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  • CMDR_Palps

    Hmmm, going based on Rodrigues here in the comments and reading a bit on Wookiepedia the current Queen mother should be Ni'Korish. She has quite the mean streak who'd kill any jedi who stepped into Hapan Territory. Fortunately the Hapans aren't really up to date technology wise so it shouldn't be difficult to subdue them if a war were to ever break out, it'd just take a while. They do approve of a more militaristic approach when it comes to galactic security so if Van "Removes" Ni'Korish from the throne and prevents her daughter from taking the throne, it might not be difficult to bring them into the fold. And if Marcellus just so happens to be of Royal blood, he may be Van's key to achieve just that as he'd have a claim.

    All Maxes and Marcellus know for sure about his father is that the man was a Hapan.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Really? They don't know why? The writing is practically on the wall. Hell, half of these senators attending this party are guaranteed to be piles of radioactive wastes. It'd hard NOT to see why they'd leave. Unfortunately the solution to this problem is beyond them, if they dip their nose into it palpatine will send them to the void.

    Currently he was a attending a party that was being thrown as part of a conference, convened by several Senators or the Republic to discuss the withdrawal of its member states over the past two some years, and solutions on how to address the situation.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Use excessive violence to wipe them all out.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    The Mon Cala, particularly one of the most dangerous races in the known galaxy. Once they put their minds to something, they're determined to finish it. With these traits they're known to be some of the best Naval crew you'd want which includes leadership positions and fighter pilot positions. This is a great loss to the republic and an absolute catastrophe for Palpatine. In Canon AND legends, their involvement in the rebellion and how much trouble they caused the Imperial navy caused them to be the species that palpatine hated the most. Once you get Akbar behind the wheel of one of your naval fleets he'll take multiple systems on his own with ease.

    "While I think your idea has merit colonel Sunrider, I'm sorry to say out current forces are not enough to undertake the operation you are seeking to perform." General Purgum explained to me. "Yaga Minor, Mon Cala, Ord Trasi, and Botajef have only just started full production of ships and starfighters for our fleets after agreeing to officially sign on with the Galactic Systems Alliance." He spoke. "Currently we have nowhere near the resources, nor the manpower, to launch an extensive military campaign into the Halthor Sector, nor any sector of space."
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    It's better to tame the Zygerrian Empire Sooner rather than later. When they join the CIS the leadership will bring back slavery. IIRC they have a particular rivalry with The Togruta (Same species as Ashoka Tano and Shak Tii).

    Like the Chorlian Sector, which is under the control of the Zygerrian Empire.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to 1stSlug

    Destroying the thing tying a Sith Spirit to a location is exactly what they'd want, it sets them free. Once Kun escapes he literally could go anywhere in the galaxy. If he escapes you can kiss the galaxy goodbye. Right now the only one who'd stand a chance is palpatine.

    So yeah, no Yavin 4 yet.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    You mean Bnar in particularly not the Jed'aii order? To be honest I'm not sure myself how they'd react. But one thing's for certain both The Jedi and Palpatine will be shocked. As for their opinions I'm not sure. As for the council, most of them would probably question why Bnar is with Van, Mundi's faction would probably argue that Van is holding him hostage, maybe even suggesting he turned Bnar to the dark side. Mace Windu's faction would probably argue something similar along the lines of that and coming up with a plan to 'rescue' Bnar. Yoda would probably be neutral on this matter, but I don't think he'll allow Mundi and Mace to act. Yoda's Faction, which includes Shak Ti and Adi-galia currently, will argue to just leave it alone for now to watch and see. - Now, as for Palpatine's reaction, at first he may think it's a jedi trick and may not take it seriously at first, but if he learns that it's the actual Bnar and not a trick. He may become fearful of the old jedi master to the point he'd want to try and have him killed. Who knows just how strong Bnar has become in the past 3000 years? Even the 800-900 year old Yoda could defeat him, and palpatine knows this. So what hope would he have against a 3000 year old jedi master?

    His knowledge and experience were just too invaluable to waste. Not to mention he is great boon for the Jedaii Order. I also can't wait to see how Palpatine and the Jedi Order will react when we reveal master Bnar's existence to the world one day.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Flying circles around the starfighters under her husband's command the white ship blew them apart without any mercy or hesitation.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    It's been stated in the past that Van is a bestseller novelist who recreated numerous franchises from his past life, such as A Song of Ice and Fire. He's made a literal ocean out of the credits he got from sales. He's also been 'confiscating' a lot of the wealth of slavers and pirates that he comes across. So credits definitely aren't an issue, he's probably Richer than Denmask Holdings or The Trade Federation. And if he knows where to look, getting what he needs for the Scimitar's cloaking technology isn't that big of an issue.

