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  • LoveMeHarder69

    I think people are being too judgemental, he said he didn't remember his past life. That means he has 11 years of being a lonely, neglected, and heavily abused boy in his head but no love or close relationships. He doesn't understand how they work. He assumed his value of her was equal to her value of him. While that is a little silly, considering he sees her as someone to groom; he also sees her as his only friend and someone important that he doesn't want to lose. The fact she was willing to lose him, for an education he's already proven is subpar is understandly bruising his limited feelings. Though in her defense, she doesn't know about the other schools. If he told her, maybe her answer would change.

    A heavy feeling settle in his heart and he felt something prickle in his eyes.
    New Dawn- A Harry Potter Transmigration Fanfic
    Others · Fortunate_Soul
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I agree with the comment above. I get what you're going for but it's so strange to me that everyone and i do mean literally everyone has a horrible opinion of her even if they are being "nice" about it. She literally saved their lives and if it wasn't for her; no one would know Quirrell was after the stone since NO ONE WOULD LISTEN TO HER including Professor McGonagall.

    Perks, however, was showing promise. It would be interesting to see how she turned out in their fifth year, assuming Peta-Lorrum didn't get her killed before then.
    Harry Potter and the Girl in Red
    Book&Literature · Leylin_Farlier
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I know this is a very on par hermione thing but this is not at all what a friend would do. Rose is too nice; I would have dropped Hermione. No way am I downplaying myself and my skills to make you feel better about yourself.

    "She is, but… Everything just comes so easily to her!" Hermione blurted. With the dam finally broken, the water came gushing out. "It seems like everyone always talks about her, and she's perfect at everything she does, and I've always been the clever one, but no matter how hard I try, I can't match her level!"
    Harry Potter and the Girl in Red
    Book&Literature · Leylin_Farlier
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I see what you were going for but I highly doubt Bellamy would just blurt this out to a stranger just because Angus said hi.

    Bellamy: That would be amazing to be down there. If we were then my sister would not be Floated next year.
    The 100: AllFather
    TV · GrizzlyCraig
  • LoveMeHarder69
    Replied to Nilal_Arasan

    Probably because in reality; that's exactly what the death eaters would have done especially to muggle women and the imperious curse would make it all the easier.

    After a trial, the man is convicted and goes to jail for the rest of his life. But his buddies are furious and swear to rape and kill your whole family. Now you have to spend the rest of your lives in witness protection with a meagre allowance and forever limited by protocols to keep you safe. Because the press covered the story closely, your identities are exposed, and you now have to live quietly to avoid any publicity or risk being found by killers.
    Dark Lord Dumbledore
    Book&Literature · Chado_Sama
  • LoveMeHarder69

    Is this because it's an AU or going off the assumption that wizards haven't kept up with muggles and therefor know nothing about the science, etc.?

    the professor was talking how the earth was the center of the universe, and that every star, moon and sun was moving around it. And as we all know, as Galileo already said, it's the earth that spins around the sun.
    Harry Potter but AU???
    Book&Literature · DAFR
  • LoveMeHarder69
    Replied to Kazuki190

    Isn't OP the best kind of fan fiction? So long as the author doesn't stagnate themselves by making them OP with no direction or purpose.

    "Yea, they both had very tough lives. They were stuck in a very sad cycle of life, they are husband and wife, but every life they are born into they were destined to die the same way, betrayed by their closest friends, I couldn't allow such a thing so I rescued them and removed the curse. When they found out about you, they requested that they accompanied you after their next rebirth. They are Flamebird and Nightwing, they are kryptonian dragons."
    Primordial Kryptonian Across the Omniverse
    Movies · Sykocyrus
  • LoveMeHarder69
    Replied to carefreeshadow

    I think - unless this is AU - in the first season there is no way Lydia would have admitted to wanting to do anything academic; this was when she was still pretending to be a dumb bimbo for Jackson.

    Lydia's brow furrowed ever so slightly, but she nodded, sensing the reluctance in Michael's response. "Fair enough," she replied, a note of understanding in her voice. "Well, I've always had a passion for art and fashion. I dream of becoming a renowned designer someday, creating pieces that make a statement."
    Rise of the true alpha in Teen Wolf
    TV · j_k_l
  • LoveMeHarder69

    It's kind of funny that all these new Twilight Fics want to be "Original" by making Alice the mate/love interest, because she "doesn't get picked as a love interest in fanfiction"; but now it's become as overused as a Rosalie pairing.

    Neither of us said a thing to the other, we just stared at each other intensely, it was as if something had clicked within me and I had met my other half. I was having a full blown Twilight moment but the woman whom I was having it with wasn't someone I expected.
    ReLife In Fake Twilight
    Anime & Comics · outsidr
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I've already been assuming but I think this is confirmation that this is a translated Fic likely from Chinese or Japanese.

