A writer who didn't luck out and now writes fanfiction and novels.
of reading
Read books
I'm surprised you haven't seen it, Scott is more prone to anger even assaulting Jackson near the lockers, gonna keep slightly changing the canon until we reach full AU
gonna start slow and then its gonna be AU, cause lets be fr, its a werewolf tv show there should be more supernatural creatures other than hybrids
ouu you brought up big barda, im interested, keep bringing ideas
Mf you can't admit when you are wrong, I'm literally starting from the start of the series adding slight changes, with some tweaks in personality to the point where when it doesn't follow the canon anymore, people aren't confused with the story. The fact you are trying to tell THE AUTHOR, how to write their own story that they literally explained TWICE, proves to me, that you have nothing better to do than to waste your time being wrong in life.
It sounds like a YOU problem
Are you mentally retarded?
Legit the first few chapters I literally said, it'll follow the canon but with slight changes, until it reaches a point it completely goes off script and no longer follows canon. The changes are small until they get noticeable and then it becomes full on AU. Learn to fucking READ
basically, i had already written chapter 50 to which a certain female villain and female hero have slight hints of affection but now, rewriting to add a little "NSFW" and more fluff.
for you, yes