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Ayoooo you both have such good stories! Dope to see you here
Pretty neutral so far. Went against the purebloods by revealing that they used to work with muggles for a long time, and pushed back against muggle superiority beliefs by explaining the Floo. Equally critical to both sides, pointing out their flaws. Not a bad history professor, Crouch.
Lol author tooting his own horn. I’m here for it though, it is a smart idea.
Lol just because you say something confidently doesn’t make it true. The diary horcrux could manipulate people, the ring horcrux got Dumbledore to forget his wits and succumb to the withering curse, the locket horcrux preys on the trio throughout half of book 7, and both the cup and the diadem whisper into Harry’s mind in the seventh movie. I get what you’re saying, but there is good precedent either way of the argument.
Reply was from Snollygoster, as my previous username was Snollygoster4Life or something stupid like that.
Wasn’t trying to pretend to be you! Sorry if that’s the case. Just a huge fan, love your work!
Writing Quality (2/5) - Effort has been put into the translation, which is great, but it still reads VERY clearly as a translation. There are sentences like “Ron Weasley’s palpitating face” that really ruin the immersion for me personally. Also, LOTS of tell not show throughout this fic. Tons of info dumps and monologues that I could do without. Updating Stability (5/5) - No complaints. Keep up the great work! Story Development (3/5) - Unqiue, interesting, different from the majority… but super bland sometimes simultaneously. Don’t know how to better describe it. Character Design (2/5) - Again, lots of tell not show. Character’s emotions are TOLD rather than expressed, at least that is what I have found. World Background (4/5) - Concept is dope, as previously stated. OVERALL SCORE (3.2) - An average fic to stave off your boredom. The only thing that bugs me is that I feel it could be so much more. But hey, that’s just my opinion. I would like to say to the translator that I think they’ve done well, all things considered.
That’d be sick, but I feel like it gets cringy sometimes when authors reference real world stuff in fanfiction. Just my opinion.
*shrug* Voldemort’s got good taste, what can I say?
Bro you had like 20 typos?? If you were trying to make a point, you did pretty badly.