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This story definitely doesn't deserve five stars for update stability , but I'll give it anyway because of how amazing it is . See if that changes , Author-San !
Look at BatAfleck for example. He kills, so why are the Joker and Harley Quinn still alive after years of brutal vigilantism? This question was intentionally ignored. In an interview they tried to justify that he will only kill in self-defense, but please, what a weak explanation, are you going to say that he never had to kill the Joker in self-defense?
I KNOW ! 😤 I would even be able to continue reading if they at least DIDN ' T TALK about it . They do this a lot if times. Even in versions where the Justice League will use lethal force if necessary, they have, for some reason, spared supervillains who NEED to be killed. But they, for the most part, just didn't bring up the subject of "Why haven't we killed him yet"! But currently, EVERY issue of comics, TV specials, Animated and Live-Actio Movies, TV Series Episodes and Cartoons has started "Killing is Bad" speeches, even when it will literally save the entire universe.
Batman "forbidding" everyone from going to "his" city and everyone obeying is already a ridiculous thing, but when someone is after one of the supervillains instead of after these supervillains, he calls on Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Flash, maybe the entire League to protect these horrible people. I know the characters are fictional and so are the situations, but it just gives me literal headaches reading such ridiculous characters, which is why I like self-insertions so much .
Man, I really hate this! It's so ridiculous! Not this story, it's great, I'm talking about the absurd "logic" that the writers try to make the characters convey to the reader and fail every time in the comics!!! I hate seeing these plot devices used as "morality" by the characters! I know this only serves to prolong an endless cycle of monthly comic issues, but it's all so forced! If I didn't try to be realistic, I would even be able to ignore it and continue reading the comics, but they try to teach moral and character lessons with these absurdities and treat them as "realistic". Things like Fighting Back Is Wrong, If Killing Will Be Equal/Worse Than Him, Easily Forgiven, Protagonist-Based Morality, Reported Error, these simple ridiculous tropes left me unable to Turn Off My Disbelief.
It's just that in my opinion (and, honestly, perhaps it's the opinion of anyone who has the slightest understanding of how the real world works) Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. are not, in any way, "The Most Trustworthy". Every decision they make is completely absurd, ridiculous and tactically meaningless, their personality seems to change from issue to issue and every time they need to make a complicated moral decision (like killing a humanoid galactic tyrant to prevent the certain destruction of Earth), they start ranting and saying that "There's a better way", "There must be a better way" or "There has to be a better way" but never SAYING what that "better way" is. I simply got tired of their stories, that's why I take self-inserts so seriously, as they put some logic, sanity and being common in imaginary worlds like those of DC and Marvel
I think I understand the problem I had with this fic. It was my prejudice. It's just that I was taking it so seriously that I started projecting what I wanted the character to do: Tell them to go to THAT place! I took it so seriously that I ended up forgetting where the protagonist is: In the DC Universe, where the will of the protagonists/superheroes seems to be the absolute law of that universe
Why the hell is he letting himself be completely bossed around like this? I don't understand, the personality, the narrative are completely at odds with your actions! He accepted being observed, ordered, analyzed, explained several of his powers, accepted an interrogation and a damn mental intrusion and, even though he doesn't want to be a superhero, he seems to accept being part of the team, Batman is controlling, manipulating and openly intimidating him, but still seems to have a friendly relationship with him. etc. . Don't get me wrong , this story is amazing , but it's extremely self-contradictory !
Did the MC also correct the main characters’ ridiculous and “moral” way of thinking? In the series, they constantly committed horrible crimes "innocently" and constantly "forgave" themselves (they created the black hole at the end of the first season and "moved on because Central City needs the Flash"), didn't pursue horrible criminals they had personal relationships with and were quick to "forgive" them when they offered them some help (Snart, Rory, Amunet, Marlize Devoe, etc.) and ignored the crimes of people with deranged and murderous behavior (The Bearers of the Forces Cosmic that they created themselves, Oliver Queen. Although in this case, EVERYONE in that verse quickly ignored his horrible crimes because he was the "hero") and inexplicably forgot that they had already killed several people and considered themselves, even if unconsciously, Ideal Heroes (Team Flash killed Atom Smasher and several other supervillains directly, but when they had to kill the main Supervillains of the season, they started with the "no kill". Seriously, when Barry had to face a fight to the death in Gorilla City, Harry Wells even said he shouldn't use lethal force to remain "pure"). This ridiculous, criminal and inconsistent behavior caused by a terrible plot was present in every CW series! Great Fanfic!
This obviously made him a complete escapist character and a blatant wish fulfillment! But then again: A relationship with Max AND Caroline also certainly counts as that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind, it doesn't seem like over-the-top action movie happenings are going to be a thing in this story, so even if it is extremely OP, it still won't be that relevant! If anything, it will make even more people (men/us) want to escape reality and become Alex! What matters is that the story remains good and considering that it is already among the 10 most popular fanfics in Webnovel , you can go far!