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Nice , very good. I need must. ...............................,,.,..,.,.,..,..,.,.,.,.,,.,.,,.,,.,..,..,..,,..,..,.,.,.,,..,..,.,,.,,.,.,.,.,.,,....,.,.
This fic has a lot of potential, when there are more chapters it will be incredible.
When this fic has more chapters, it will undoubtedly be highlighted, it's very good.
This level of detail is incredible, sensational explanation. You must be in the field of biology or at least a big fan of this branch of science.
Intense physical training.
Guy At the age of 8, he already walked around the village 8 times and grew up normally. In a world with chakara, this need to wait until it grows up should be a maximum of 5 to 6 years. Kakashi didn't become chunin at the age of 8, without physical training.
Very promising.
Its very good.