


Writer of novels. My contact email is - sycore.w@gmail.com

2024-04-16 JoinedUkraine



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  • Sycore_w
    Replied to RyuuO4

    Yea, I know, as I mentioned many times already, this is my first writing work and English is my second language, early chapters, like 20 or so is not that great, sorry about that, but I'm not re-writing them as it would take a lot of time and I already don't have much to post new chapters more regularly...

    Ch 2 Time travel ability?
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to MkGod

    Why not? Besides obvious moral reasons there is also a good opportunity to gain many jutsu through Itachi in the future

    'But I can't just tell Itachi about the future events to convince him just like that, can I? Or maybe I can… Will Itachi believe me if I tell him about the future? If I tell him about something that only he can know then maybe he will…'
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Bigmomneedrubber

    That girl is just underestimated the kid in front of her too much and didn't expect him to launch advanced genjutsu against her, that's all. Strength and experience ain't everything, as if it would be then shinobi wont be so obsessed with sneak attacks all the time, as even a genin can kill a jonin with a kunai if jonin is not on guard. As for Itachi, he is the god of genjutsu in the future, so it's seems reasonable that he starts mastering genjutsu from a young age. And for Yuta it's already good that he managed to keep up with Itachi with just some additional years of practicing in the time-loop, I'm more worried about Yuta's growth that might seem unrealistically fast if anything.

    But If you really upset that much by Yuta's insufficient power level and even calling him 'trash', then I only can recommend for you to read some other naruto fanfics where the tag 'weaktostrong' are replaced by 'wishfulfilment' or 'overpowered' or something like that, sorry that my fanfic are not to your taste. Thanks for reading this far though.
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to KILLER_Pineapple

    Good point, but since when do people actually become logical? He want's to live as long as he wants, being not limited by lifespan or some hostile strong person that might kill him, at the same time he is not ready to part with his humanity. That overall thing might look not logical but what about it? It's not like logic can stop everyone from doing stuff

    [AN: It's not that MC is too restricted by his morals, he is just afraid that he would lose his humanity and starts treating everyone else as NPC's. It's too easy for someone with that ability to slip and become evil, killing people left and right with excuse that he would time travel and make everything like it's never happened.
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Bigmomneedrubber

    Well, he is a human being who found himself in extreme turn of events, we can't expect him to just shrug everything off easily and go grind like it's a video game or something, right?

    Past couple days I spent just lying in bed, trying to ignore the commotion everywhere due to the Nine-Tails attack. 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Bigmomneedrubber

    Well, she is probably doing the same thing and saying this same stuff for a whole day at that point, there is a lot of casualties in the village after all

    "Yuta, I'm sorry to say that, but I'm afraid that your mother Yasumu died in the Demon Fox attack. You will stay here in the orphanage from now on, but don't worry as we will take care for you from now on. If you need anything just find me" She says and leaves immediately not waiting for any response from me. 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Bored_Venerable

    Nope, his physical body should be present as well in the time point he wants to travel with his soul. But the idea is interesting, maybe Yuta would find some way to do that, who knows...

    'When my spiritual energy grows even more than that I will be able to return to any point in time eventually, even back to the point in time when I came to this world.' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Black_Reeper

    Well, we are past the point of no-return long time ago. From the perspective of Yuta, he as a time-traveler is not caring about the original plot at all, from his perspective if he would be unable to resolve the situation some way or another in the future, then he can return and restore the plot. I as an author is unable to change this anymore, so there is only one way left - to continue it as it is and see what happens ))

    'I can try multiple times, if nothing will work I can just accept it as it is and move on. After all, if Uchiha clan will remain and Itachi will stay in Konoha, it will be beneficial for me, as Itachi's friend and the person that helped him to resolve the issue.'
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to raghav_khunteta

    Why not? If it's possible to achieve a state when you can live for as long as you want to, being not limited by lifespan, why not to go for it? The true state of immortality, when you will live forever no matter what happens and how much time passes is actually unachievable even in the world of Naruto I believe, but a state in which no one can threaten you and you are not limited by lifespan or diseases should be possible.

