(patreon.com/EmmaCruzader) support me so I can continue writing :D Amateur Illustrator, aspiring full-time writer, English is not my first language. Only children choose, a man takes it all!
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No, She cannot force another to die if that other person does not want to die.
Not really, remember that power consumes her mental energy, she can't just give herself more mental power.
All the disadvantages are described in the note, and will be explored a little more in the next chapter.
for Gen M/monsters
I'm still working on it, ideally 4-5, maybe one more, maybe less, I prefer to let things develop.
I don't have many plans yet for the mutants in this story.
You have to keep in mind that this Matt is based more on his comics/animated series self and not so much on the one from the television series, in the series they wanted to give him a bit of 'realism' but that realism doesn't work when you know everything that 'normal' humans can do in the comics universe.
Accumulating power is not really the central point of the story but if it is necessary then Daniel will do it.
Actually that's not a weakness that needs some kind of extraordinary power to unlock, it just needs to gain resistance, like people who cook on a grill and over time withstand the heat without getting too uncomfortable.