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  • DaoistQxD5cd

    it's raising and it's not the shield hero

    "I can feel it... it's rising... this feels so good, Mom..."
    Reincarnated in the Astral World
    Fantasy · LamenThief
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    It hook me at first, but I still can't believe how people can write sooo stupid Mc. He says : Im not strong enough, im need to be careful, procedes to flirt with a woman who is clearly the crush of a influential arrogant young master that will be trying to kill him... Oh, I have meet a superior being, that is strong enough to bring the whole country where I live to his knees, procede to disrespect him. Im okay with Mc who are helpless and powerless but at least you must give him something good, idk, inteligence, charisma, but no.

    Strongest Mage with the Lust system
    Fantasy · Blizzard54k
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    I always had see it this novel in almost the top 3 in every site of web novels and just reading the name I was saying "meh this shit must be another generic smut-read for loosers" "another pokemon collector novel" ohh baby how wrong I was. A very very very VEEEERY pleasant surprise when Im started to read the novel something just hooked me very hard and the more I read the more I want. This novel just have something that make it very satisfactory to read.

    My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.
    Fantasy · Victor_Weismann
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to Red_Red_Lotes

    And that is one of the best thing that have Supreme Magus, how a Broken Child slowly with great difficulty, help of good companions, and learning from his mistakes in his new and previous lifes, can become a Better Man. And not just him, every character around him changes, adapt and become a better or worst version of themselves.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to Jetfusion

    I thought the same as you for a good time. But thinking about it carefully, the outcome of that Love Triangle is what keep me hooked all the story. At first I just want Lith to come back with Phloria, Kamila/Lith relationship feels off... Maybe the way they meet. Just a date, one gift and when we realized Kami turned a extremely important person in Lith life. And Im sure Im fking sure that the trigger for Lith and Solus Guardianhood tribulation will be Kamila death after Elysia is born. Because other character death will be not of much weight, not even Lith mom or Tista or Rena and I don't see a future with Solus dying, even if she can resurrect because of some of the tower features.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to 7mod


    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to Sheetswork

    I don't know what are you expecting but, I can say that you are missing a excelent novel here. Sure if one don't get hooked soon maybe the read may become forced and it's not good. But again, this novel is very very very complete in many aspects.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to Devilking122

    Act like a child? LoL what novel are you reading? Lith for all the beginning of the novel is the best personality he ever had. Totally contrary to the attitude of a normal child. Almost excellent minset for a reincarnated protagonist. His previous lifes are extremely important through all the novel marking Lith behavior in a very good coherent way.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to hexdemon

    A way to develop a character is through drama, not just put them in life and death situations and see what happens. Yeah, SM have a lot of drama, a lot of characters with his own demons, a lot of characters that not are cold blooded terminators. A lot of characters that are attentive at what is happening on they surroundings and don't eat whatever bullshit happen and think for they own . Every important character in SM feels alive and not are bots with a default behavior through all the novel. But yeah, this development is through drama.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to Daniel_Richard

    Dude you are missing a explendid novel here. If you say that the novel have harem well, you not even finish the academy arc. This story don't have harem. Romance and Drama? A LOT. but no harem.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    My first read in the world of Webnovel and I enjoy it A LOT. Fast paced sometimes, slow paced sometimes, a lot of romance, drama, conflicts, wars, a very complete story. The best and the worst part of the novel to me is the protagonist, Berengar is a excelent representation of the human being when they gain power, how they show their true nature. He is a extremely hypocrite guy, or the type of protagonist who their feelings and actions are dictated for his convenience and autor convenience. Cruel with his enemies but loving with his loved ones but at the same type so fking selfish that sometimes he don't give a fk about his loved ones and take decisions and does things that hurt them deeply and in any ferfetched way throw them the guilt. A sentence that my grandma says a lot represent him very well: The dead man is scared of the slaugthered man. The definition of hypocrisy. But hey don't misunderstand me, this not make the novel less great, just is something that maybe not much readers like.

    Tyranny of Steel
    History · Zentmeister
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    So childish, I enjoyed a lot RWTSS but this one nope. The novel it's good, don't misunderstand me but again I feel I am reading a story for childs and this William compared with the other one is worst.

