
Chapter 1

'What a nice day today', a phrase that I subconsciously adapted each time I'm facing my locker, minding my stuffs inside and closing it again, I felt a pair of slender arms wrapping around mine, turning my head around to face that sudden person, she's a few inches taller than me so I actually had to look up just to have an eye-to-eye contact with her, she has her usual playful coy smile plastering on her face, while eyebrows are wiggling in a frolicsome manner

It's too late for me to realize she's with her group of friends, since I noticed the four of then excluding her is already surrounding me, and they're actually tall to be honest, all of them are facing me in a very friendly way, I faced the girl again and her next word made my whole system and soul deflate

"Hey bud, Rooftop…now"


And that's how I ended up here, the sunlight hitting my face, and few lasso  and sticks were hitting my fragile back, it was them who's doing it by the way, and not forgetting to mention that they're one of my biggest bullies

The sounds of lasso slapping  my  back, the rods that keeps hitting my lower back as it vibrates through my weak core, and thighs, and the dangling and clinking of chains attached to both of my wrists and feet were the only inanimate things you could hear from the rooftop, a sound that's completely the opposite of what you'll hear in a late tingling cold Christmas eve 

While the inhumane sounds?

Well it's non other but the amused and psychotic laughter of these five girls, while continuously beating me up until I don't know how long, I guess until they're completely satisfied, but not to the point that I'll lose consciousness,  I doubt they'll ever do that, it's only  because they'll lose a toy to play with

While I can't do anything but just whimper at the stinging pain that I'm feeling, hopelessly begging for them to stop, while salty crystal tears are falling from my weary eyes as my vision starts to become fuzzy from all the crying the I've done, well what else can I do?, I'm literally chained up here

The pain just keeps on adding up, as their hits, slaps, swings were getting harder and faster, this painful experience of mine is as worse as the punishments of the late medieval tortures, however, I never committed any sins, just a simple sadists' toy labeled as an entertainment,  they really won't stop any further, and oh, they gave me an objective before they even start the beating session

"listen here little rig rat, I want you to count how many whips, strikes, and whops we will do to you, if you fail to count them though… you'll face the public toilet"

And so here I am, even though I'm all numb and in deep pain from their beating, I still decided to count it, cause I can't stand another day to be drowned in dirty toilet water…again

For the moment that feels like eternity, they miraculously stopped, and I hear some of them panting and heaving a deep sigh

"Now…did you manage to count them all?" Their leader asks, hovering lightly

"Y-yeah" I answered weakly, it's merely a whisper, so I supported my response with a nod

"Now count" she demands

"40 whips from the lasso, 190 whops from the fraternity Flogger, and 30 strikes from the wooden rod" I answered them breathlessly, still baring with the after touch of pain, it stings and it hurts, so much

"Huh, good dog, you know how to count after all, aight, no toilet for you… unfortunately, so you are dismissed, for now" she declared, they first remove the chains attached to me then left me alone lying weakly on the ground, that's where I bawled all my tears that have left in me, if it's still possible

"How did I even ended up in this situation?, I'm not a nerd, I can't stand in class, but if there's one reason that I can possibly figure out as my answer, is that I'm a whiny wimpy kid, a girl whose not rich, has no power, has no authority, I'm nothing…I'm weak, I'm a loser, I'm an outcast, and I'm useless, that's how they call me, so I guess it's true, and living up to it up until now", grumbling with anger and disappointed to myself, I poured all my complains to the empty wind as my tears hit the ground wetting it like rainfall…

Committing suicide? No, I haven't tried it before, in fact, I can just jump off this roof right now, but I just can't, it's not a rational idea, and besides, I'm already suffering here in this cold world, why should I even continue it in the afterlife? I can still bare the pain they're giving, so there's no point of giving up, I can't reach out to the authorities, cause all of them are the parents of those five,

Transferring school? No chance, we can't afford to transfer to another school, and since my parents are not around anymore, which  I guess  left me since I was a kid, I'm only left with my loving uncle…

Who happens to also beat me at home each time he's in a bad mood for no such reason, give me dirty words, that can crush my whole personality, made me spend my money that I got from my part time job just to buy him alcohol, just go satisfy his needs but if I didn't obey to his demand, he'll give me a beating lesson so that 'you will learn your lesson little bitch' as he say

But, I'm trying my best to understand him, to understand them, to understand everyone, that they may have a personal problem that they are dealing with someone or alone, cause that's the only thing I'm good at, the rest? Well…I suck at it, I'm useless, it's what  they say

