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I've never understood why FF authors have so much trouble getting their hermione/s to learn occlumency (For the ones who bother anyways) It's like they don't know anything about her character and it's easily done with info she would jump at like 1- great/perfect memory and emotional control 2- your own mental library with memories and books you've read all it take is studying and meditation
Violence is not the answer... ... Lol X10
4 slurs in this chapter alone And all 'said' by a character with a black best friend Super out of character
I got up to chapter 19 When a really ooc racial slur popped up No idea if its the author or translators fault but yea... It's okay I was just kinda going through it on a lazy day but meh
I would say it wasn't 🐲Dragon🐉 enough haha I would prefer 🐲Dragon🐉 chapters But I'm happy with what we get and hope this book goes for a 🐲Dragon🐉 time
Is the chant for summoning (starry dragon in this case) needed Maybe it helps slightly Or is Mc cringe ? No flame just wondering Thanks for the chapter
Ignore the scrubs man Anyway you look at it black canary 'cry' is just discount black bolt whisper haha Just more people who feel the world owes them something Love the FF so far keep it up
He saw someone reacting to the bomb Not setting it off or setting it up And even if in the movie he did see something last second In this FF the Mc didn't he was blind sided
I mean ... It's a bomb the "intent" is either miles away with the switch or on a timer set hours ago lol