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Is how twins are made Hmmm It's no wonder they always fight with each other Thank you for the great knowledge Author sama
Together Forever
omg so interesting . The beginning was mysterious making me want to read more and everytime I think I guessed what gonna happen, there's a plot twist
I'm rooting for yu chen gege
I hope Jin-Yan gege can find love in the end 🙏😘AMEN
In the beginning :THE SUSPENSE WAS KILLlNG ME (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻Nearly dropped the book you'd think she'd be smart cos she lived 29yrs before but ಠ_ಠbut I'm happy she ended up with Gu Chen-gege ಥ‿ಥ
OMG 😂 so funny but you disappointed me ,was hoping for a sequel .so hilarious I would like it if guide sama became human 😁
love it.it basically explains the life of an influencer clearly