

2023-06-04 JoinedGlobal

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  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoe9 months ago
    Replied to Hardy1j

    non my guy the author has about six books and he just drops them off in the middle without finishing ......I would say martial arts system is the best of them all even though it isn't finished and in the last chapters he was doing a run down using only system messages so it seems as if the chapter is long ......and in why would a person focus on writing many books at the same time, it's quite lame I think that's the reason why he doesn't finish his books properly if he can just focus on one book then finish it before jumping into another book

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoe10 months ago

    are you going to finish Martial Arts System that's your Best book among all others

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoe10 months ago
    Replied to Manuel_Hicks_7654

    yeah martial arts system must be finished

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoe10 months ago
    Replied to Manuel_Hicks_7654

    yeah martial arts system must be finished

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago

    if you may continue this one I'll be grateful ,among all your works this one is the best

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago
    Replied to Alekzi

    Martial Arts System is a master piece if you can continue that one it will be great

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago
    Replied to Alekzi

    it will much acceptable if you continue Martial Arts System it's cooler than this one

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago
    Replied to Alekzi

    are you going to continue this book I kinda like this one more than your other works

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago
    Replied to Alekzi

    are you going to continue this book I kinda like this one more than your other works

  • SeanAnoe
    SeanAnoea year ago

    Different from all other system based novels