Miraculously, I could still stand up and limp towards the clinic, for some medication, I'll still treat my wounds before I enter the classroom so I can prevent the coming infection, as well as to lessen suspicions from the teacher, but, as if they would care anyway once I tell them the truth, they'll just be like 'just be careful and don't come too close to them, it's your fault after all' then proceeds on discussing the current lesson, but I'm an optimist person, to the point that I'll think that it's a good thing they beat me up earlier than usual so I can still attend my class, and at least they didn't kill me


I'm now in front of the door of the school clinic

I knocked three times before slowly and gently opening the door, I'm not planning on making  any ruckus here

"Come in!- oh Epione! How are you?- wait, What happened to you?!" Doctor- well not entirely doctor, she's actually just my batch mate, Eunoia, she's here every Tuesday Morning, and Thursday Afternoon, she's doing it for additional credit and part of her club, which is  Warm Hearts Club, they promote Basic medicines and social harmony to students

"I just got trip by a small stone and I rolled down to an eight story stairs" I reason out, hoping that she would believe

"Although your excuse is actually believable, but, your face is bad at lying, so stop making excuses and go straight to the truth, WHAT actually happened you, and WHO did this?" She utter seriously, and I know she's not joking around, I gulped the whole humanity I have left, then finally answered her

"I got bullied by some   girls as usual, there's five of them actually, just a little earlier than usual" I muttered casually, as I've heard her heaved a deep and heavy sigh, but I didn't miss to see her eyes widen a little when I told her my not so little truth confession, she's I guess shocked to know that I got bullied earlier than usual?

"You-*sighs* if you're not beaten up right now, I might've smacked you hard on the head right at this moment" she says frustratingly

"You know you could just fight back right? Or if not, you could tell this to the authorities" she suggested, looks filled with overfilling concern

"You know, even if I tell this to the higher ups, and they get their suspension, they can't be kicked out cause you know how richly rich those kids are, they could still manage to bully me outside the school premises, and if they get caught? They're parents can catch them and back them up, and switching the blame on me, I know how those cycles and mindsets work, heredity copes really well on them"  I answered her while settling myself to be comfortable on the clinic bed, but to my dismay, any way I lay down, I'll still hiss in pain cause I'm fully bruised and wounded on my back, they never left a space, how cruel

I heard Eunoia clicked her tongue while checking my bruises and wounds, she made me remove my top only leaving me with my pushup bra, I don't feel uncomfortable at all, cause I'm never thinking badly towards her, and one trait of me that I can at least be proud of, is that I never think dirty towards other people whoever they may be, and I'm not a green(dirty)-minded person, I trust to their words and actions and it's up to them if they're faking it or not, conscience will handle them after all… if they have those,

"This might take a while, but I'll do my best to finish this a little quicker so you could catch up with your first subject" she gently assured while striding to the clinic cabinet to search for I guess the medic kit?-, Oh I'm right!, as I saw her holding it by both of her hands, it's a bundle of bandage, and two ointments and a pack of cotton, she also have some pain relief patches on her hand, I hope she's not struggling carrying those just for me

"Alright, this may hurt, but bear with it okay?"

"I uh actually can't promise that I won't shout when the cotton with ointments  hit my bruises and cuts so, in advance, I apologize, and please prepare for your eardrums" I smiled, and she just chuckles and giving a nod to me signaling that she understands


"OUCH!!! It hurts…please, if possible, could you do it more gently, please?" I asked using my voice that sounds like it was refrained or strangled, but that's because  I don't want to raise my voice, that might turn into an unintentional shout

" I'm doing my best Epione, but if I just touch it very lightly, nothing will happen to your bruises and wounds, they'll only turn worse, so again, *while suddenly showing me a bear plushy that she got out of nowhere* bear with it" she said with a pun in the end which I can't help but laugh, though laughing also hurts, but it helps me use it to temporarily forget the pain that I'm feeling currently at my back, also, thanks to this green bear with a four leaf clover logo on its stomach  I am hugging that she gave me just now

"Wow, I didn't know you could be this…punny" I joked which made the  both of us laugh

After some few minutes, she finally finished applying ointments at my back, then starts putting some bandages and pain relief patches, and made me wear my top uniform

"Alright, you're good, looking unbeaten up" she commented with a thumbs up

"Thanks, I really appreciate your concern and effort towards me" I said showing my smile of gratitude

"No worries, how are you feeling now?" She asked

"Better, and I feel beary okay now" I answered with a satisfied smile, not forgetting to add a pun on the end of my sentence and hand her back the green bear she lent me, she smiled a little before dropping it again

