


I believe that life is a beautiful journey, and every moment is worth cherishing.

2023-07-10 JoinedUnited States



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  • Skyvault
    Replied to not_Arya

    System + mystery + detective reasoning, I believe you will enjoy this story in your upcoming reading.

    A master criminal? No, I just want to be a good person
    Urban · Skyvault
  • Skyvault
    Replied to Lollipop_gun11

    Sunita is the kind of girl who can light up the entire room as soon as she appears. Her demeanor combines the freshness of a student with natural charm. Her eyes are bright and expressive, as if they could see into the depths of one's soul, and her smile is both innocent and infectious. She dresses simply yet stylishly, showcasing the vigor and elegance of youth. Every step she takes, every smile she gives, radiates her unique aura, captivating those around her.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Sovannra_Seang


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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Chaos_Envoy

    NCAA Basketball, short for National Collegiate Athletic Association basketball, is the primary intercollegiate basketball competition in the United States.

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  • Skyvault

    I never imagined that one day, I too would lie in bed, reading through this novel chapter by chapter. Falling in love with a group of even fictitious characters, I adore William so much, and I also have a fondness for Alice. If parallel universes exist, I would rather become a character in the novel, possessing supernatural abilities, and participating in their unwavering past until death.

    Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years
    Fantasy · IvyWoods
  • Skyvault

    Wow, I just dove into this story and I'm honestly blown away by the concept. William Johnson, the guy who’s lived a billion years - that’s insane and super cool! I mean, just imagine the kind of stories he must have tucked away in his mind, being a mentor to Alexander the Great and even setting up religions around the world. It’s like history on steroids with a touch of fantasy thrown in! The first meeting of him with those successful people he mentored a long time ago was just... wow. It sets such a mysterious yet grand stage, you know? It's almost like watching titans reunite, but with this really cool twist of a time-defying mentor. I am totally hooked on finding out how William managed to remain ageless and what secrets he's harboring. But hey, as a new reader, I’ve got to say – I'm kind of hoping we'll see more of his human side too. Like, yeah, he's this almost god-like figure, but what makes him tick on a daily basis? What’s his favorite food? Does he watch TV? I'm curious about the little details that make him more relatable.

    Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years
    Fantasy · IvyWoods
  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    The one who uses the Flame Lion skill is Richard.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    Guo Jia's cultivation level is early Elite grade, but he is a very special existence. He is a civil minister who excels in strategy and tactics. The currently summoned young Guo Jia has not yet grown to his peak time. Similarly, Herman's cultivation is also early Elite grade.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    This novel also attempts to utilize a system of levels, with the goal of creating a more comprehensive framework to fulfill future creative plans. If there are areas that feel inappropriate, we can discuss them. I will do my best to find solutions that align with my overall plans by accommodating your valuable feedback.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to

    I'm so glad you enjoyed this chapter! Your support means a lot to me. Keep reading!

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to electric_pun2005

    I'm grateful for your passion for my novel! Please give me a bit more time, and I will work on bringing you more chapters when I am able.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    I'm grateful for your passion for my novel! Please give me a bit more time, and I will work on bringing you more chapters when I am able.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to FallenAngeI

    Okay, I've also been conflicted about this issue and haven't been able to come up with a more suitable term. Now that you've brought it up, I'll ponder it for a while and make some proper edits.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to FantasyTroll

    Consider creating a unique identity that propels the progression of the story within this alternate world, enriching your creative thinking. This idea also reminds me that in the next stage, I should gradually reveal the background of the queen's lineage.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Dari_

    This system has a special identity that cannot be disclosed at the moment.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Dari_

    This loli is the image of the system in the male protagonist's mind in another world.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    Yes, those types of powerful cards will be introduced, but gradually, since the protagonist doesn't yet have the ability to control such advanced cards. There is still a much wider world to explore.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    I don't really like that either, and I currently don't have any plans to write anything in that genre.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Raven_Master

    Your suggestions are very good, and I will consider them. However, I feel that this setup will still be useful for the next part of the story.

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  • Skyvault
    Replied to Tommyshelby

    These ideas have been considered, but since the protagonist's story is just beginning, they have not yet encountered such powerful figures.

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