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I'm not too sure what half these tards are talking about by rating this story as bad. It's an enjoyable and easy flowing story. The author did multiverse rather well, and the protagonist is actually overpowered as it says he is. None of that bull crap where an overpowered protag is suddenly nerfed, or ground stomped by a random goblin level mob; or running away or leaving his people behind in different worlds. The author did the genre he chose extremely well. Reading thru some of the complaining people have left about the story leaves me questioning if they actually read it or perhaps they may have been dropped on their heads as babies. I enjoyed ilthe story. Cheers writer.
zero free will. dear author, that's not using a system as a plot device; that's just bad plot crafting.
no game no life?
weak protag finally gets a power up and boom. nerf
wishy washy attribute now added to a weak and cowardly protagonist. what a wonderful addition.
we're at chapter 33, and we so far have a protagonist that is weak and cowardly, despite his cheats; that really hasn't accomplished or done anything beyond some minor arms dealing and training. no real path, plot, growth, character development, relationships, or anything beyond a spectre that watches harry potter canon while having worthless cheats... tf author. tf.
An enjoyable read. Well put together with the multiple worlds. The only negative is that there are not 500+ chapters of it to read.
Sol is batman?
it's kinda funny tbh. he can get seeks name with correct spelling when using in the place of another characters name, but when it's actually seek in the story, it's changed randomly every other line to random stuff like sigurd and such.