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bruh, the weakest top tier can literally destroy a wall using only the wind from his finger flick . Yes, Goo literally sliced a bullet from a gun that was placed right in his head with a wristwatch ? what was I even saying xiao long ? let this emo get past first Arc johan first 🤣 now it's your turn show me where yu dodged a bullet I'll wait
so ? Do you think top tiers in lookism are normal human beings ?? give me a break. Those guys destroy buildings easily. The only thing yu is punching is xiaolong because that's his limit lmao
aren't they the same person
battle iq ?? because logan is definitely not that smart
the mc looks like raoh, that's enough to give this fic a five-stars
i really hate to be that guy, but I've read both lookism and the boxer, and yuu never ever did a single feat that put him above monsters like gun
are those on guys I the comment being serious ?? 💀💀 Every top tier in lookism would destroy this dude
I like this so far , but I have a quick question since almost everyone in the comments are begging for harem and other disturbing stuff like pedophilia , will you be including those ??