


Just an NPC trying to be a writer

2023-03-08 JoinedIndonesia



of reading


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  • MichaelYong

    The paragraphs lacked organization, making it difficult to follow the flow of the story. The writing sounded overly simplistic and childish, failing to capture the depth and maturity expected in adult literature. While the concept had potential, the execution fell short, leaving me unsatisfied as a reader.

    My Girlfriend Left me Because my D&{k is Too Big!
    Urban · DAVHNMX
  • MichaelYong

    In this novel, the chapters appear to be quite short, which has both positive and negative implications. On the one hand, the brevity of the chapters allows for a quick and engaging reading experience. It creates a sense of pace and keeps the narrative moving forward. However, at times, I found myself longing for more depth within each chapter. Some chapters felt rushed, lacking in substance due to the limited number of sentences. It would be beneficial if the author could find a balance between maintaining the brisk pace and incorporating more substantial content within each chapter. By adjusting the paragraph structure and expanding upon ideas with a few additional sentences, the author could potentially enhance the overall reading experience and create a more satisfying narrative flow.

    The Songs Only I Hear
    Realistic · ASIAN_PECAN
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to MichaelYong

    Just changed the cover in case anyone asked.

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to MichaelYong

    I could potentially increase the popularity of my novel by naming it 'Traveling with a Tsundere Succubus in Another World.' But I've decided against it.

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong

    When is the new chapter coming out? Is this book dropped? Is the author busy?

    Chronicles of the Three Noblewomen
    History · RittaRiN
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to lovez99

    Thank you for your review! Your kind words made my day and I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed my work. I promise that I won't stop writing and will do my best to continue delivering stories that you'll love. Thanks again for your support!

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to XiWritter
    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong

    Dear esteemed reader, I humbly present to you this written work, crafted with the utmost creativity and literary prowess that I possess. It is with a great sense of pride and accomplishment that I share with you this magnum opus that I have so diligently labored to create. However, I must confess that the contents of this book are not rooted in reality but instead exist in the realm of my own imaginative musings. This piece of literature is the product of my fictional delusion, a figment of my mind's boundless imagination. I have taken liberties with the truth, constructed elaborate scenarios, and woven intricate plotlines that are not anchored in the tangible world. This work is a manifestation of my creative spirit and a reflection of my innermost desires, fears, and aspirations. As such, I implore you, dear reader, to suspend your disbelief and allow yourself to be transported to the world that I have conjured. Immerse yourself in the tale that I have spun, and experience the range of emotions that my characters evoke. May this book be a source of entertainment, enlightenment, and inspiration, despite its fictional nature. Despite the book being at its twenty-sixth chapter, I am confident that it will continue to captivate and enthral the reader, holding them in a state of suspense until the very last word. Thank you for embarking on this journey with me.

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to Riley_23

    Thank you for your reply. I'm still new to writing books, so I will do my best to improve, especially by avoiding over-describing scenes, like the one with the potato.

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to Dennis_Bundi_5441

    Thank you for your feedback, I will keep that in mind and try to use multiple point of views in the future!

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong

    This novel explores the compelling story of George Dickman, a young man who is far from ordinary due to his ability to turn any living thing to dust with just one touch. After a dispute with his father, George finds himself homeless and wandering the streets of the City of Bonaville. It is here that he meets Diego, a graveyard resident, and together they embark on an adventure. The journey is not an easy one, and in order to achieve their goals, the duo must first acquire graveyard residency, a feat that proves to be quite challenging. Along the way, George finds himself in dire situations, such as being tied to an altar and facing a cult of ancient tomb worshippers. The author does a fantastic job of creating a vivid and engaging world filled with unique and fascinating characters. George is a relatable protagonist, and readers will find themselves rooting for him as he navigates the challenges that come his way. The addition of magical elements adds depth and intrigue to the story, and the inclusion of various supernatural creatures keeps the plot fresh and exciting. The writing style is fluid and descriptive, immersing the reader in the story and keeping them engaged until the very end. The dialogue is natural and believable, and the pacing of the plot is well-executed, with a perfect balance between action-packed scenes and moments of reflection. Overall, this novel is an excellent example of the fantasy genre, with a well-crafted plot, compelling characters, and a captivating world. Fans of adventure and magic will find themselves thoroughly engrossed in the story, making this novel a must-read for anyone who loves a good adventure.

    Graveyard Residents
    Fantasy · Riley_23
  • MichaelYong
    Replied to Novel_monarch

    Thank you so much for taking the time to review my novel.

    Rhapsody Of The Otherworld
    Fantasy · MichaelYong
  • MichaelYong

    The chapter provides a good setting for a potential romance novel. The description of the kingdom of Valoria is vivid and helps to paint a picture in the reader's mind. The characters are also well-developed, especially the main character Prince Alexander, and Lord Richard, his advisor. The plot seems to revolve around Prince Alexander's struggle to find a suitable wife for himself in the midst of his father's illness and the pressure from the royal family to do so. However, the chapter could benefit from more dialogue and interaction between the characters to further develop their personalities and relationships with each other. It would also be helpful to have more context on the kingdom's culture and traditions to better understand the importance of the marriage issue. Finally, the chapter ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, which leaves the reader wanting to know what will happen next, but it would be good to have a stronger hook to draw the reader into the story. Overall, the chapter has potential and sets the stage for an interesting romance novel, but could use some further development and refinement.

    The Assassin's Redemption: A Princess's Journey to Forgiveness
    Fantasy · Dennis_Bundi_5441