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Silverwing and vermithor are my two favorite dragons i hopenhe tames one of them.
Im really enjoying this story so far was not really expecting much when i clicked on it but it has exceeded all my expectaions. The last chapter has really got me pumped for what is coming next and im excited to see where this goes.
Enjoying the story so far. Im excited to see how strong he really is.
Nice chapter i really liked it.
Im likeing the story a lot so far. Im really enjoying all of the mc interactions with the side characters and the story seems to be progressing at a nice rate. Im super excited to see where the story evolves with the slug summons.
Just found this story its pretty good. The mc has a cool power and im excited to see where the story goes. Its the first time ive ever saw quirked animals used in a plot like this and it makes the story pretty unique.
I really like the story its nice to see a si story where the protagonist does not just immediatly become op. I also am rather enjoying some of the twists your making from the original plot and am biting my nails hoping you dont kill rin. Overall its a fun story that im enjoying a lot.
I did not expect to get as drawn into the story as i have been. I has been very interesting and one of the most unique stories ive ever read.
This is a fun read so far cant wait to see more of this. I really like the mc so far stories like this are always a lot more fun when the mc starts off weaker and works his/her way up.
Im enjoying this a lot your changes to the clan and the village make the story very interesting. Im also enjoying his developing potential romance.