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The beginning was fairly standard. The usual novel about an MC villain, nothing remarkable, but it could be read at leisure. That's what I thought until the author started the third-to-last arc (with getting to the Japanese). It's so mediocre it's hard to describe in words. Absolutely everything in it is bad! But I didn't give up and kept reading, hoping that when this arc ends, the author will stop bullshitting and milking (in terms of donations) the readers who have a clot of sperm instead of a brain, because no one else can like the utter fuckery that happens in the 3rd arc. But...the last straw was the NTR, which the author tries to deny in every possible way, but the fact remains that the gg put his woman (heroine of his harem) under another man. After that, my optimistic mood about the next arcs cracked, and I lost any desire to read further. The author stupidly fucked up the MC's personality, character, and life views that he personally formed in the previous arcs. Gg's behavior in the third arc completely contradicts his previous self, especially in the moment with NTR. It's worth recognizing that this entire arc was created for the sake of one thing, pure fanservice, which helped to more effectively "milk" the fools I mentioned above. I'm sure that after this arc, the MC's personality will return to the original one and the author will pretend that this arc never happened. In any case, not recommended reading, you're wasting your time
Started for good and ended for bad (at the time of 224 chapters). In the first few chapters, the main character was really doing what he was supposed to be doing, but as the story went on, the less attention the author started to pay to it all. This makes it seem like he's just another protagonist who wanders around the world doing all sorts of things. Okay, if only that, but as the plot progresses, the intelligence of our hero falls exponentially, and logic and began to go out for a smoke (for example, high-level martial arts experts can not think of holding their breath so as not to die from smoke. And there are tons of examples like that). Also, cultivation seems to be purely for show. No one will tell us what the differences between the levels of cultivation are, what their features are, etc. They just are and that's it. Get over it. That's the reason why gg doesn't level up, even if he has enough points. He doesn't level up just because. The author tried to give some sort of explanation, but it was some random throw-in rather than anything clarifying. There's not much to say about the world structure. We were given some basic information at the beginning and that's it. Don't expect any more details. The characters, as befits the genre, are cardboard. It seems that the author is trying to create drama (which, more often than not, is out of place) to make the reader empathize with the secondary characters, but alas, everything looks rather artificial and dry. The only one who shows any character and is "alive" is our hero, but it's also very bad. We are shown his personality and beliefs based on a lot of plot holes. There were moments when he had a real way out of the situation, but at that moment his aikyu has fallen to a negative value, and he does not take advantage of all the opportunities only to then stand pompously in front of the mirror and argue about the fact that he is too weak. And that kind of thing, to me, looks very ridiculous and inappropriate. Because of which you simply do not believe in the growth of our hero's personality. The combat, by the way, is as dull, boring and uninteresting as possible. When I got to the ongoings, I actually flipped through whole pages with the description of the fight, so it was tedious to read. And the villains and main characters are just one plot hole.
The beginning of this novel is so awful that calling it crap would sound like a compliment. It was obvious that the author really wanted to make a small story for 20-30 chapters, not really caring much about the plot, characters, fight scenes and so on, but over time, thanks to the support of readers, the author started to progress and the story became many times better. Yes, there are still a lot of plot holes, illogicalities, etc., but the author is progressing and it's great, so I hope that in the future, this novel will be even better than it is now
Finally, a really great work in the genre. Yes, the idea is far from new, but its execution is perfect! All actions are as logical as possible! There is no water at all! And the most important thing is that our MC does not spend about a thousand chapters to kill the very first main character in the book, which most authors of this genre like to sin. Here for the first 100 chapters, our MC managed to kill already two main characters (unlike his colleagues, who really can not kill the very first and basic main character for 1000 chapters). In short, it's just the perfect urban enhancement novel
Initially, it was more or less normal, but starting with Volume 3, it turned into a huge fuck-up. In short, the logic and the plot have COMPLETELY left the chat room. I don't know if it's because the author signed a contract or because he's writing more books in parallel, but the fact remains that the quality has gotten much worse (I won't say that it was top-notch before, but much better than it is now) Final score: Until the third volume - 6 out of 10. After the third volume - 3 out of 10 P.s. I hope that for the hundredth time the author will write about the fact that he does not care about the opinion of the readers (bro, this reel is very funny, because it looks like an attempt to convince himself of this)
If anything, English is not my first language, so don't be surprised if there are a lot of mistakes The beginning was really quite good, even though the author poorly described (or even skipped over) the really important moments for the plot, but when the Temple arc started (it's somewhere in the 150-170th chapters), it got completely fucked up. The MC turned into an outright idiot who ironically had high IQ points. And the whole plot began to build on this (yes, yes, exactly on the idiocy of the gg). Too many stupid, illogical and pointless actions/plans on the part of MC (they were there before, but then it was still bearable until the Temple arc began), whom the author throughout the entire arc makes out as an un-fucking genius whose plans (pointless) even the smartest scientists in the universe could not understand. And about the author's attempts to create moments with a hopeless situation for the MC, to catch up on the drama or to show a character change, can be described by one as CRINGE. Final score: 1 out of 10 ( and I only gave it 1 because I was really surprised and amused by some of the first chapters. In any other case, I would have given it a 0)