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¡Hola a todos! Soy Space Monarch agradecería mucho si pudieran dejar su calificación y comentarios sobre cómo mejorar la traducción. Para cualquier pregunta sobre la obra, por favor contacten al autor "I'll form the head". ¡Gracias y disfruten la lectura!
Hello everyone! I am Space Monarch. I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave your rating and comments on how to improve the translation. For any questions about the work, please contact the author "I'll form the head". Thank you and enjoy the reading!
大家好!我是 Space Monarch。如果您能留下评分和有关如何改进翻译的意见,我将非常感激。如有任何关于作品的问题,请联系作者 "I'll form the head"。谢谢,祝您阅读愉快!
Ya saben como traductor puedo hacer un poco de trampa y darme 5 puntos. Porfavor comparta sus opiniones sobre la traduccion y en que aspectos se puede mejorar, lo apreciaria mucho. Gracias!!!
Author-san i recoment you impregnate kushina if itsuky whant's mark her Thank's for the chapter
Hey people the harem is already chosen i don't know way are you angry this is the author'san "FF" and he can do what he want
Hey bro maybe gIl can give to er pocion to increase his stregth
because he need streng first
Yea this really god too the Mc cab be a clone and change the destiny about the other's clones i liket
Is good is different i liked
I really like this one but something that i don't like is the power of the characters because they are god's and giagiants need to be destructive like destry mountains i don't know author-san but that is my opinion i you whant to do it i be with you