of reading
Read books
I don't recommend reading it! The main character is the personification of mediocrity. He does not possess any skills or talents. He doesn’t even have the “intelligence” or “cunning” necessary to achieve success. The main character's thinking is very superficial. He also blushes and is embarrassed like some teenager.
I don't recommend reading it. The author expresses his own, unnecessary views on films as the truth. Moreover, these views are very superficial. There are an endless number of films in the world with different genres, but the author judges them all by the same standard, what else can you expect from a pseudo-connoisseur of “art” who, in the 21st century, considers feature films to be the pinnacle of cinematography. I would call feature films an echo of the past. Why watch them at all? You can read the book on which the feature film was based, and from the Book you will get much more than two hours of screen time. And in general, TV series are more suitable for such topics, thanks to their timing, they will allow you to delve deeper into the history, plot, and revelation of characters. If the main character really was a connoisseur of art, as the author portrays him, he would make a series to express his thoughts. But according to the author, the series is secondary garbage, because they don’t give an Oscar for it. Heh - what else can you expect from an author with one-sided thinking. Divide films into commercial and artistic. What else could be more stupid?
you can remove these redness - it looks too stupid
In his past life, he was the personification of mediocrity, but the author begins to make him into some kind of brilliant director! If he has talent, then why send him to the past??? And maybe a little less of this “artistic” nonsense. There are really films in the world, but the author, in his own words, evaluates them to one standard - like if the director did not express his thoughts in the film, it is not a film. What nonsense!
I don't recommend reading it. The author is a typical Chinese. When the main character meets the Chinese, he communicates “friendly” with them, like brothers. If a Chinese man asked the main character to kiss his ass, the main character would gladly do it. Previously, I did not judge people by nationality (after all, this is the 21st century, which China is not aware of, because they have a closed Internet - how pathetic they are), but after reading many works by Chinese authors, a feeling of disgust for everything Chinese arose in me. It’s one thing if authors praise everything Chinese in order to attract readers - that’s normal. But if the authors really have a similar mindset, I feel sorry for them, they don’t understand that they are part of a billion-strong herd that has no opinion of its own.