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I just don't know why the name Stannon. It means close connection with Stannis, which we know is bullshit. If Anything i could imagine him naming him Ned / Eddard Baratheon ( Since Robb Stark was named after Robert himself ). Even Steffon Baratheon ( father of Robert ) is a good name
She was Objectively considered most beautiful Woman at that era ( Lannister Beauty is no Joke, Golden Blonde Hair And Emerald Eyes ). With Only Close competition, Dany ( still child ) & Ashera Dayne ( dead )
young lord ? he's the bloody prince
Yeah, Jaime's Priority is always the Well being of his sister. He Won't go out of his way to kill children, unless they would cause serious trouble for Cersei.
Steffon Baratheon Makes Much Sense . Father Of Robert, Stannis & Renly. Westeros has an habit of naming their children closely after Grandfather. Even Orwyle Baratheon Sounds much better
This doesn’t feel like Nino’s personality. It suits Ichika much better. Nino is pretty much the normie girl with dismissive personality towards nerds at first. Later warms up.