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... lol.... what happened in arc 7 lol
alr I see what you mean here for sure, but it is a bit simpler yet more tied to deeper stuff tehn just Kaito's desiers and emotions or lifei n genral, as said this dream is basecly a real dream everythin in the dream is real, both the shrine, teh town, the desert, the land, everything, even that dragon is real, and has some deeper lore to it, but that is no need to go into. but why he dreamed that, is due too that shrien (witch you could call a divine shrine, or something ells that I am not going to spoil) let's just say that shrine is an esance to teh world itself, and now tied to kaito in a way, due too Kaito's curse. and that shrien basecly didn't bring him there out of will, it was more liek kaito was drawn too it due to the curse he psoeses. and that shrine why it called him pethetic and all taht is due too how kaito is, cuz he can't accept stuff, he doesn't do anything, he is greedy in a way, and thats why
by the way yeah that quate is nice af fr
Thank ytou for reading bro, and I get what you mean defenatly, when i wrote this it was around the time I was still new to writing, I mean this was basecly before re writing my chaps, the 5th chapt i ever wrote so yeah. and I tried to push my own skills really far for this chap, so i get what you mean when you say it is hard to fallow, it is prob mostly cuz I tried to add a lot of details while also folowing why i wrote this chap, so taht it fits in and makes it so that this chapter gives teh message it should give. and by the way about the thing with vivid details, and it might not come out realistic, that is becouse this isn't anormal dream, it is tied to why he even came to this world, teh dream happens due too how pefethit he is, how bad he is at liveing, and tied to soemthing deeper in depth of why he came to this world, witch i can't really say cuz with would be a lot of spoiling. but let's just say, what happend, why it looked so vividly is due too that the dream was basecly real but also not real, liek everything that happened in the dream happeneed in real life, but kaito wasn't there with his real body, it was liek he was sent through dreaming acrose half the world, that is also why it was day and not night. and why everything in the dream seemed so vivid is cuz he basecly was there, and all the citisec and animals was real animals, tehy where real
fr tell em
fr? danm
bro chill lol, trust these dialougs right now, conects to a lot i mean a lot later on
yes ofc ofc
yeah this is why kaito is pethetic fr
yes bro yes trust