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  • iokb12997
    "For this duel, you have to win three out of five matches to pass, the only rules are no killing and no use of forbidden magic, everything Elsa goes.
    Rise Of The Shadow Demon
    Fantasy · NTNova
  • iokb12997

    How did he hold his head with both had if his left arm was immobilized by a cast and the right arm too painful to move?

    Ch 3 I’ll Break Your Balls The Next Time I See You!
    System's POV
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • iokb12997

    Allowing the CEOs of private companies, the guilds, to vote on important government appointments is definitely not a form of Democracy or Republicanism. Sounds more like Corporatocracy. Which in the fantasy genre is synonymous with greed, corruption, and exploitation.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Only Wisdom Awakened
    Fantasy · Almun_
  • iokb12997
    Replied to Almun_

    If you're reworking the story then consider having it not in the US. The back story of the MC trying to pay for the care of his family doesn't ring true. I'm not sure how things like this work in other countries but an individual would never be held responsible for the financial burden of medical care of a family member. No matter how sick my parents are the Hospital can't send me a bill. They would send my parents a bill. If my parents are unable to pay that bill then as a disabled person they would be eligible for aid from the federal government who would pay it. A hospital or any other medical facility can't kick you out just because you can't afford care. I left a long winded comment in chapter 8 as well. I understand that the MC needs a source of motivation to drive himself to do the dangerous work of killing monsters. A understanding of the complex US medical industry is not needed to write a story, but it's just too far fetched for me. Sill enjoying the story though. Thank you.

    Only Wisdom Awakened
    Fantasy · Almun_
  • iokb12997

    It's clear the author is not aware of the US Healthcare system. A child would never be held responsible for the financial burden of a family member. As a minor he would have been entered into the foster care system by the courts if no family members were able to take him in. The courts would then have assigned a Guardian of Person, a social worker, to make medical decisions and a Guardian of Estate to make financial decisions for the two parents and the sister. Their house, car, bank accounts, or other assets would be liquefied to pay the medical bills for the parents by the Guardian of Estate. When no money is left, then the federal government would step in as the payor of last resort. Medicaid is the federal government program for payor of last resort for disabled individuals. As a minor he would not have been able to make medical decisions, although his wishes would have been a strong influence on most court appointed guardians. Only as an adult, and he just turned 18, would the court allow him to become the guardian of his family members. He would have to prove to the courts that he was able to be their guardian. His family members would still be eligible for Medicaid benefits because they are disabled. He would not be financially crippled trying to pay for their care. An adult can not be held responsible for the debt, even medical debt, of their parents or siblings. Sorry for being nit picky and long winded. I am enjoying the story and realize that these stresses on the MC are meant to drive and motivate him. It's a story.🌞

    Among the countless people who had been the victim of the curse, not even one had woken up during the past three years, forcing many families to give the authorization to pull the plug due to the lack of funds.
    Only Wisdom Awakened
    Fantasy · Almun_
  • iokb12997

    "No" means she doesn't like the name. Don't you like ice cream? Yes, but...

    "No, it's just… unexpected."
    The First Vampire
    Fantasy · Carrot On Weighing Scale