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this will be a fun read
legacy has already proven to be unreliable in our current world so idd take the wider universe news network any day
can't mc just save sleep reset to get some mental rest without wasting time. also can he go back to previous save points or just the most recent? if he can't go to previous ones, if it were me i would've just put 1 save at the very start and never another.
tftc don't worry about missed chapters.
level =/= tier as far as i understand so please stop translating tier and lvl interchangeably when they're referring to different progress measurements.
why is mc not actively using his probability manipulation in combat to better dodge and more accurately attack? or is he but you're not telling us? or is there some drawback that makes him unable to? just wondering. and as always thanks for the chapter.
ok so you know where the gate is why not go there immediately why bother talking with anyone? by the time you've made it through they barely scraped a force to stop you if you do it fast.