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did you forget that Sasha slept with Ashton, why would you just think it is your child Athina tell Dom that Sasha slept with not only with Ashton
please can Enzo just tell Sabrina the truth, she needs to be happy ever after with Dominique and their son, poor Dominique he is getting the brunt of it all , he was also a victim Sasha must be exposed and her friend, she was a big part of everything, she needs to suffer
please please update
I feel so sorry for Dominique , he is getting it from all sides, hope Aaron see it
agree, a domineering man
how on earth is Dom and Arhena and Aaron going to have a happy ending with three nasty people involved, Theresa, Sasha and the irritating Vladimir
Aaron I think you are the one now to intervene so your parents can end up together so you can be a whole family , this set up is unnatural with all the lies
agree does she want such a domineering man
hope it is Dominique, Vladimir is not a likeable man, too controlling and domineering, Aaron needs his own parents