


A fan of the Total War franchise (Total War Warhammer is an insult to us historical gamers), a fan of Paradox games (Europa Universalis IV, HOI4 and CK2) and a fan of Red Hot Chili Peppers.

2023-09-17 JoinedBrazil



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  • Punisher_7206 days ago

    The story became the biggest "What If" of alternate history, it showed an Eastern Roman Empire in ruins and Antonius and his band of misfits saved the Eastern Roman Empire from its downfall on the fateful day of May 29, 1453. I don't know if the author will make the story even longer than it is, but if he goes to the 16th century, I would like to know how Antonius' successors would deal with the Italian Wars (1494-1559) and with the proliferation of reform movements (Lutherans, Calvinists, Anglicans and Anabaptists) and what the position of the Eastern Roman Empire will be with the Protestant principalities and Protestant Kingdoms (In real life the Tsardom of Russia reacted voraciously to Protestants.) And as an aside, since the Eastern Roman Empire survived until 1453, perhaps when they have established a strong army, they can reconquer Southern Italy back in the period of the Italian Wars,entering the war as a third faction in the war, the Roman side, a counterposition to the French and Spanish, which would be very interesting in the future to see an interaction with a descendant of Antonius with rulers such as Charles I of Spain (aka Charles V, Holy Roman Empire) and Cesare Borgia (aka Pope Alexander VI).

  • Punisher_7207 days ago

    The strongest in the universe appears in the story:

  • Punisher_72015 days ago

    Just by mentioning Kamen Rider already makes this a better story, many Dragon Ball fans (specifically the Z phase) don't understand these references to Tokusatsu series in Dragon Ball (the most recent was Gamma 01 and Gamma 02, being clear references to Ultraman Z and Ultraman Zero) and just by mentioning Kamen Rider, I mention the best of the Hesei Era: Open your eyes to the next to Faiz.

  • Punisher_720a month ago
    Replied to Equuleus_Nox

    Just one question, will Cooler appear on Earth to avenge Freeza?According to some magazines such as Daizenshuu, he is stronger than Freeza and could be an intermediate villain after Freeza and before the Cell Saga (The second Mecha Cooler movie would not be included in the story why do the events occur at the same time that the androids attack Earth and the Android 13 movie also doesn't tell why at that moment Goku is recovering from his heart disease at Kame House and it would be chaos to put Android 13 as a villain in the middle of the Cell Saga because he is probably stronger than Androids 19 and 20, fused with Androids 14 and 15 would probably be stronger than Semi-Perfect Cell which would drastically change the story on a very absurd level.)

  • Punisher_720a month ago
    Replied to Sathoshyn02

    Technically, the Freeza Saga only ends when Freeza and King Cold come to Earth, but this Goku is the worst nightmare that Freeza could face, so I think there won't be Mecha Freeza but still the King Cold comes to Earth just to conclude the Freeza Saga (Trunks will certainly be very confused with a friendly Nappa and the sudden changes that occurred in the Saiyan invasion).

  • Punisher_720a month ago

    Congratulations, you managed to make Goku unleash his Saiyan side with maximum fury, contrary to canon, this Goku will not let Freeza go to Earth, he will finish the job even on Namek or be a Goku E S S Ê N C I A.

  • Punisher_720a month ago

    The kingdom of Fasi would be the equivalent of the Ottoman Empire or the Hafsid Kingdom (both had control over the Mediterranean Sea) and another thing, who are the "French" in this reality?

  • Punisher_7202 months ago

    In real life in 1895, my country (Brazil) was having the Armada Revolt led by Admiral Saldanha da Gama and the politician from Rio Grande do Sul Gaspar Silveira Martins against President Floriano Peixoto (in which he was practically a dictator), perhaps in this reality Princess Isabel let her son come to Brazil to lead the Armada Revolt and that is why Brazil is in a Civil War.