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Es una pena que no continúes con la historia, a los que no les gusta el r18 par que se meten si esta indicado pero fa fue se disfrutara lo que hay, éxitos en tus próximos trabajos
Very good book, I hope you can finish it, among my favorite Naruto works without a doubt.
I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters I need more chapters
A estas alturas no creo que lo continúes una pena encontrarlo a estas alturas espero que puedas continuar con tus escritos sean cortos o mas largos
More I need more more more
The other fick is also very good but I hope this one is not abandoned
Calm down and take it with caolma to return with strength
Very good story, please continue with the translation / adaptation of this story
Excellent story and the only thing is purely personal, more details in scenes r18 besides longer and more more than not enough
Good for new readers and the writer is just leaving my opinion. One of the best Naruto fics I've read, it handles the characters well without giving exaggerated power to the protagonist and other characters. It maintains a good thread in the story without plot holes that you have found at least in your writings and that you reach the end of the story. To finish, it may be wrong since I am not aware of the whole story but there is another one with the same name and plot by a Chinese author if I am not wrong, but this one, at least for me, is difficult to read with the classic clichés of his works. and not respecting the original names which, at least for me, complicate the reading. If your reinterpretation or dubbing ends up being bad, whatever the case may be, thank you very much, continue with the incredible work.
I quite liked the story, the only thing I would have to criticize is that there comes a point where I don't know if it's supposed to be a Gundam fik or a Geass fik.