

2024-01-05 JoinedGlobal

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  • Troy_Dellinger

    i have a feeling the dynamics in Jianshen and rufeng's relationship isn't that much different to jianyu and fengxi, lol.

    Ch 477 Chapter 477 : Settling Scores From The Past Life (8)
    Dance Of The Dragons
    LGBT+ · Lu_Shui
  • Troy_Dellinger

    Is creepy Nala a spy for some noblewoman? Poor Felix being obsessed by crazy people left and right... for better or worse. Yeah, Asher is also crazy... for Felix, lol.

    Ch 103 A Very Responsible Man
    My Dear Duke(BL)
    LGBT+ · Sweet_Vanilla553
  • Troy_Dellinger

    I thought the journeys are going to be boring after a while, but I was wrong, hahah! I love how every "loop" bring a bit more about Cass. We are presented with initial depiction of Cass, which kinda villain-like. But as he went through the loop, the events peeled the layers of who Cass is, bit by bit, and we begin to see someone complex. I also love the concept of shell and how the author doesn't just make these shells as decoration, but instead point out how each shell affect Cass' decision making and mental state. Making the shell practically "alive", unlike most transmigration story where shells are considered dead for good from the get-go. The vast amount of npc in this story is surprising. Some are one dimensional char (pure evil/good), but many are well built enough they are relatable. The world are explained quite well too, with all different settings and all to give reader a sense of the era and society. I do feel weird progression with the sleeping time (did it affect the world's progress?), but that's probably the only glaring thing I feel about the world's workings. As for pacing, despite limited number of pages each arc, the pace was acceptable. I don't feel the loop world's rushed too much to the point there is no time to "take a breath and ruminate prior events". I was surprised even that I find in many cases that I feel that things are wrapped up nicely and I still can feel time and events flow naturally. Writing is good. The author don't use much flowery vocab, but it's not boring either to the point I notice some phrases being repeated over and over. It also contains barely any typos, which helps immersion. 👍

    The Trickster's Taming Guide of the Devil (BL)
    LGBT+ · TheEmpressNing
  • Troy_Dellinger
    Replied to Troy_Dellinger

    don't worry too much, please 😀 it's just my own preference. you're already amazing for sharing this story in the first place! not everyone have even the courage to even try. be well, and keep writing 😘

    I rise from my Ash
    Teen · Zainab_Muawiyya
  • Troy_Dellinger
    Replied to Zainab_Muawiyya

    aaah, got it. thanks for pointing out, author! i think i got distracted and didn't register it, thinking she's just resting the rest of the day (and with the guy coworker hanging around helping her, hence the hacking and stuff doesn't seem plausible to me).

    " So when I returned home I knew it would be hard for Mandy not to complain to her brother and not getting myself summoned so I had to be ready. It wasn't easy at all, but I did manage to hack into the CCTV footage of the company and found some deleted files and I recovered them. And guess what, it was all tapes of Mandy's bullying, I copied them down into the flashdrive and kept another copy on my phone, so that was it" I explained.
    I rise from my Ash
    Teen · Zainab_Muawiyya
  • Troy_Dellinger

    I only read up to ch 8 at the time I wrote this review, so take it with a grain of salt. This book got potential. The blurb interest me tbh, because I like independent, strong, and self-sufficient female lead. However, the first chapter opening was confusing, speaking of writing, although it got better soon. There are a few typos, but I can manage to auto-correct in my head. At least, it wasn't as bad as other books I've read, but it does distracted me from being immersed. Some scenes, seemed to have weird, unsatisfyingly explained, timing that just doesn't fit with events happening in previous scenes. Characters feels a bit rushed. Some are unnecessarily mysterious, others are kinda have no reason to behave the way they are with their initial background. Even the main lead was kinda superficial, because while readers get why she wanted revenge logically, there wasn't much too make her relatable emotionally. Story development up to the one I read feels rushed (which contributed to the section above). Personally, I feel like the impact of the breaking point wasn't meaningful because the lack of insight into main char's psychological state. How distraught was she? How deep the betrayal she feels? And this continues, with main char facing events after events with "downtime" scenes just being kinda info dumped. I prefer slow-burning stories for this kind of theme, so maybe that was why I find it hard getting immersed. I do not mean to discourage, so please don't be discouraged author!! The plot is interesting, after all, and the promise the blurb sells (revenge story like no other) pique my interest to see how it unfolds.