    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    Im just read the first Arc, the first part of the first nightmare and DUDE, wtf Im reading, so mysterious, so bone chilling, the scenery described give me gosebumps, Im read and re-read the descriptions again and again to imagine them the best of my capabilities, Sunny is amazing his flaw make me eat my nerves when it takes action, how he can surprass all the shit the fan throw at him without his most powerfull weapon and this is just the beginnig

    Shadow Slave
    Fantasy · Guiltythree
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    My first "Yuri" harem and I am enjoying a lot, every character have something that makes them unique and enjoyable, plot pace is sloooow, but not boring, the autor it's taking his time with the plot development, it's feels like nothing happens sometimes, well the story is more a Slice of life than a action/weak to strong novel so maybe is that. The system is correct i guess a little usseles if you compare with others but that makes Kat grown with her own strenght and not a borrow power, the system it's a comic relief more than other thing. Also, Kat is the protagonist, but she doesn't do much protagonist things that one is used to read I mean, at the chapter i am right now, she doesn't have the stereotyped plot armor, the world is not spinning around her, really she is just a servant with her own quirks, not have the PROTAGONIST luck, very normal I must say. I guess if I change my expectatives and read this like a romance/yuri/r18 novel everything makes sense, AND that's what I like and surprise me, it;s not boring. Smut chapters are good (be carefull in public), action is well written. Just Im are confused, Jahi doesn't have both organs right? Just the flesh stick? Anyways, this novel had his flaws but the autor it's VERY attentive and reasonable with the critics/sugerences and communicates a lot with his community 5/5 in that regard.

    My Servant System
    Fantasy · Ketsueki_Hasu
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    Good Writing quality, some minor mistakes, nothing troublesome. 99% filler paragraphs and 1 % plot, the autor abuses of descriptions that gives the story an excelent world building but boring and slow story pace. Minos is very FLAT protagonist, 0 personality, it's super boring, his character develops just during sex scenes, it's feels like he is a machine that thing turn out well because thats how the script want's it.

    The Rise of the Black Plain
    Fantasy · RVN_1998
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    By far the best novel I ever read. Colossal World Background and construction, Colossal character development, it is one of the few novels (focused in fantasy) that explore in the emotions and state of mind in a soooooo deep way of almost all characters (protagonist, antagonist, villains, etc) One of the best power systems, simple but at the same time extremely variated and complex for every form of live in the world. Here the relationships feels extremely real, I mean, they are not perfect with unconditional love, nor they are taken for granted, In my opinion very very human and no idealized. Lith evolution it's amazing, full of mistakes, full of bad decisions, full of hardships, but he overcomes them becomes more strong mentally, physically and spiritually. The magic in this novel it's extremely complex and realistic with rules, nothing here happens just because "A magician did it" (well almost). The writting pace it's fantastic in my opinion (if you are not up to date with the updates and read the right now 2400+Ch), very few times skips, full of content with a solid structure (Like, Something big will happen, and until that big thing happen, to much mysterius mini things in the middle that fill the puzzle) Idk, what more say, I really recommend this novel to much. It's brutal and ruthless but at the same time wholesome, It is serius and dramatic, but also comical and lighthearted.

    Supreme Magus
    Fantasy · Legion20
  • DaoistQxD5cd
    Replied to amnesic_omniscient

    Yeah, maybe if Elyon just slow the pace a bit and would have developed every arc around a specific William Wive (the first promised ten) personally i would have liked more.

    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Fantasy · Elyon
  • DaoistQxD5cd

    It was a pleasure read this novel Elyon, I spent four to six hours reading at day for 2/3 months, RWTSS it became my obsession. But, In my humble opinion, almost everything is excelent until volume seven, since then its feels like all is going out of control, not necessarily in a bad way but some things just feel akward like the rape episodes (which btw I like a lot), the non stop of William fuck his promises and what I liked least no proper talk with belle after K-City arc and after she became a Pseudo-God. I think all the developing in the romantic relationships get to thrash when William get wives under the stones, I mean, Lilith, Chiffon and Belle "individual" arc's are very very very good in the development of a couple romantic relationship. Wendy, Ashe, Est, and Sidone Arc, its perfect in a development of a romantic Harem relationship. Then the last 3 volumes feels a bit empty, Epic, Funny, Enjoyable but empty. I would have liked a develop like Chiffon, Lillith and Belle arc's. Anyway, I enjoy to much this Fairy Tale and I recommed whenever I can. Ty <3

    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Fantasy · Elyon