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Tbh I don’t blame Leonard for the way he turned out imagine that your mother treating you like an experiment just so she could write a book
Doesn’t work like that she could lose her job
I feel like this is just a plot device so when the fire nation attacks he only knows air bending
Please don’t be this fics where they just let the air nomads get slaughtered for plot
No offense is he not gonna intervene I mean he knows the purge is gonna happen if all the air nomads still die that’s just kinda stupid
I’m confused don’t Spaniards mostly have dark hair I had that some preconception of Italians but I hear some northers have blonde hair is that the same with Spaniards ?
Hey author I was just commenting to ask if you have a patreon I like the story and wondering if I could read ahead
No offense author doesn’t seem flawed more stupid really especially cause he knows the long nights coming and from what I can tell from your writing during his reign so more men at the wall would’ve been better then being needlessly cruel and stupid
This was extremely stupid on many levels needlessly cruel
You fumbled on this one ngl aenys seems like Maegor the cruel here unnecessary killing