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Haha yea this was my first time writting so looking back its a little messy but I’m getting better I think
Love all the new lore and world building stuff dropped but it’s a little hard to keep up with atm
Nice start to the series; it’s pretty simple but it works really effectively
Not super into romance but the story was pretty good regardless and the characters were all decent. I love the depth there is to the world, although it was pretty hard to comprehend hearing it all so suddenly; Keep up the good work!
It started off a little rough and fast but once I read a little more it got a lot better. Besides the beginning I love everything overall and I don’t have many complaints to say for this one.
Not somebody who’s really into romance really but I still found this one entertaining, mainly at the mcs complete incel behavior having some of the dumbest (in a good way) and comedic narration I’ve read lately; I probably won’t read further cause romance isn’t really my thing but the work itself is decent in my opinion.
Pretty fun read so far, I love the world mainly but the characters have also been pretty decent along with everything else so far in my opinion. Keep up the great work!
This story is pretty decent but for me at least it’s hard to read, I’m probably being nitpicky here but half the time I don’t know if someone is talking or if it’s just narration and also sometimes it’s hard to know who’s talking. Minus grammar related issues though I think the concept is cool and the characters are decent.
Super great read so far, I love how the protagonist always gets the short end of the stick most of the time and is very human, the concept is pretty decent too I think and the pacing was just right.
This one is really good in my opinion, most if the characters feel pretty complete and well rounded and even though romance isnt really my favorite genre im still enjoying my time with this quite a lot.