    Then once they did Van applied it to the Milano and had it done to many other ships as well.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Mina is one of Padme's old friends, right? At least it'll be easier to bring Naboo into the fold later down the line.

    "You ask us to join this new government, but what guarantee's do we have that it will be better and not worse than the Republic?" Senator Mina Bonteri asked. Her gaze landing on Yennali. "And why Ivor do you have a Jedi at your side?"
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    It's somewhat a morale thing. On one hand they feared that the order wouldn't last because of how badly beaten they got during order 66. However on the other hand, a lot of jedi had actually formed new lives for themselves during the reign of the Empire. Some have even formed families. They fear their lives would've been taken from them after joining the new order. As for the others who still believed in the Jedi way, they basically didn't approve of the methods Luke took or the changes he made to known jedi traditions.

    I also wonder why the Jedi who managed to survive the Imperial Era didn't join Luke's New Jedi Order in the EU/Legends. But it's whatever.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to Nathan_Just

    Unfortunately they're too much in the spotlight to repair the katana fleet. the republic will catch wind of it nearly instantly. To be honest it might be their best bet to fix and retrofit the fleet themselves without outside help.

    Meaning they might have to turn to one of their backup shipyard choices to get the Katana fleet repaired, which were Botajef and Fondor.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to carefreeshadow

    You'd be surprised how much power senators actually had. In some cases you could say that they were the true rulers of their worlds and not the world's governments.

    Even with Tikkes crimes exposed the Republic did not immediately act.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Wait, how does he know all of this? D-Did Revan basically tell him an erotica novel? Or is HK being a creep by watchin them?

    "Statement: I am not." HK-47 replied. "Explanation: Before my master lost his memories and ended up bonding with the female Jedi meatbag known as Bastila he would regularly exchange bodily fluids with the female Jedi meatbag Meetra Surik. In fact even after choosing Bastila as his mate he still exchanged bodily fluids with the female meatbag Meetra Surik. My creator sometimes exchanged bodily fluids with both female Jedi meatbags at the same time." HK-47 spoke.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    The reason why emotions cause jedi to fall to the dark side is because emotions are something that's basically new for them. It's like a volcanic eruption. The more the pressure, the larger the explosion. The more the emotion the jedi has in that moment, the harder the fall. This particularly happens when they're feeling the emotions of fear and anger. This is not healthy. The Jedi have it all wrong, they instead need to teach their students how to control their emotions and manage their attachments so that those connections can then be used to strengthen themselves in the light side.

    "No, he did not. I made this decision on my own." Yennali explained. "Namely because I have Van and he loves me. But due to the orders rules, and this council being too scared and stubborn to allow for something new the two of us are going our own way. Anyway thanks for everything, bye." She said.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Helpful in the short term, yes. But in the long term it's catastrophic.

    "The Reformation's were not foolish. They helped bring order and stability to the galaxy." Master Billaba said.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    I think Revan actually brought this up at one point. That the reason why emotions make Jedi fall to the dark side is because they don't know how to handle emotions, because the council emotionally neuter their members as children. So when a Jedi is suddenly introduced to such emotions, particularly fear and anger, it quickly overwhelms them and thus fall to the dark side. Revan was going to bring this information to the council to stop them from making such a bad misunderstanding so their members can actually be themselves, but he already knew he was very unpopular within the order so he decided to keep his mouth shut.

    "Oh yes, the dark-side. Because if we Jedi feel we'll fall to the dark-side." I spoke dramatically. "Yeah, that's Bantha Dung." I spoke. "For many Jedi over the centuries have been in touch with their feelings and many of them never fell to the dark-side. The same with forming attachments and having families. Because some of the greatest Jedi in our order did not follow those rules and they turned out fine. Revan and Bastila Shan, along with the Jedi Lord's of the New Sith War era. Hell my own ancestor Nomi Sunrider is a giant middle finger to your so-called rules. For all of you seem to forget Nomi had a family, and was an adult when she began her Jedi training, and yet despite her breaking your rules she is renowned as one of the greatest Jedi Grand Masters the order has ever seen." I spoke passionately. "You know maybe more Jedi wouldn't fall of they actually learned to embrace their emotions like normal people. Because we Jedi are people. Yet the order has seem to forgotten that."
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps

    Take em out sidious style

    I then activated my lightsaber's.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
  • CMDR_Palps
    Replied to CONNER_Jackson

    Ventress isn't on Dathomir at the moment, she should be on a backwater planet with her jedi master. The only person who comes to mind is Merrin, but she hasn't been born yet I think.

    Not because I give a shit about the Zabrak, but because I hope to build an alliance with the Nightsisters of Dathomir in the future.
    Star Wars: Scion Of The Sun
    Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever