes are way larger than your wispy grey matter" Chaeryoung insults them with a cold aura

I heard some of the students stifle a laugh from the sudden insult which they received a glare from the two now fuming pair of friends causing them to stay silent

"You'll regret this Chaeryoung, your remaining weeks here in this school will be like Epiones', Hell" Ssatihs threatens her, but Chaeryoung was never affected by her words, instead she rode with it

"Omo! Jinjja?! I'm scared, eottoke? What should I do?" Chaeryoung acted scared for the moment, eyes filled with nervousness, eyebrows furrowing, while her hands were covering her mouth, as if she's actually afraid of her remaining high school weeks here, yet Ssatihs seems to buy her acting, her tower-like confidence level made her think that Chaeryoung is actually scared at them

"Simple, leave that useless girl, and join us instead, we're a great company" Ssatihs suggested, while her five friends nods in agreement

Chaeryoung changed her expression from fake nervous and afraid to a thinking face, then later on gave them a response, that they definitely didn't like

"Hmmm, nope, I'd rather be with a, what you call her? 'useless girl'? Than befriend and join a group of human mutated Harvest Mites that might even infest my peaceful life, aaalsoo, my Mother always tell me to not play with feces, your Faces are okay though, remember when I said earlier that you look kinda pretty? It's true, you are pretty…ugly, all kudos to your attitudes that are as dirty and 'useless' as  Feces  that no toothbrush and toothpaste can clean the inside of your mouth from spitting out dirty poopy useless words, So…no offense, but I'm just trying to be hygienic here" Chaeryoung calmly retorts back, only to add more fuel to their fuming heads and smoking ears and nose

Out of too much anger and irritation overwhelming her system, she decides to charge Chaeryoung but was stopped when our Subject teacher arrives and stopped the second wave ruckus that's about to happen

"Hey! Stop whatever you are doing!"

Miss Missouri shouted while approaching us to stop the fight

"You really decided to make a ruckus on my time?!, All of you who were included in the fight, In the Guidance! Now!" She commands which made us follow her eventually


At the guidance office…

We're all seated in Miss Pillarions' office

While she's just massaging her temple frustratingly, not looking at us, she decides to break the heavy tension and the competitive glaring contest to each other

"Alright, explain your sides-"

"Miss Counselor she started first cause  USJEHDHSGEVDJEJEMONIEUEHEUSUA!!!"






"ENOUGH! I can't understand a single word from the six of you!, PLEASE! One person at a time, now start"





"I SAID ONE PERSON AT A TIME NOT ONE GROUP AT A TIME!" Miss Pillarion exclaimed silencing all of them right on the spot, while Me and Chaeryoung were just quiet, I noticed that she doesn't want to join their noisiness as well, seems like she's waiting for the right moment and spotlight to speak her thoughts out, she's the smartest person I've met so far

*Sighs* "for the third time, You, Red haired girl, speak" Miss Pillarion commands, looking at Ssatihs

"Miss Counselor, give this girl a suspension!" Ssatihs requests, or more like a command, while pointing her index finger offensively direct at Chaeryoung, who seems to be unaffected by her sudden accusation

"And why is that?" Miss Pillarion asks, raising her eyebrow

"Because she started all these mess!" An aggressive lie came from her

"Oh is that so? But how can you justify your statement?" She asks again

"We have witnesses!" She reasons out

"Lower your tonality Miss red haired girl, I'm literally just in front of you, so no need to scream as if the person you are talking to is from another mountain" she uttered silencing the girl right away

"As I was saying Miss Head counselor,

You should give some suspension to these two girls for starting a huge ruckus earlier, cause what they've done is completely unruly, and in our section, we cannot tolerate to include students who doesn't follow orders that's just simple, and as the Class President of Dream-5, I only want the reputation of my section to be well behaved and quiet, but these two girls are ruining my Good objective" Ssatihs explained calmly while pulling out her innocent card acting, cause that's exactly the opposite of what she has been doing

Miss Pillarion then shifts her attention to me and Chaeryoung, her mouth forms a frown, but her eyes are showing doubts, cause as far as she knows… we're the one who's being victimized here, especially me, cause her daughter, Eunoia would never lie to her

"Alright is that so?, still, you need some proofs that they are the ones who started all this mess" Said Miss Pillarion

"We have the whole class to stand as witness, if you want, you can ask them all and you'll earn truthful answers, cause as far as I know, my classmates can't tell no lie and they're certified as trustworthy" Ssatihs answered with a proud and confident grin

"Ahh, so you're telling me that your classmates are your proof?" The older asks

"Yes ma'am" she answered, looking at her with a believe-me-because-I'm-the-class-president face plastering on her aura

"Ahh okay" miss Pillarion agrees seemingly convinced to the answer of the younger

"And what about you?" She asks pointing at the short haired girl, she's referring to Rebmud, also the friend of Ssatihs,

"What our class president saying is true, they started it all, especially this girl right here *while pointing at me* she looks innocent but she's hiding a demon beneath that ugl- unknowing face" with a pouty face, she looks at miss Pillarion with a sad and disappointed face, like a kid telling her mother about the bad kids that bullied her, as I see her slightly rubbing her arm, I know it was bruised by Chaeryoung, cause I witnessed how she screamed in pain when her arm was pricked briskly and swiftly by the Korean girl earlier

"That's true Miss Pillarion" Krejeht backs up, nose is slightly bleeding

But not too noticeable, he just looks like Rudolf

"They are so good at acting miss Pillarion, and that Chaeryoung girl is as fake as her face" Nomedab states slightly glaring at us, while rubbing her stomach that seems to be swollen cause I saw her flew across the room when Chaeryoung roundhouse kicked her, I honestly believe that she's a black belter taekwondo back in her country,

They're absolutely and obviously trying to switch our tables incorrectly

"Okay, okay, you're Statement is enough, now, it would be fair for us all, if we also hear the statement of the opposing side" Miss Pillarion declared then nod at us, gesturing me and Chaeryoung to defend our sides

With a nervous heartbeat, I gulped lightly then starts to defend our sides, if I'm alone right now I might've just let them give me wrong accusation so this could be all over and so they won't give me a hard beating by the end of the school day, but since I'm with someone today, add to the fact that she's the one who saved me from the bullying earlier, I can't just let her down and betray the truth to unfold

"Well miss Pilla-" I was stopped when we heard  small sniffles from my side, I turned to spare a glance to see

Chaeryoung is sobbing?

Her crystal tears are falling  subtly down to her smooth and now tainted cheeks, while her right hand wipes it down and her left hand were holding her shoulder

Like a fish out of water, I didn't know what to do, but out of instinct driven by care and affection towards the crying person, I gently put my hand on her back while slowly  rubbing it to soothe her from crying faintly

"Miss Song, What's wrong? Why are you crying?" miss Pillarion asks, worries and concerns are now evident on her face while her hand jolts up to pat the Korean girls' shoulder

"*Sniffs* it's just*sniffs*not fair" Chaeryoung starts, leading miss Pillarion confused, same with the six students opposing at our side right now

"What's not fair?" Miss Pillarion asks

"I was sent here to learn your culture and I should respect it, I just wanted to learn a lot from this country by studying in your school, I'm also expecting warm welcomes because I heard Canadian people were nice and friendly that's why I worked so hard to learn your accent before I arrive in this country, but my impression towards them changed, cause they are all being mean, I didn't know this school is prone to bullying, and some students here are racists, I think I'm just going to back out now and return to my home country" she explains while she can't stop her sniffles and faint cries

This made Miss Pillarion frown and looks at the six students to our opposing side

"Is this all true?" She asks, voice is stern and evidently mad

"Miss Pillarion that's not true! She's lying!" Ssatihs answered the older

"Yeah! You! Stop lying! You don't even have any proofs! Do you?!" Krejeht followed while glaring at Chaeryoung

"Silence!"  Miss Pillarion commands

"Miss Song, do you have any proofs or witness?" She asks Chaeryoung

"She doesn't! Like we've said earlier Miss Head Counselor, ask our trustworthy classmate-"