"I now you're not feeling at your best state cause the bruise and wounds are still fresh, so please, as much as possible, stay away from trouble, away from them, and go home early" she reminded, eyes full of concern again, she's not sure that I'll be safe and won't be beaten up at home though, yet she never needs to know about it, I'm not part of her business and priority, not as long as we're inside the school premises, so, I nodded in response and bidding her goodbye without forgetting to say thank you for the ninth time, and walk- I meant, limp my way towards the classroom


Third person POV

"So For our new lesson class we're going to talk about how the heart pumps and circulates blood althrough out our body, here we have three types, the pulmonary, coronary, and systematic, now I'll give you some overview-" Professor Croffer halts his words when he saw one of his students, Epione, lightly drenched in sweat, eyes bowing on to the floor while head were hung low, fingers fiddling, visibly nervous about her being late for her first subject

Half of the class's attention were then shifted to the late comer

"Good morning sir, I'm sorry for being late for your class subject"

"Ahh, Ms. Paramnesia, glad to have you here without any minutes delay and manage to catch up our todays' lesson to Health Education, don't worry, because I too, was just a few minutes late,  now go take a seat and I'll continue the discussion" Mr. Croffer instructed with a light chuckle which she obliged, as she went to her usual seat at the back just right beside the window, then the class resumes subtly,

While the class is presuming continuously as usual, Epione was busy paying full attention and focus to the professor who happens to discuss about the functions of the heart in our body, which was then disturbed when she feels something lightly hit her shoulder, the throw wasn't that hard, but is enough to take notice by the girl, she turned around only for her to see a crumpled yellow pad paper resting on the ground, she looked up to see who is the culprit of the action, then someone decides to wave their hand, since they're sitting at the back of the class, it was taken unnoticed by the students even Mr. Croffer himself

Epione' POV

"New Student?" I quietly mumbled asking myself expecting as if I could gain an answer from that, her face is new, and I haven't seen her before so I guess my predictions were right

She has that friendly smile while waving at me but not making it too obvious…I wonder what she's up to or what does she needs from me?, I just nod at her slightly then reciprocated her gesture by gently waving my hand to her as well,

"Okay I know you guys are fast learners but I'll repeat it again, so some of you could take notes, if…those types of students still exist, now Coronary is where the heart pumps throughout the heart itself, while Pulmonary is where the heart pumps and delivers blood through out the lungs, then systematic, it pumps blood throughout our body, now that it's settled, does any of you have any questions floating in mind relating only to our topic?  Alright I guess none, now let's-oh wait before I forgot uhh miss? Yes you, are you perhaps the exchange student from South Korea Miss Midissy was talking about?" Mr. Croffer asked while scratching his I guess itchy chin, as he shifts his attention to the said Korean girl, I can foretell that he didn't notice the new student once he stepped into the classroom cause he also went to class later than the supposed time to start the lesson

The said girl then stood up and bowed to all of us, I think I saw her spare some few seconds of glance at me?, or maybe my erotomania is kicking in at a sudden random moment again,

I'm guessing that bow/bowing  is part of their culture to show respect, it's quite interesting though, like showing respect through action more than in words, she then stood up straight and faced professor Croffer with a polite and gentle smile

"Good morning sir, My name is Song  Chaeryoung, 18 years old, and I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and with all due respect sir, Yes, I am the foreign exchange student miss Midissy was talking about" she smile then bowed again, which made all the students here awe by her charm and kindness, how did I know? Well…

"Damn look at that beauty"

"Yeah, I wonder if she has a boyfriend already, if she doesn't, I could court her, but if she does, I could still court her, I don't care if I'm just a side boo or something, I'll do everything just to get her attention and love"

"Hey isn't she pretty?, and she's cute too, I wanna pinch her cheeks so bad"

"Look at how adorable she is, It's the first time I witness a living ethereal beauty"

"Wow, she's like a living doll, now she's my I doll"

"She's so tall and her body is slender but fit, like a model, whoa"

"Whoa she's so white"

"Racist much?"

"Her skin is so smooth and soft, and her voice is so heavenly, I wonder how good does she sing, I think I'll have my first eargasm if ever that happens"

"Am I in heaven? Cause for the first time in my life, I finally witnessed an angel, I hope she can show me what heaven actually looks like"

"but didn't you just say you're an atheist?"

"yeah, and I'm willing to be baptized for her"

"My goodness, I just saw a goddess"

"Please Dear lord have mercy, that smile of hers…oh please no, I'm not your strongest soldier"

"I thought God treat us fairly, the freeking freekity freek is that then?!" Whispering yell while pointing at  Chaeryoung

"Ahh, now I know that if you're not as pretty as her, then just be kind, so you would still be liked by others"

"I think I'm having my sixth eyegasm since the moment I start staring at her in this classroom"

"Marcus… that's…that doesn't sound right at all"

"I didn't know South Koreans are Soo pretty and charming, I wonder what's their skincare routine, I heard that they're so good at it, I think I'll look like one of them if I followed exactly what they do"

"Please, pigs can't do makeups"

"Shut it giraffe neck"

"And why in the sixty-ninth layer of hell am I called giraffe neck you Peppa Pig?!" *Whispered a little loudly*

"Cause your neck stretches to it's maximum extent each time we're having an exam, but being an idiot like you copied the answer of the set A when you know yourself that your  paper is set B"

"Whatever, do your makeup then, and you'll end up like Peppa Pig, since both of you are British and virulent "

"Scowl off Tower ranger with long navigating neck!" *Whisper yell*

Alright, I think that's enough eavesdropping from their conversation

"Okay class, that's enough whispering, I can clearly hear all of you, now quiet down, and settle back on your seats" Mr. Croffer instructed using his dictating voice to intimidate the student and make them obey immediately

"Now, we're all settled, no more ruckus, shuffling, and murmuring please, ah miss Chaeryoung? I'm sorry I don't know which one of those is your family name so I called you by that instead, is that okay with you?" He asks a little slowly for her to keep up with his words

"It's okay Mr. Croffer, you can call me by my name, but if you're used at calling your students by their family name, then you can call me Miss Song which happens to be my family name sir, whichever way you may like" she answered using her Canadian accent, which she seems fluent to it

"Whoa such polite student, also, I didn't know you are that fluent in English, and with accent too, thank the almighty that I didn't have to adjust my speaking speed just for you to keep up, anyways, I just called your name so I could properly welcome you to our school, and I hope you enjoy your stay here and learn a lot as well" he said with a slight chuckle at the end

"Thank you sir, I'll do my best to gain enough knowledge from this school including their culture" she smiled while she settles herself to her seat

"Alright, our subject has still some eight minutes remaining, but I'm giving you an early break, so you could rest and refresh before your next subject teacher come in and starts your lesson, have a great day class and behave alright? Remember, your time on my subject is still not over, that's why you're still under my responsibility, so tame your wild spirits a little" he reminded before completely getting out of the room

"Yes sir! Thank you, you're the best!" One male student shouts with full of glee, he is… always like that

Then in a speed of light… I'm left alone in the classroom for the mean time, since all of them went out to buy their whatever is available at the nearby canteen, some of them also took Chaeryoung to join them and have a short tour to some parts of the school and share some of her cultures I suppose, I chuckled a little at her reaction earlier, she's like an innocent little kid whose being dragged by some random older kids to play with her, her gradually confused face gives it away actually

I took a small glance outside the window beside me to check if the five girls are out there roaming around, and thankfully, they're not there, I heaved a heavy sigh of relief, it's actually a good thing because I still couldn't get over from the pain they've caused earlier, up until now my back is feeling the sensation of stinging and burning, but not as worse as earlier, all thanks to Eunoia, my mage-in-shining- lab coat

But then, a loud bang was heard from my desk, I flinched at the sudden action which made my head snap in front, oh now it's three guys

"I'm getting straight to it, finish our homework, deadline is tomorrow, before the class starts, if you fail to finish it and give them to us, don't worry we're not going to beat you up, we don't beat girls…but we slap them, we choke them, and hit them with a basket ball, how about we do those to you huh? Now If you don't want that to happen, then be a good little dog and do as we say, like what you always do, finish our homework"

*Sighs* "what subject is this anyway?*

"Basic Calculus"

"Just give up, I can't do this complicated calculations" I said then handed their notebooks back, only to receive another slam from the desk with his  calloused palms, well this time I didn't flinch, cause I predicted that that's going to happen

"It's not a ME problem, it's a YOU problem, remember, we don't beat girls, but we hit them" he threatened me

Aren't those words  just synonymous to each other? I asked myself, guess I have nothing to do but do as they say, I'm lying when I said that I can't do complicated calculations, It's just once I got home, uncle might be drunk and starts ripping my things and those notebooks might get included, it will be a lose-lose situation between us then, but I'm the one who'll take the most disadvantage here though

