


The growing vines on the courtyard worried the Young Master, for he learned time passes and his live would one day end

2024-02-10 JoinedGlobal

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  • RodolfoMaou

    The best way I could describe this is an intriguing yet polarizing fanfic. The initial chapters of the story struggle with a barebones and almost abysmal writing style, which may deter some readers. The narrative improves to a decent standard as the story progresses, but it never quite reaches a level that would be considered polished, especially due to dialogue that disrupts the flow and flashbacks that interrupt the action sequences. These elements can make the reading experience somewhat disjointed. True to the spirit of the original Naruto anime, this fanfic is laden with flashbacks. These flashbacks serve to either revisit early chapters or introduce new plotlines crafted by the author. The inclusion of these scenes will divide readers: some will appreciate the depth they add, finding them instrumental in strengthening current scenes, while others may view them as unwelcome interruptions that break the narrative momentum. This fanfic tends to read more like a comfort story, imbued with a sense of nostalgia rather than an attempt to carve out a completely new plot. Fans of the original series might enjoy seeing familiar characters expanded upon, endowed with new abilities, and interacting with characters they haven't previously encountered. Naruto himself is portrayed as overpowered, effortlessly resolving most situations, which can be a source of either enjoyment or frustration. Those who relish seeing their favorite characters triumph easily might find this aspect appealing, while others may miss the tension and struggle that characterized the original series. The story ventures into creating new lore, adding layers to certain characters' backstories, including Naruto's, and touching upon events from Boruto. This expansion can be a significant draw for some, offering fresh content and deeper insights into beloved characters. However, it can also be a deal breaker for purists who prefer the canon with very few additional alterations. As mentioned above, this fanfic will either resonate strongly with you or fall flat. The quality of writing is nothing exceptional, and the story's reliance on flashbacks, comfort plotlines, and new lore are the primary elements that will determine its reception. For some, these aspects will provide a sense of nostalgia and expanded enjoyment of the Naruto universe, while for others, they will be sources of frustration and disengagement. Ultimately, your enjoyment hinges on your personal preferences and your attachment to the Naruto series.

    Naruto is Reincarnated
    Anime & Comics · Indie131998
  • RodolfoMaou

    This fan-fic offers a unique take on the Naruto universe, bringing forth a narrative that captivates with its consistent writing style and intriguing protagonist. However, despite its strengths, the story struggles with a few notable issues that hinder the overall enjoyment. The writing itself is steady and reliable, ensuring that readers are not thrown off by sudden changes in tone or quality. However, the author has a tendency to over-explain certain actions and events. This repetition can become tedious and might detract from the overall reading experience, making it feel as if the narrative is not progressing as smoothly as it could. The protagonist stands out as an interesting character with a keen focus on research, strategic planning, and manipulation. Yet, there's a significant contradiction that hampers the story's appeal: despite being portrayed as a calculating strategist, his plans frequently backfire. These failures not only slow his power growth but also inadvertently create more powerful enemies. This inconsistency in his effectiveness as a strategist diminishes the enjoyment, as it becomes frustrating to see his schemes fail over and over again. Another major issue in the narrative is the author's reluctance to let any main antagonists die. Time and again, enemies escape due to convenient plot devices such as the protagonist's power waning at critical moments or the antagonists using a timely jutsu to flee. This recurring theme makes the battles less exciting and predictable, as readers come to expect that no significant foe will be defeated permanently. For instance, even after 600 chapters, all the main members of the Akatsuki remain alive and have grown exponentially stronger than their canon counterparts, which can feel redundant and tiresome. The initial stages of the protagonist's journey from weak to strong are well-executed, with a gradual exploration of the Tenseigan's powers. However, as the story progresses, his growth in power stagnates due to repeated poor planning, escalating confrontations or convenient lack of funds to further his research. While the story does a commendable job of fleshing out the personalities and motivations of characters from canon/filler/movies, it falls short in letting most characters in on the action. Outside of the main protagonist and a few key antagonists, most characters lack the power necessary to make significant impacts on the story, which can lead to a lack of variety and richness in the narrative. For those who enjoy a mix of strategic planning and actione, this story may still offer some enjoyment, but be prepared for its noticeable shortcomings.

    Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan
    Anime & Comics · Alex_Clive
  • RodolfoMaou

    The author's writing prowess is truly remarkable. Their ability to craft paragraphs at just the right length ensures a smooth and engaging reading experience. Despite the chapters being lengthy, they never feel overwhelming; instead, each one unfolds like a stroke of genius, drawing readers further into the story's intricacies with every turn of the page. As for the story itself, one of the standout features is the portrayal of the main character. Rather than feeling like a mere self-insert, they emerge as a fully realized individual who seamlessly integrates into the Invincible universe. Their personality and motivations are developed and evolve, adding layers of depth and authenticity to the story. The dynamic between the main character and Omni-Man showcases what I enjoy the most in stories in particular highlight. Instead of relying solely on established canon from the show or comics, the author deftly weaves new threads into the narrative, crafting an engrossing narrative that feels both familiar and refreshingly original.

    Almost Invincible (Invincible SI)
    Anime & Comics · EmmaCruzader
  • RodolfoMaou

    While the initial arc may seem somewhat lackluster and easily forgettable, akin to a slow burn, the narrative gradually unfolds to reveal its true brilliance. As the story progresses, it metamorphoses into a masterpiece of storytelling, seamlessly weaving intricate plotlines and character development that kept me on the edge of my seat. One of the standout aspects lies in its main character. Unlike many fanfics where characters feel like mere caricatures, the protagonist here possesses a depth and complexity that make them feel like a genuine individual. Their journey is compelling, filled with growth, flaws, and introspection, making them relatable and multi-dimensional. Furthermore, the interactions and relationships between the main character and other characters within the Naruto universe are a testament to the author's skill. Each interaction feels authentic, adding depth to both the protagonist and the supporting cast. Whether it's moments of camaraderie, conflict, or introspection, these interactions enrich the story and elevate its quality.

    Naruto : Domination
    Anime & Comics · sybife
  • RodolfoMaou

    The introduction of the main character's powers is a masterstroke, with clear limitations that add depth and complexity to the story. Living with these powers as a burden not only adds layers to the protagonist's character but also fosters a deep sense of sympathy from the reader. One of the standout features of the fic is the dynamic relationships the main character forms with other characters, which are explored through shifting points of view. These friendships not only enhance the story but also provide avenues for further investment from the audience. Even side characters like Robin and Raven receive meaningful development, adding richness to the overall narrative. But it's the incredible character development of the main character that steals the show. As the story progresses, readers can feel the emotional growth of the protagonist, who undergoes significant changes that feel natural and compelling. The slow pace of scenes allows for dramatic build-ups that culminate in breathtaking battles and poignant emotional moments. However, the introduction of nearly omniscient characters from the DC Universe, while canon, detracts from the story's ability to maintain tension. Their constant 4th wall breakings and alignment with the main character diminish the suspense of whether the protagonist will overcome their enemies. Furthermore, the arc set in an alternative universe takes a misstep, as it thrusts the protagonist into a realm of excessive power without sufficient buildup. This departure from the established world-building and emotional development of the previous setting results in a character who feels edgy and uninteresting, detracting from the overall quality of the story.

    Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
  • RodolfoMaou

    This fanfic presents an intriguing premise that blends the Sharingan of Naruto with the expansive MCU. However, despite its promising concept, the execution is marred by several notable flaws. One commendable aspect of the fanfic is its inventive method of transporting the protagonist to another dimension. The incorporation of humor and creativity in this teleportation process adds an entertaining layer to the narrative, setting a playful tone from the outset. The introduction of the X-Men into the MCU landscape injects fresh possibilities for storytelling, introducing new dynamics and adversaries. The decision to limit the protagonist's knowledge of the MCU prevents the story from feeling overly predictable, allowing for unexpected developments and challenges to arise. Unfortunately, the writing style leaves a lot to be desired. Short, choppy sentences detract from the flow of the prose, while dialogue often feels stilted and unnatural, hindering immersion in the story. A major sticking point is the characterization of the main protagonist. The choice to depict them as a seasoned mercenary with preternatural combat skills and an immediate mastery of the Sharingan feels contrived, skipping over opportunities for meaningful character development. The rapid acquisition of powers diminishes the sense of struggle and growth that could have enriched the narrative. Moreover, the protagonist's edgy and aggressive demeanor undermines their purported goal of safeguarding the world from future threats. Actions such as hypnotizing and brainwashing individuals, as well as engaging in threatening behavior towards authorities, paint a concerning picture of their moral compass. Instead of inspiring unity and cooperation, their antisocial tendencies raise doubts about their ability to lead effectively.

    With The Sharingan In The MCU
    Movies · RetMod