    "Leo-kun, it seems you protected my daughter. As a father, I am deeply grateful. Thank you."
    Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)
    Book&Literature · Ginormous_Madman
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I don't get why people are complaining - I get that its "overused" but it is the simplest and canonical way for someone to handle this situation when they have studied magic beforehand. Accio is the summoning spell - who cares if people used it in many fics? That's how the spell works! It's what a prefect SHOULD have done if they went cabin to cabin searching for Trevor in the book/movie. People really use any excuse to complain these days.

    Hermione and The Genius Magic Formula (Harry Potter Fanfic)
    Book&Literature · Ginormous_Madman
  • LoveMeHarder69

    If someone writes this - I would love to read it too!

    Ch 10 Idea 12 HP x Ouat (Once Upon a Time
    Ideas I want to read(updated as I have them)
    TV · 9TailedFoxFire
  • LoveMeHarder69

    The confusion for everone stems from the fact that the shifters were not WEREWOLVES; the wolf form was a coincidence. The true children of the moon were hunted to near extinction by the Volturi and were monsters incapable of controlling themselves on the full moon.

    No, Teagan may have enjoyed the world that Stephanie Meyer gave birth too when she created Twilight but she did not enjoy Edward nor Bella, and if she was being honest even Jacob crossed many lines in her book. Manipulation, Sexual Assault, Fiery Temper and Strength he could not control. Another male who insisted he wasn't good for the girl and yet could not stay away due to his own selfishness.
    Reincarnated in Twilight as Bella Swan (with a twist)
    Movies · CamiRose
  • LoveMeHarder69
    Replied to TOG9

    The ShapeShifters protected humans. The werewolves were monsters who hunted everything including humans and vampires but were hunted into extinction.

    "Twilight." 'Its' echo had taken on a strained note to reveal just how stressed 'It' was.
    Reincarnated in Twilight as Bella Swan (with a twist)
    Movies · CamiRose
  • LoveMeHarder69

    Isn't he 5? She's his MOM. I -

    Mom had done son-con to the point that my word was the word of God. She would basically do anything for me. She also knew that I know about adult things so she had started to show off her body a bit more.
    OP INCUBUS MC ruining TEEN WOLF and LEGACIES With a little Multiverse.
    TV · ItIswhatItIs
  • LoveMeHarder69

    I know this is old and technically this may have been for story purposes; but in reality, with HP magic you should be able to make those supplies last... well, indefinitely. The spell they use where they can simply multiply something; as long as you have at least one you can have theoretically speaking, an infinite number of them. Like the spell they use on the food in the Great Hall. And if you know a stasis charm of some sort; you can keep it all good and fresh, too.

    Other than that it was fairly smooth, supplies obviously weren't going to last forever as we were bringing in more and more people.
    Fear the walking dead SI
    TV · Westley86
  • LoveMeHarder69

    If he was immortal, I could understand showing off all of his things including Helia, but since he isn't all, he is doing is putting a really large target on his head.

    "I can save you and your patients doctor... isn't that all you need to know?" She looked disbelieving at me. Probably thinking I'm crazy so I called out for Helia, who flamed to my shoulder. I love seeing people's shocked faces by this point. It amuses me for some reason.
    Fear the walking dead SI
    TV · Westley86
  • LoveMeHarder69

    You should really start using legilimency on everyone. You have no idea who you can truly trust if you don't, especially with your MC telling every-one and their brother about his powers, healing, and a whole cure.

    I also had everyone who wants to go out beyond the fence do some minor cardio and strength exercises, at least an hour a day minimum, unless we go out that day, which to be fair we have gone out several times over the last two weeks, at first it was me going by myself, I brought back a few survivors every time usually kids that managed to hide but one of them was also Kimmie. I think she is trying to pay it back by going back out and watching my back or just to save others. It's hard to read her, but I could tell she was tough.
    Fear the walking dead SI
    TV · Westley86
  • LoveMeHarder69

    Feather Light Charm Bro, It shouldn't weigh a thing.

    While I waited for this little shindig to pop off, I have been busy in the meantime. I have taken several of the people who wanted to learn how to protect themselves out to hunt the infected in the city, and I finally got to wear my load out! Though it was somewhat heavy, when you included the backpack full of spare magazines, it was worth it.
    Fear the walking dead SI
    TV · Westley86
  • LoveMeHarder69
    Replied to Spudz_Gaming

    FF - it has its own rules.

    With all this done I decided it would be best to take a play out of Victor Strands playbook early on and go the sea faring route initially to start anyways. It was a bit obnoxious to deal with the lack of money issue but I decided to go the cheat route, find the richest asshole criminal that I could and Imperious his ass. Thus took me to a drug cartel in Mexico. I had the asshole sell as much of his own assets as possible quickly and then had him purchase me the yacht I always wanted in my past life. was this frivolous? probably... did I care? probably not. Its an 439' yacht called Serene, sleek and beautiful and mine... I had him make sure that all the crew hired for the ship are younger and have no dependents as that would be annoying to lose my crew due to wanting to go find family and shit or if they were worthwhile to bring their family for a few days vacation on the cruise.
    Fear the walking dead SI
    TV · Westley86