    I rise from my Ash
    Teen · Zainab_Muawiyya
  • Troy_Dellinger

    when did she return home? i thought she slapped mandy, asked her to clean up, and then fainted? 🤔

    " So when I returned home I knew it would be hard for Mandy not to complain to her brother and not getting myself summoned so I had to be ready. It wasn't easy at all, but I did manage to hack into the CCTV footage of the company and found some deleted files and I recovered them. And guess what, it was all tapes of Mandy's bullying, I copied them down into the flashdrive and kept another copy on my phone, so that was it" I explained.
    I rise from my Ash
    Teen · Zainab_Muawiyya
  • Troy_Dellinger

    I love how merciless Jianshen is to Fengxi 😏. Brother complex in full peak, lol.

    Ch 476 Chapter 476 : Settling Scores From The Past Life (7)
    Dance Of The Dragons
    LGBT+ · Lu_Shui
  • Troy_Dellinger

    Did I miss something? I don't think Asher ever said he was omega to anyone there, just that he got "poisoned" and as a side effect, he got "symptoms" like omega, the same way Felix think he got his condition, which shouldn't make pregnancy a first thought for anyone except Asher himself. But, I'm also still wondering why no one noticed Asher's mole, after all this time, hahaha. Some curious details related to his omega trait during his kidnapping still a mystery too. It's more believable to have Anne thinking Asher's pregnant due to her mysterious source of information (either her magic or Karl) while never being told anything, lol. Actually, I have been waiting for Anne to blurt out to Asher that he's carrying since he started sleeping with Felix, lol. The girl deserve a little sibling 😏. I guess I'll see if that will happen in the next chapters, hahahah.

    As it is, when an omega and another male mate... of course, it can defnitely lead to this end.
    My Dear Duke(BL)
    LGBT+ · Sweet_Vanilla553
  • Troy_Dellinger

    I just realized, but he's back to "Hades", eh? Poor Hades, he only got to be called Angel in one lifetime. Cass even haven't called him with his real name to his face since that one lifetime, lol.

    Cass responded, "I wholeheartedly believe we are fated, which means he'll soon come to realize that I'm the only one for him. In the meantime, I'll make sure none of his concubines and Morgana spend the night here. I'll let that happen over my dead body."
    The Trickster's Taming Guide of the Devil (BL)
    LGBT+ · TheEmpressNing
  • Troy_Dellinger

    I'm hooked 😁. I like how the writer build this story. The lore is established well and with such care. Instead of being lore-dumped at the beginning, the world is introduced *as needed* to the reader, so the reader know enough not to feel disconnected to the context, but not enough to feel like getting a history lesson. In a way, we learn about the world as Fengxi did, and it helps the reader to connect to main characters more. Character relationships are thankfully not rushed. The flow of the story so far (80 chapters in) unfolds in a balanced pace most of the time. The time skips can be a bit jarring, though, when it came to Wenyuan, as interaction with him is limited in exposure and just summed up to the pre-established lore, making connecting with him and his situation a bit hard (on top of the leads being interesting character already, lol). Also, this novel had the best translation I've read in here (pardon if this is not a translation) so far (at least in lgbt+ category). Barely any typos, weird grammar, or incorrect character ref which kinda bug me out when it happen too often within a chapter. So, I'm really enjoying my time reading. This is my first review ever, lol. Had to write it because this title deserve it 😁 for the amount of enjoyment I receive. I hope the quality stays until the end, or better yet, improves. Wish you all the best creator!

    Dance Of The Dragons
    LGBT+ · Lu_Shui
  • Troy_Dellinger

    Should be Felix, no?

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    My Dear Duke(BL)
    LGBT+ · Sweet_Vanilla553
  • Troy_Dellinger
    Replied to MelBri

    lol, agreed. also, the book is in his hand, and his other hand is on the dog, so he can't feel for braille either 😅. unless he's using his thumb or the book is an audiobook. 🤔

    Ch 10 I’m Blind
    The Blind Man Next Door [BL]
    LGBT+ · AuthorWissal