"Shut it miss red haired!, I don't need your 'trustworthy classmates' at this moment!" She silenced, which made the class president to obliged with a scoff in the end

"Again, do you have any proof or witness?" Miss Pillarion asks for the second time

Chaeryoung just shook her head, while still sniffing

"N-no, I don't have any witness ma'am except her *while she gently points at me but not directly, you could tell by the way she didn't use just her index finger, but she raised her palm facing upwards, while  gesturing me that I was the only witness she can trust*

But *sniffs* I have proofs, that they physically and verbally maltreated me because of my race as an Asian"

She trails off, while Miss Pillarion just nods her head, signaling her to continue

Understanding the non verbal message, Chaeryoung Starts unbuttoning her polo long sleeves earning unbelievable gasps from the others, well except miss Pillarion and me, like I've said, I don't and never think dirty towards others, so I know she's doing this for one purpose

"Look at her, completely losing her mind and being an exhibitionist" I heard one of them whispered lowly

While the two boys are just staring at her intently, judging by my peripheral vision

But our face were replaced with shock and horror when we saw

Chaeryoungs' porcelain and slender body was bruised and there are also some red scratches etched on her milky colored skin

Starting from her slim abdomen to her long and slender arms, her flawless paper like skin is now sketched with evident violence, I didn't know she was also hurt earlier when she was trying to defend me, I feel extremely guilty and tears are starting to bawl our from my eyes as I painfully stare at those purple and deep blue bruises and pinkish and red marks and scratches

"They intendedly attacked me only on my body so it is hidden and not entirely visible, that's why I look alright on my face" Chaeryoung explained, now this made  the mad Miss Pillarion to fume in anger while she gazed at the six students who were now gawking their jaws and…disbelief?

"W-wait! She's not the one who was beaten up, it was us! Look!" Krejeht exclaimed whole showing Miss Pillarion his nose that seems perfectly fine now, just a little reddish

"Oh stop Mr. Cunnington, your situation from Miss Song is far from worse!"

"No! It's true! She's the one who beat us up!" Rebmub backs him up

Well it is true that Chaeryoung made them fly inside the room earlier, but since they wanted to look pretty or good looking and doesn't want to appear weak in front of our classmates as well as to other students that we've passed by earlier, they went to the comfort room to apply some makeup so they'll look like they've never been beaten up in the first place,

And because of that bad decision that they've done, they're the ones who looks unbeaten up and hard to believe that they've been flying across the classroom earlier

"No! T-That's not true!! What Chaeryoung has been saying is all lies! They're fakes!" Ssatihs defended standing up from her seat

"Which part of this is not true Miss president?!" Miss Pillarion asks, not buying her words anymore

"Just ask our  classmat-"

"What? You're 'Trustworthy classmates'? *Scoffs* how can I even be so sure that they're trust worthy after all? This proof etched on miss Songs body…*while pointing on Chaeryoungs' bruises and marks* is enough to get the six you expelled!!!"


"No more buts miss class president! You will be needing to send your parents tomorrow-"

"But I don't have my parents with me, they're on a business trip out town"

"Me too"

"Me three"

"Me four"

"Me fiv-"

"That's no problem, suspension, one week, end of the discussion" miss Pillarion declared causing them to gasp their mouths and widen their eyes more

"You! If it's not because of you and you're heroin act earlier, you could've just let us beat the hell out of this useless girl, then none of this would have happened!!!"

