Languages: Portuguese (Native), English (stories). Started March 2022 to make fanfics. Also Publishing in Wattpad & RoyalRoad
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I'm working in a lot of other projects, sadly I dont know when to return to this one, since the original novel got me a little "meh" with the series for the pass of time. There is also the plus of how I had change my way of writting and things like that, I have still a draft-plan of how to continue and how to end this fanfic (it would be a thing that would take more 2 volumes at least), but for now, undefinied hiatus.
welp, he didnt even know the fiance was going to show up, and he was already dating with Calca before they showing... Basically, seeing in the general perspective, it's ultra unfair for Calca if he returned to be with BB. + With how he is helping Nazarick and all the other things he is doing outside of Nazarick, if his relationship with Calca is destroyed in anyway possible, he will be actually fcked, since most of the things the other nobles accept of him, are due to he being seen as Calca's AngelHalo (He has different magic, yeah, but nobles are stupid sometimes and see more interest in the royalty itself instead of random peasant that works in labs.)
Becaus-[Letyan decides to reply for this instead] "I would love to be dead, why I'm not dead is spoiler-plot related. I dont make the rules... my fcker writer does, and I hate him for that."
Hate over sweet Calca? oh gosh..... dont care + ratio + "She is precious and great, you just hate her because you lick demiurge's feet and decides there arent women worth in the 'good morals' side."
there arent abbreviation there, ma dear reader. it's pure english... and if you are really asking because of the P/Level-Up... is basically Per Level Up, aka "for each level up"...
Foda que isso dai ta no original, esses primeiros capitulos são quase que a novel com alguns adicionais referentes ao que o Luz faz ou monologos dele no meio na narrativa (ja q eu fazia diariamente nesssa epoca). Então culpe o TurtleMe por isso! KEK
Is there a chance? "Y e a h"... extremely minimal with all the crazyness happening nowadays with me (due to studies and work all together of me focusing on my recent Overlord fanfic and a Draft for an OG Reverse-Isekai Novel).
sadly, with all things that are happening to me and the difficult to find time to write chapters... aaaaah no :'(
Yep, they dont, and that is why it's considered max, because it's the most u can get. xD