    'Third goal will be immortality of course! There are definitely ways to do that. Like who wouldn't want to become immortal and live as long as they want without having to worry about time and age? I will able to achieve some kind of immortality with traveling back in time, but that is not enough.' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to raghav_khunteta

    He travels with his soul alone, so for example if he trains hard for a month and then travels back a month, all the progress of physical training of that month will be lost. All efforts for nothing, and shinobi training is much harder than usual one hour in gym.

    'And if I eventually travel back in time without physical body – all my progress in terms of training my body will be lost.' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to trueidiocy_577


    'Well, it might've been worse. It might've been an insufferable world of cultivators with huge bloodshed on every step in an endless ladder to the havens with no end, where one mistake and you are in an eternity of suffering inside of some demonic cultivator's artifact that collects souls… No thank you!' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Black_Reeper

    Thanks for the review and especially for the praising of the grammar and writing quality of the first 24 chapters, that was unexpected as the early chapters contains a lot of mistakes due to that it's my first writing work and English is my second language, and I didn't expect to someone actually say something good about it, thanks. Sorry to hear that the plot development is not to your liking though, thanks for reading this far!

    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Clown_Of_God

    Thanks, I don't remember where I get one hand seal, I thought it was from anime or manga, but it seems that it's coming from some other fanfics. I'll keep the 'one hand seal' in the story though for the consistency reasons.

    'Well, that was hard. I can't even imagine the Tobirama Senju skills, he used to perform the Water Dragon Bullet jutsu that normally requires 44 damn hand seals with just one hand seal. The level of mastery that is required for that is unimaginable!'
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w

    As there is misunderstanding, I should clarify - this Maki is just some random Iwa kunoichi, and it's a common name, she has nothing to do with Maki from Suna who is the student of Pakura.

    [AN: Maki, rest in peace, we were known you not for long, but we wish you luck in your next life…
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to DaoistcaqwL5

    Emm.. Sorry about that guys, but this Maki have nothing to do with the canon Maki who was a student of Pakura. It's just the common name that's all. Besides, this Maki is from Iwagakure, not Sunagakure.

    [AN: Maki, rest in peace, we were known you not for long, but we wish you luck in your next life…
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Hastyar_Hyper

    Even if he is orphan, it's not like his family tree can't be investigated, his mother lived in the village, so village naturally has information about him, pretending to be an Uzumaki will be hard in this case.

    'Picking Uchiha clan is tempting but there are too much problems with that, like Uchiha massacre and Danzo with Orochimaru are after them if I somehow survive the massacre, so no thanks! Senju is good but they are also hunted, Uzumaki is looking good, but who knows what plot-twists it may trigger if I'm to be the only other Uzumaki besides Naruto himself, maybe I will return to that choice after checking all that on the table.' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to KILLER_Pineapple


    'I don't exactly know how it would work for the time being, I need to increase my spiritual energy first and then I should start to understand the mechanics of the physical time travel. But as I haven't encountered my future self yet, I can assume that I can't interfere with my past self when I do physical time travel, or maybe there is some other complications. Or future me decided to not interfere with his past self for some reason.' 
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to KILLER_Pineapple

    And what is the problem with that?

    [AN: It's not that MC is too restricted by his morals, he is just afraid that he would lose his humanity and starts treating everyone else as NPC's. It's too easy for someone with that ability to slip and become evil, killing people left and right with excuse that he would time travel and make everything like it's never happened.
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Osiris_5260

    He can't yet, it's not how his ability works, in the future he will unlock new ways using it, but not for now, sorry if that was not clear enough.

    Ch 20 Training Results Summary, Assuming the Role of the Prophet?
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w
  • Sycore_w
    Replied to Bharath_M984

    It's hard to tell. At some point when Yuta was reach a soft celling of his power, he would look for other means to advance, like Kakuzu jutsu or Hiruko jutsu, or Hashirama cells, or something else, I don't know what it would be so I can't tell when it happens.

    For now just know that MC progresses with time, his physical and spiritual energy and chakra is growing, his sensory technique is improving, and he also learning some good stuff in the library.
    Naruto: Time Traveler
    Anime & Comics · Sycore_w