"Ssatihs!!!" Her five friends called her out, hopelessly stopping her from spitting out their hiding truth

"Ahh now, the truth have been finally unfold itself, thank you miss class president for finally admitting your unruly actions" Miss Pillarion smiled satisfyingly

"N-No, but It's the truth when I said that we were beaten up by Chaeryoung! Ask our classmates-"

"Oh enough with classmates being  trustworthy witnesses, I can't trust the students when their class president itself is the main liar, and a Deviant ruler, now like what I've said earlier, one week suspension by hurting our innocent exchange student here, and…another one week of suspension for bullying this girl, now that's it" Miss Pillarion finalizes, and no complains or reasons can finally change her mind

"Who is this Chaeryoung even?! She's just an exchange student yet you treat her like a princess or something! She's just an exchange student after all!" Ssatihs lashes out to The older

But instead of yelling at her, she just chuckles disappointingly

"Is that the right attitude of a class president?, What a shame, and for your question? Why are we treating her specially?....well for your information, she is 'JUST NOT' an exchange student…she is only the DAUGHTER of one of the most powerful personalities in South Korea, to be more specific, her father is the General and founder of Incheondong Military Power, and she is the future inheritor of the Incheondong National university, and do you even know what will happen if her parents and the head authorities of the school found out that their…Top Notcher and one of their pride of their school was maltreated and abused by our students here? This school will have a huge record and will be reported to the Department of Education, making all of you banned from any school, not unless it's outside this country, and the Incheondong National University is one of the most prominent supporting foreign school of Hallowhand University, so if they cut connections with us, then it will be a huge problem not just for us teachers, but to you students as well… that's why she is just not an Exchange Student, in fact she is considered as the smartest one if she is to be compared to all of the students here, heck our top Notcher who happens to be in South Korea right now is struggling in his school cause their lessons are fast and advance and the students there never asks for break unlike the students here and their level of discipline there is more strict compared to this school" She explained using her stern voice leaving all of them in shock, including me, while they looked at Chaeryoung with pure regret while I'm still concern about her bruises hugging around her body

"Now, I want you to do is sign here whether you like it or not, this will serve as a proof that you are not allowed to take a step inside here in any parts of the school premises not until after two weeks, but of course I'll contact your parents so they won't get worried, and so they would also know how their child bullied and abused the top priority exchange student" she declared while sliding the papers on her table

They never had a chance to complain when she gave them a warning glare, so they were left with no choice but to comply to the agreement

After they are done, She commands them to go back to their designated class, Miss Missouri was left in the classroom to prevent any more mishaps and ruckus to happen when she leave the classroom unsupervised

"Miss Paramnesia, you can also go back to your class if you would like to" Miss Pillarion looked at me with concern, I was about to stand up but was stopped when Chaeryoung utters

"Miss Pillarion, I'm sorry to interfere, but I think it is better if Epione will go to the classroom together with me, since as you've heard earlier from our 'class president', I interfered their fun beating the poor girl, so I need to defend her once they decide to bully her again, She needs to stay with me while I'm here studying in this school" Chaeryoung reasons out

"That is a good idea, but weren't you beaten up as well" Miss Pillarion asks while pointing at the Koreans' Bruised body, which is now clothed because Chaeryoung already wore her Polo long sleeve earlier right after she revealed her bruised body to them

"I was just outnumbered earlier Miss Pillarion, also, now that they found out who I really am, I don't think they're that brave enough to abuse me anymore, judging by their reaction earlier" She explains, earning a nod from the older

"Alright, but, since you're taking Epione with you when going back to class, then Miss Paramnesia, you also need to stay, since I still need to have some words with miss Song, if  that's alright with you" She asks, which I nod immediately, I don't feel the need to react negatively because I'm actually thankful to Chaeryoung for saving me earlier

"Now, As for you Miss Song, in regards of what the students have done to you to be put up in this situation, I sincerely apologize, and for your sudden decision earlier, about going back to your country, please do have some reconsideration, I will make sure to not let this unfortunate event happen again, " Miss Pillarion assured but Chaeryoung doesn't seem to be relieved by the assurance

"Miss Pillarion, if possible, could I perhaps change my section?" Chaeryoung asked, earning a slight confused look from miss Pillarion

"I know it's a sudden request, but I do believe this is one way so I won't be…bullied again" she explains, earning a simple nod from the older

"Alright, if that's what you want miss Song"

She says as she took another book from her drawer

"We still have some available sections here, now you choose which section would you like to transfer to"

"Hmm…I choose…"

"Ahh this one, Section Dream-2"