


it's none of your business

2023-03-08 JoinedGlobal



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  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago

    more chapter

    This book has been deleted.
  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago

    in this story there is a serious lack of proper conversation between mc and other important characters like his father , cregan stark , otto . where the fuck is cregan stark and his half brother are they dead?

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago
    Replied to Ghostrider0002

    why is war 15 years away? he can make sure that war never happens or start war early so can easily destroy his enemy

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago
    Replied to AmouxCreationsX

    it's just an excuse it's been a year since u uploaded a new chapter in the story of "reborn in valyria" and u have complete any single story that why I am saying u stop making new story and complete your old Story first but as seeing your track record I am preety sure after few chapter u abandoned this story and create a new story like u have done and u keep on wasting people time

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago
    Replied to Targaryen_Official

    I think u should change the story because it stupid. corlys is far from the most powerful man in the westros also marry him does solve king problem or stablize the realem his biggest problem is drone and faith . u can change it rahenys was going to marry into house martel through which they were going to unite the drone into seven kingdom this more believe and justified reason to for jeaherys to hate and oppose mc marrge to rheanys

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago
    Replied to Targaryen_Official

    I strongly disagree during his end of his long life he is more lenient on his family like allowing rahenys to marry corlys for love a choice whiche he never gave to his daughters and by not directly announcing viserys as heir gave her fair opportunity for rahenys to compete for the position of heirs still he was the best family man but has improved a lot

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago
    Replied to

    absolutely pathetic reason .marrying for riches I weather u don't understand how the world in the original work the only reason she married corlys was because she was in love with him . and as a matter of expect during that time house targaryen was at its peak with the strongest army, money, and dragons. He also created the best bond with faith by making septon barth the hand of the he also practice and promoted the faith in return the promoted the doctrine of excepnalism among common people. corlys does quality to marry her because he much older then him and might have his his house fortune and fleet but it's really nothing compared to other great noble house like stark ,Lannister, tyrell , martell they money , bigger armer, land which several times bigger than that tiny island also a better castle also the flove huge population of people by simply marrying her into great nobel family corlys may have became rich but was nothing compared to tragaryen Or the other great nobel family

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago

    the entire concept of king jeahaeys being against incest is just stupid and ridiculous it's like saying that hitler was deeply hurt by Holocaust. he has always promoted the incest he even married his sister against the wishes of his mother . not only that he was only going to marry his first born son gaon to his fist born daughter danerys he married his son aemon to his half sister Jocelyn barathern who was the ant of ameon by blood relation(they have the same mother alyssa valeryon) he also married baleon to his sister alyssa marriage of viserys to his cousin amma arryn he also made a new law just to promote incest which was the doctrine of exceptionalism the only reson why he did not force rhneys to marry viserys bcuz she was fucking dragon rider and she was in already in love with corlys and other reason the death of jeaherys daughter when he forced them to marry against like the death of visera, geal committed suicide buz he took her child from her, seara who ran ways from home most of his daughter hated his marrge choices and died at young age because of it. I think in old age guilt and trauma of his action has directly lead to the tragedy of his daughter because of this he did force granddaughter rahenys to marry viserys .

  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago

    he could have directly wished to be king 👑

    This book has been deleted.
  • pranav_solanki
    pranav_solanki4 months ago

    The author on his way created a new story then abandoned it I will give minus -5 as a review because this story will never be completed like all his previous Story