"Fine, I'll give them to you tomorrow" I gave up while putting their notebooks in my bag, why can't I just fight back? Oh yeah I remembered, I'm weak and useless, how did I even know? Well I tried it before, but I failed, and only made a fool of myself In front of a huge crowd of people, as they start laughing at me hideously, calling me dirty names, insults, and downgrading words, which made me build more higher walls surrounding myself, a wall that's higher than St. Maria wall, but people tend to get inside and beat me up in my own personal space that makes me suffocated and trapped

I watch them walk away while the last guy just messed up with my hair

Once they all got out and away from my peripheral vision, I once again fixed myself and straighten my composure sitting down

A single drop of tear slipped from my eye, but I wiped it off immediately, I can't cry all the time like this, I have to be tough, at least that was one thing I could do, and understand the situation I was put up through

I just stare at the cold ground for  mere seconds, but the staring contest with the floor was interrupted when I saw the crumpled yellow pad Chaeryoung threw earlier at me, I realized that I forgot to pick it up earlier

Born with a curious mind, I decided to pick it up and open it myself

Now there's two possibilities that I may get and will judge my relationship through out her exchange school weeks

If the paper is blank, or it only has some random doodles and meaningless phrase or words, that means she's going to be part of my list of bullies and my rising foe

But on the other hand…

If there's a message written on it that contains no negative or offensive words, just purity and innocent sentences asking for acquaintance…then she is an incoming friend

Alright, time for the revelation


"Hi! My name is Song Chaeryoung, and I noticed that you are alone there beside the window, and I thought why won't I ask you to be my friend!, You seemed trustworthy and a worthy friend to defend with, you look nice and kind, and smart! You're the only one I could trust as my friend for now, and if I were to visit a garden I could tell that you are an innocent flower, that's why I'll pick you out of all those blooming flowers that  you don't even know if  there are thorns hiding beneath their beautiful petals and leaves…I know this is a quite weird way of me requesting to be your friend, but still…'Would you like to be my friend?'

Just put a check beside the checkbox as your answer and bring it back to me once you have your reply…Have a great day!!!

[] YES




P.S If you don't mind, please write your name here as well, so next time that I'll call you, I can call you by your name, or you might even have a cute nickname from me!


A smile crept on my lips while reading her letter, cause for the first time on my existence, someone wanted to befriend with me through a letter, and she also gave me four options, and it's my first time having more options, cause most of the time it would be 'comply' or 'get beaten up'

I fished my pen out of my bag then marked the…'No' checkbox,

Then put it under her desk, which is hidden in a noticeable area, so she could find it easily

I know I look stupid for what I've just done, but of course I gotta think about her and ignore my selfish desires to have a friend, though her offer is tempting, but if she becomes my friend, knowing that my status is prone to bullies, she might end up getting bullied to, thinking that she's befriending a useless, weak, and wimpy outcast who follows orders from scoundrels like a stray dog, they might start bruising and bully her too, I don't want to include an innocent and kind girl in my wasted and miserable life, which is why I don't want that to happen…I hope she understands, but unlike me, there's still more people she can befriend with, just not me, that's also the reason why I didn't put my name on the paper, it's better to be that way, so she can't call me, but if she wants to call me though, she can call me names whatever she wants to call me, which is okay, I'm used to it

I checked the time with my phone, and it's still 5 minutes early before our next subject starts, so might as well go finish the assignments of those bossy lazies, calculus is actually the subject they're struggling with, I'm quite good at this if I'm being honest, but I don't think that's enough to be proud of myself, so I'll lay it low for a while,

Now let's start churning out these numbers

After some few minutes, and I'm finally done, I slowly stretched my back cause I felt some cramping happening back there, and the bandages were starting to get a bit uncomfortable for me, but it's not loosing up at all, Eunoia is actually good at putting bandage

I put all the things back to my bag and wait for our next subject teacher to arrive, I noticed that the  students here are gradually occupying the room, and it's slowly getting louder in here, I also saw Chaeryoung  with our other group of female classmates walking together as they enter the classroom

In my peripheral view, I saw her take a sit then picked the now folded paper  under her desk, I don't think I saw it right cause it was only my side vision but I saw her heaved a sigh of… Disappointment I guess?, But it's okay, She'll understand it once she found out how my classmates as well as other students were treating me, in the end she might regret giving the paper friend request to me, so I'll just shrug it off

The next thing we all knew, our subject teacher finally arrived, Ms Persophiona…together with the Head Counselor… and she was slightly fuming in anger?

I wonder who did a mess or ruckus that made the Head counselor this Angry?

"Miss Paramnesia!"

W-what?! I-it was me?!