

2022-11-11 JoinedGlobal



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  • TigerUntamed
    Replied to VOID_

    I'm looking for a more modern warfare type novel.

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  • TigerUntamed

    Update Review: If I could give this novel a 0 star rating I would. This story was a huge waste of time I tell you. I kept expecting some sort of drastic subversion of expectations but I never got it. The story remains static and predictable. As I said before there's no tension in the story even though the author tries to create it. However it's just an illusion. After awhile you just stop caring because there's no true threat. There's too much plot convenience. As I said before there's a huge lack of espionage from the foreign powers and everytime there is Korea somehow manages to foil all attempts at it. Everyone they capture either conveniently tells them what they want to know or they can get it through a BS truth serum. How convenient is that? And even if they don't get everything it all works out in the end...somehow. Moving on the battles. The battles are extremely detailed which is good. Gotta give credit where it's due but unfortunately it grows stale really quickly as every country that Korea faces doesn't pose any threat whatsoever and because of that it becomes predictable and boring. You never go into a battle thinking oh they might lose this battle (which they don't). The author wants you think it's due to strategy and planning that Korea wins. But that is not the case. The countries they face never really have a true chance in winning AT ALL. On top of that the leaders of said counties aren't smart either. They are all stupid. There is no atagonist nation in this story because none of them are equal to Korea. Overall while the battles are descriptive and paints a nice picture, how they play out isn't worth reading. Moving on to Characters. While there are characters in the story it doesn't really have a protagonist so there's no one to really care about in the story. The true MC in this is Korea itself which is a Mary Sue with no flaws or weaknesses. The author refuses to give it any. I don't know about you but "struggle" and "challenge" is definitely not in this author's vocabulary. Lastly plot and story. To say the least there is no real plot or story to be had here only because it remains so static. It is supposed to be how Korea becomes a global power but how it gets there is boring with barely any obstacles. The author said with slightly futuristic elements however I couldn't help but feel like I was reading a Star Wars novel rather than a near future technological novel. Overall it is a power fantasy story written by an author who wishes their country was America in the real world.

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